Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 908 Young Master is very likely to want to destroy the way of heaven and replace it with hum

The moment Xiaoyao Immortal King heard Li Yixi say the word "Lei Punishment Authority", his heart trembled uncontrollably, with an expression of disbelief.

After all, in the cognition of Xiaoyao Immortal King, the power of thunder and punishment is controlled by the way of heaven, and the consciousness of the way of heaven is almost asleep. After all, the way of heaven in the nine heavens is not very perfect, so these rules of the way of heaven are still very mechanical, and some punishments can be avoided And open.

But at this moment, Xiaoyao Immortal King actually heard Li Yixi say that the Central Immortal Court did not hold the authority of Lei Fa?

This made the Immortal King Xiaoyao couldn't help being horrified, how could the authority of Lei Fa be controlled by the Central Immortal Court?

The Immortal King Xiaoyao took a deep breath, and after suppressing the panic in his heart, his eyes fell on Li Yixi, and he asked solemnly: "My lord, are these powers controlled by people?"

The Immortal King Xiaoyao was too shocked just now, after the words of the Immortal King Xiaoyao spit out at this moment, the Immortal King Xiaoyao regretted it instantly, but now it is too late to regret, the words have already been spoken.

Everyone at the banquet was staring at Immortal King Xiaoyao, wishing to kill Xiaoyao News.

How could this bastard ask such a sensitive question?

At this moment, everyone present was terrified, they didn't know if Li Yixi would get angry.

Li Yixi was stunned for a moment when he heard the words of Immortal King Xiaoyao, with a look of helplessness on his face, "Actually, I don't know these things. Everything I know comes from books. After all, everything in books It can't be true."

At this moment Li Yixi couldn't help explaining.

After everyone heard Li Yixi's words, there was a look of anxiety on their faces. It was even more difficult for Tang Lan to suppress the anger in his heart. After all, Tang Lan was very worried that Li Yixi would not like it. However, he did not expect that the idiot Xiaoyao Immortal King would divert the topic.

Tang Lan said immediately, "Shut up, you actually changed the subject!"

But when Tang Lan's eyes fell on Li Yixi, he hurriedly forced a smile on his face, "Young Master, I was interrupted by Xiaoyao Immortal King just now, can you tell us everything about the story of Conferred God?"

After the voice fell, a pair of eyes fell on Li Yixi in an instant.

Li Yixi found that even Hu Qingyun next to him was something he had been looking forward to for a year.

Very helpless, Li Yixi could only cough and said with a smile: "It's actually very simple, let me tell you about it."

"The story of Fengshen is actually just a fight between the gods and the power. They not only fight for the power in the sky, but also expand their power in the world!"

"It was originally a struggle between explaining and cutting off teachings, but by the way, they changed the world!"

"But in fact, whether it is explaining the teaching or intercepting the teaching, they are all under the ancestor of Junhong, but later, with the efforts of the Master Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun, each has flourished after ten thousand years, but the Jiejiao has emerged in large numbers and developed extremely , causing anxiety in the teaching, so, in the name of the twelve immortals first committing the killing command, a war of attack between the brothers was launched."

Speaking of this, Li Yixi felt his throat was a little dry, picked up the wine in front of him, took a sip, and moistened his throat.

At this moment, everyone was trembling with fear, and their eyes showed shock. Many of them had been in the lower realm and knew that Li Yixi had talked about Journey to the West. In their memory, Master Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun , That is an extremely terrifying existence. I never thought that this story of conferring gods would be about two such terrifying existences playing games.

Each of them held their breath for a moment, afraid of accidentally making a sound and interrupting Li Yixi.

After all, from their point of view, Li Yixi is also making arrangements, and seems to be playing games with unknown existences. Everyone thinks that Li Yixi's talk about the Romance of the Gods is not a fever, but a hint, so they want to seize this moment. gist.

Even at this moment, the hands under the table tensely clenched into fists.

Now they finally know why King Zhou blasphemed Nuwa, and Nuwa even sent a fox to charm King Zhou. This should not belong to the style of a god, and in their view, it has lost the status of a god.

But he didn't expect that these two terrifying existences were playing chess.

After Li Yixi moistened his throat, he continued to smile and said that the reason why Jiejiao is powerful is because the introduction of Jiejiao is not rigid in form. In the same class, anyone who has a heart for the Tao can join the religion, and the leader recruits a wide range of disciples, so there are many disciples, all of them are uneven, it is simply the coexistence of fairies and demons.

"However, Yuanshi Tianzun is the head of teaching, and Yuanshi Tianzun's way of accepting disciples is cumbersome. He has never taught the truth lightly, and he pays more attention to self-cultivation. Every time he accepts a disciple, he will examine his character, physical fitness, etc. On the one hand, so it seems that the overall combat power is not bad, but in terms of personal magic power, it is slightly inferior, so it gradually distanced itself from Jiejiao."

"So the two sides fought the God Conferring War to destroy Shang and revitalize the Zhou Dynasty, refine the Conferred God List in the name of heaven, and let the souls of all kinds of gods who died in the battle be recruited to the Conferred God List, and arranged to be on duty in the heaven and the human world.

But in fact, this is a conspiracy. The family dominated the situation, and in the end, it was swallowed up by the Chanjiao and the Western Cult through the Conferred God War."

When everyone heard Li Yixi talking about conferring gods, there was a hint of shock on their faces, they didn't expect that such a terrifying existence would be so scheming and scheming.

At this moment, the Immortal King Xiaoyao's body trembled suddenly, and there was a storm in his heart. After the Immortal King Xiaoyao contacted Journey to the West at this moment, he thought of too many things.

The Immortal King Xiaoyao thought of the Heavenly Court, and the Immortal King Xiaoyao remembered that in Journey to the West, the Heavenly Court is the management center, and in the Heavenly Court there are the ears of the wind, clairvoyance, and the father of thunder and the mother of lightning.

At this moment, Immortal King Xiaoyao was extremely shocked in his heart, and his lips trembled slightly, but in the end, Immortal King Xiaoyao suppressed the shock in his heart, and did not say a word.

Li Yixi told a few chapters of the story, and it was over. Li Yixi left Xiaoyao Immortal Mansion under the respectful escort of Xiaoyao Immortal King and others.

Seeing Li Yixi who left through the sky, everyone looked solemn, and after a moment of silence, Xiaoyao Immortal King said solemnly: "Everyone, what do you feel after listening to Fengshen, do you know what the young master is implying?"

After Xiaoyao Immortal King's words fell, Tang Lan's face was shocked, his lips trembled slightly, he looked at the sky, and said tremblingly: "Young master said before that you want to build the underworld and the six reincarnations, so that all the dead souls will die With the opportunity of reincarnation, and now the young master is talking about the power of thunder and punishment, and today he explained in detail the conferring of gods, I think, young master, it is very likely that he wants to establish a heavenly court."

"Young master is very likely to want to destroy the way of heaven and replace it with humans!"

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