At this moment, Nine Heavens Sword Master was extremely nervous. Although he sat down with Tang Jingtian, his butt tightly occupied a small part of the chair, and his body bent forward slightly.

When I was outside, at first glance, the Heaven and Earth Emperor Chariot was very small, but at this moment, the Nine Heavens Sword Master looked shocked, the space inside the car was like a big living room, and surrounded by countless Dao rhymes .

At the moment when Nine Heavens Sword Master looked nervous, Tang Jingtian said, "Brother, don't you have something to ask, Young Master?"

After hearing Tang Jingtian's words at this moment, the already nervous Nine Heavens Sword Master couldn't help but tremble.

The moment his eyes fell on Li Yixi, Nine Heavens Sword Master was incomparably shocked, because at this moment Li Yixi's body was surrounded by a series of mysterious powers, Li Yixi's body was like an inviolable divine body.

Nine Heavens Sword Master knew that he had to speak at this moment, thinking that his previous self had humiliated Li Yixi, so he wanted to kill himself.

Nine Heavens Sword Master said in a trembling voice: "I also ask you to make amends!"

The voice fell, and with a plop, Nine Heavens Sword Master knelt directly in front of Li Yixi.

Facing Li Yixi, at this moment Sword Master Nine Heavens couldn't think of resistance at all, it was too scary.

Li Yixi with a smile on his face suddenly found that Nine Heavens Sword Master was kneeling in front of him, his expression changed suddenly, and he immediately stretched out his hand to hold Nine Heavens Sword Master.

"Fellow Daoist, what are you guilty of?"

"We are just meeting for the first time. We haven't had any intersection before, so how can we have grievances?"

"A man has gold under his knees. He kneels on his knees and kneels on his parents. How can he kneel when he sees everyone?"

"Quick, get up, no matter what misunderstanding, my atonement makes you innocent."

Li Yixi was a little puzzled and puzzled, originally wanted to pull Nine Heavens Sword Master up, but at this moment Li Yixi suddenly found that Nine Heavens Sword Master's eyes were showing persistence, so Li Yixi had to explain With a sound.

The Nine Heavens Sword Master, who was extremely worried, heard Li Yixi's words at this moment, "I will atone for your innocence." Only then did he feel the sharp sword hanging between his eyebrows disappear, and stood up with trembling legs, facing Li Yixi. Xi immediately saluted: "Thank you, young master!"

"My lord, I have been seeking the Dao all these years. To achieve my goal, I have offended many people with my words. What do you think is the Dao and what is the sword?"

"Is it true that after a person's talent reaches the limit, he can no longer make progress?"

"Over the years, I have traveled all over the mountains and rivers and seen countless kendo inheritances, but I still have nothing to gain. Have I really reached my limit?"

After Nine Heavens Sword Master received Li Yixi's forgiveness at this moment, his eyes lit up immediately, and he dared to ask Li Yixi his heartfelt feelings.

Although Sword Master Nine Heavens was extremely nervous and fearful of Li Yixi, at this moment Sword Master Nine Heavens felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. There are few people who can explain it to him.

After the voice fell, Sword Master Nine Heavens fixed his gaze on Li Yixi, anxiously waiting for Li Yixi's answer.



"Brother, I'm just a mortal, how can I know what is Dao? What is swordsmanship?"

"It's like a blind man who hasn't opened his eyes to see the sky. How could he know what the sky looks like?"

Li Yixi had a helpless smile on his face, looked at Nine Heavens Sword Master and said.

Sword Master Nine Heavens felt a little regretful, Sword Master Nine Heavens felt that Li Yixi didn't want to point him out, but at this moment Sword Master Nine Heavens didn't dare to say anything, let alone get angry.

However, at the moment when Sword Master Nine Heavens looked regretful, Li Yixi, who took a sip of the wine, slowly put down the wine glass in his hand, and said with a smile: "Although I am not a practitioner, let alone a man with a penetrating power. I don’t know what the Dao is, and I don’t know what a sword is.”

"But I know that a person's limit has nothing to do with his talent."

Nine Heavens Sword Master, who was originally disappointed, trembled suddenly when he heard Li Yixi's words at this moment, and a bright light shot out from those confused eyes, staring at Li Yixi firmly.

Excitedly said: "Young Master, what do you think it is related to?"

After Li Yixi heard the words of Sword Master Nine Heavens, a smile appeared on his face, and he thought to himself: "Although I am not a practitioner, let alone know what the Dao is, and I don't know what the ultimate martial arts is, but I come from Blue Star, Knowing psychology, if you want to fool these people, wouldn't it be handy."

Because the moment Sword Master Nine Heavens just entered the car, Li Yixi felt something extraordinary from Sword Master Nine Heavens. In Li Yixi's eyes, Sword Master Nine Heavens was dressed like a hidden master.

So at this moment, hearing the other party's words, Li Yixi felt that his opportunity to perform had come, and there should be no problem in making hints in his heart. As for whether it was useful, that was not what Li Yixi cared about.

Moreover, Li Yixi felt that this was an opportunity to establish a good image of himself, and also make the other party owe him favors.

Seeing the fiery gaze of Sword Master Nine Heavens, Li Yixi smiled and said, "I really don't know what is sword and what is Tao, but I know that there are mortals who hold iron swords and dare to point the sword at the imperial power and defy the sky." Change your life, and dare to draw your sword to the sky!"

"But there are also extremely powerful people who hold the sword of kingship and the sword of killing, but dare not draw the sword, and keep the sword in the scabbard all the time, and they will be unknown until death."

"So I think a person's limit has nothing to do with talent."

"It should have more to do with a person's heart, maybe this is what you call Jianxin!"

At this moment, Li Yixi said with a smile like a peerless expert.

Nine Heavens Sword Master trembled violently, his eyes showed disbelief, he clenched his fists violently, and his face was a little pale.

"I actually lost Jianxin, I actually lost Jianxin."

"As the expert said, the current me is indeed not as good as a mortal."

"No matter how weak a mortal is, he dares to draw his sword to the sky, to the gods and demons, but after I am defeated, which sword will always imprison me completely."

"I completely lost my confidence and lost my sword bone."

"However, how can we reunite Jianxin?"

At this moment, Sword Master Nine Heavens looked lonely when he thought of the battle in the chaotic world.

Although he felt that what Li Yixi said was good, it would be very difficult to reunite Jian Xin.

Nine Heavens Sword Master's eyes fell on Li Yixi's body again, with a hot face, thinking that maybe Li Yixi could make him reunite his sword heart.

"To tell the truth, my son, I once challenged a terrible person, but I lost, my sword heart was lost, my woman was lost, and I want to stand up again."

"My lord, what do you think is Jianxin?"

"How can we break through our state of mind and improve our swordsmanship?"

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