Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 839 The sky did not give birth to me Li Chungang, swordsmanship is like a long night

Li Yixi felt the fiery eyes of Sword Master Nine Heavens, and instead of answering the excited Sword Master Nine Heavens, he asked with a smile: "Brother, what do you think is a sword, what is the way of the sword, and what do you think?" How do you think the way of the sword is divided?"

At this moment, after hearing Li Yixi's words, Nine Heavens Sword Master immediately said: "My lord, I think the sword is protection, and the way of the sword is constantly becoming stronger. I think the way of the sword can be divided into several realms. The first realm is the sword intent. Only after comprehending the sword intent can one be powerful, and the second state, I call it the sword power, comprehend the sword power and be invincible."

"The third realm, I think, is the will of the gods. Only when the sword is powerful enough to be transformed into the will of the gods can one become stronger and become a sword master."

"The fourth realm, I think, is the law. Only by controlling the power of the law can the sword have the power to destroy the world and become the sword god. Young master, do you think there is something wrong with my understanding of the sword?"

At this moment, Sword Master Nine Heavens spoke out all his thoughts, and his fiery eyes fell on Li Yixi who was sitting in front of him with a smile on his face, waiting for Li Yixi's answer.

Tang Jingtian also looked at Li Yixi excitedly, at this moment Tang Jingtian also wanted to see Li Yixi's opinion on swordsmanship.

Tang Jingtian felt that he might have a great opportunity today.

Both Tang Jingtian and Nine Heavens Sword Master practice the way of swordsmanship. The two of them at this moment are full of expectations for Li Yixi's answer.

Hu Qingyun, who was sitting on the side warming wine for Li Yixi, also looked at Li Yixi curiously at this moment.

Hu Qingyun also wanted to know what kendo was.

At this moment, Li Yixi felt the gazes around him, and a smile appeared on his face, especially when he saw his wife's beautiful eyes, Li Yixi felt that it was time for him to act aggressively.

Looking at the fiery Nine Heavens Sword Master, he said with a smile, "Your understanding of kendo is indeed correct, but I think you are just a beginner in kendo."

"Until now, all you pursued were power, or the most superficial things."

"It can't be strengthened like this, because if there is no real strong vision and state of mind to suppress the power, then a person is very likely to reach a limit. After reaching this limit, it will be impossible to break through."

"Only when you see a stronger sword can you make your kendo stronger. Of course, for you now, you must first break the demon in your heart. If you lose the sword in a row, you can't break it." , then how can you continue to be strong?"

"And now the reason why I say you are just a kendo beginner is because I think there are only three realms in kendo."

At this moment, Li Yixi saw the fiery eyes of the two, and did not answer immediately, but picked up the wine and took a sip.

After moistening his throat, Li Yixi said with a smile: "I think the first level of swordsmanship is to fight for three thousand miles with one body, one sword has blocked millions of masters, one body has turned into ten thousand swords, and cultivated an invincible heart. Of course, Such a realm is still a mortal, which is what I call a kendo beginner.”

As soon as Li Yixi's words fell, at this moment, both Tang Jingtian and Jiutian Jianzun trembled suddenly, their faces were incredulous, the two of them couldn't believe it, this kind of realm is already an extremely powerful existence, How is it possible that he is still a kendo beginner?

Neither Nine Heavens Sword Master nor Tang Jingtian said a word, the two of them had turbulent waves in their hearts, their eyes fixed on Li Yixi, waiting for Li Yixi's explanation.

Li Yixi looked at the two people in front of him, did not refute, and continued to smile and said: "I think the second level of swordsmanship should improve the state of mind again, and has nothing to do with strength."

After Li Yixi said this, he didn't continue talking, but stopped.

Nine Heavens Sword Master and Tang Jingtian, who were eager to know the answer, couldn't bear it at all. Tang Jingtian asked aloud: "My lord, what do you think the second realm looks like?"

After Li Yixi heard Tang Jingtian's words, he felt that Tang Jingtian was very up-to-date, how interesting it was to pretend to be aggressive by himself, and it would only be perfect if someone cooperated.

So Li Yixi looked at Tang Jingtian and said with a smile: "There are 300 million sword immortals in the sky, you have to lower your eyebrows when you see me."

Just as Li Yixi's voice fell, Tang Jingtian and Jiutian Jianzun's bodies trembled suddenly at this moment, and they looked at Li Yixi in disbelief.

At this moment, the two looked at each other, terrified in their hearts.

Sword Master Nine Heavens seemed to explode in his mind like a thunderbolt, and the figure in Sword Master Nine Heavens' heart, the nightmare, was instantly shattered by this bolt of lightning.

Originally, Nine Heavens Sword Master thought that no one could defeat that person, and he would never be able to defeat him in his life, but when he heard Li Yixi's words that there are 300 million sword immortals in the sky, and he needs to lower his eyebrows even when he sees me, Nine Heavens Sword Master suddenly felt The gap between that person and Li Yixi is too great.

Nine Heavens Sword Master's breathing became extremely heavy.

His chest heaved violently, he raised his head abruptly, and asked Li Yixi excitedly: "My lord, what do you think is the third and last stage of seeing swordsmanship?"

After Nine Heavens Sword Master's voice fell, Tang Jingtian next to Nine Heavens Sword Master was extremely quiet, without any movement, even unwilling to breathe, staring at Li Yixi stubbornly, wanting to know the answer.

Hu Qingyun, who was holding the jug and wanted to pour wine for Li Yixi, stopped her movements in an instant, not letting the wine in the jug fall into the glass and making a sound.

Because at this moment, Hu Qingyun is also eager to know what the third realm Li Yixi said is. In their eyes, a swordsman is an extremely powerful existence. A sword can open mountains, cut rivers, and cut sky.

But I suddenly felt how narrow their vision was before.

Li Yixi didn't seem to perceive the shocked gazes of the three: "The third state of swordsmanship is actually the state of mind, but that state of mind is already transcendent."

"When you reach a limit, you stand on a real peak, you will be the top of the mountain, and you will see all the mountains."

"Perhaps it is more appropriate to use the words of a person in my memory to describe this realm."

At this moment, Li Yixi paused for a while, and then said calmly: "I was not born to Li Chungang, and the way of swordsmanship is like a long night."


At the moment when the voice fell, whether it was Sword Master Nine Heavens, Tang Jingtian, or Hu Qingyun who was sitting on the side, it seemed that a thunderstorm sounded.

At this moment, in the minds of the three of them, a blurry figure involuntarily appeared, holding a long sword and roaring up to the sky, Li Chungang was not born to me, and the way of the sword is like a long night.

At this moment, the three of them felt what true invincibility is.

It's not that I am invincible in the world, but that this world would be eclipsed without me. Such a state of mind caused extreme shock in the eyes of the three of them at this moment.

The coachman outside the carriage also looked dull at this moment, and murmured frantically: "Li Chungang was not born to me, and the way of swordsmanship is like a long night?"

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