At this moment, Tang Jingtian's eyelids twitched after hearing the words of Sword Master Nine Heavens, because Tang Jingtian knew very well that Li Yixi was not far away, and this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to flatter him.

At the same time, a mocking look appeared on Tang Jingtian's face. From Tang Jingtian's point of view, the Nine Heavens Sword Master at this moment is simply courting death, even if he is a true god.

In Tang Jingtian's eyes, Li Yixi is an invincible existence, how can someone like Nine Heavens Sword Master be compared.

The aloof Nine Heavens Sword Master heard Tang Jingtian vetoing himself again at this moment, his face was so angry that it was almost impossible to suppress, he stared at Tang Jingtian and said: "Boy, you are simply arrogant and ignorant, the old man is beyond your imagination, old man The way of the sword is unparalleled in the world, the reason why the old man looks like this is just because he feels that he has reached the peak of the way of the sword and can't advance an inch, so he looks like this when he seeks the Dao."

"Since the teacher in your eyes is so terrible, how dare you lead me to find your teacher?"

"This old man wants to discuss the Dao with your teacher, and let you see what is the best sword in the world!"

At this moment, the Nine Heavens Sword Master suppressed his anger, each word instantly resounded in Tang Jingtian's mind.

At this moment, Tang Jingtian didn't seem to feel the anger of Sword Master Nine Heavens, and he remained calm in the face of danger.

There was even a hint of sarcasm on the corner of Tang Jingtian's mouth, looking at the Nine Heavens Sword Master in front of him, he said with a smile: "Are you sure?"

"There is one more thing to tell you clearly, the reason why I call him my teacher is because almost all my achievements come from him, but he doesn't recognize me as his disciple. "

"I'm only qualified to call him son!"

"Are you sure you want to challenge him."

At this moment, Tang Jingtian repeatedly asked Jiutian Sword Master about his decision.

After all, Tang Jingtian knew very well that Li Yixi only wanted to live an ordinary life, and he wanted everyone to know that he was just a mortal and didn't want to interfere with anything related to cultivation.

Although Tang Jingtian wanted to use Li Yixi's strength to intimidate Sword Master Nine Heavens, but at the same time he also knew Li Yixi's taboo, and at this moment he wanted to scare Sword Master Nine Heavens away.

However, after hearing Tang Jingtian's words at this moment, Nine Heavens Sword Master became even more angry, and said word by word: "I have decided to compete with your master, and there must be a winner. I believe he is stronger than me."

"My swordsmanship is invincible in the world!"

Tang Jingtian saw that Jiutian Sword Master was so confident in his swordsmanship, so he didn't explain anymore, because Tang Jingtian knew very well that the more you explain to such a person, the more he will pester him endlessly.

Tang Jingtian said mockingly, "Since you want to humiliate yourself, then follow me to see the teacher, no, go to see the young master!"

"But it's best for you to remember clearly that the young master doesn't want to talk about anything related to cultivation, and he doesn't like others to call him a master. He only likes others to call him young master and treat him like a mortal."

After Tang Jingtian's words fell, he stopped entangled with Sword Master Nine Heavens, and immediately stepped in the void, walking towards the carriage in the void.

Seeing Tang Jingtian appear in front of the carriage in an instant, the anger on Jiutian Sword Master's face instantly disappeared, replaced by panic, and his disdainful eyes became extremely dignified.

"How could this be?"

"Isn't this person a person who has just ascended to the fairy world? How could his master be the owner of the carriage?"

"The eight dragons are horses, and they dare to imitate the chariot of the emperor."

At this moment, Sword Master Nine Heavens, his eyelids twitched wildly, but at this moment he knew that he had to keep up. Li Yixi who was in the carriage must have heard his words just now.

Because in his opinion, a terrifying person like Li Yixi absolutely controls every plant and tree within a radius of ten thousand miles.

At this moment, Nine Heavens Sword Master walked towards the carriage in the distance with a look of fear.

"Tang Jingtian pays his respects to the young master!"

At this moment, Tang Jingtian bowed to the carriage in the void with a face full of fanaticism.

Li Yixi in the carriage saw Tang Jingtian with a smile on his lips. This is one of the four great blessings in life, meeting an old friend in a foreign land!

"Senior Tang, please come in!"

At this moment Li Yixi smiled slightly, Li Yixi's voice fell, Tang Jingtian was overjoyed at this moment, Tang Jingtian was a little worried that Li Yixi would not see him.

At this moment, Tang Jingtian saw Sword Master Nine Heavens appearing beside him, and added: "My lord, this fellow Taoist has also studied swordsmanship, I don't know if he can enter the carriage with me, maybe he has some swordsmanship If there is any difficulty, I want to ask you to solve it.”

At this moment, Li Yixi was stunned for a moment after hearing Tang Jingtian's words. He felt that he had misheard half of it. He was a mortal, so how could he explain the way of swordsmanship to a strong man in the fairy world.

At most it's just pretending!

However, Li Yixi did not refuse at this moment. After all, in Li Yixi's eyes, everyone who can practice is a big boss. For big bosses, Li Yixi has only one idea, that is to hug his thigh.

Li Yixi immediately said: "Come in!"

Nine Heavens Sword Master heard the sound coming from the carriage, at this moment he was extremely terrified, just now he was far away from the eight heavenly dragons, but he just felt a little afraid, at this moment, he looked at the eight white horses in front of him, his legs were a little trembling soft.

Because at this moment, Nine Heavens Sword Master was horrified to discover that the eight heavenly dragons in front of him had also reached the realm of true gods.

In other words, he, who has always been above the top, claims to be the best in the world in swordsmanship, but his strength is only on par with the opponent's horse.

"Thank you son!"

The Nine Heavens Sword Master, who has always been aloof, hastily saluted, extremely respectful.

The originally high-ranking figure, at this moment, became trembling and fearful and followed behind Tang Jingtian, getting into the carriage nervously.

"Meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land, I didn't expect that we would meet here in such a short period of time. It seems that this is fate!"

"And I didn't expect that Senior Tang's strength would be so strong in such a short period of time, it deserves congratulations."

"Qing Yun, hurry up and pour wine for the guests and Senior Tang."

Seeing the two people entering the carriage, at this moment, Li Yixi immediately ordered Hu Qingyun beside him.

With a refined smile on his face, Li Yixi was very familiar with Tang Jingtian. Although he was polite, he knew the temper of Tang Jingtian and others, so he didn't stand up to meet the guests at this moment, but just sat there and stretched out his hand to make a false impression.

"Thank you son!"

At this moment, when Tang Jingtian heard Li Yixi say that he wanted to buy him a drink, he was extremely excited, because Tang Jingtian knew very well what Li Yixi's wine was.

Li Yixi's gift of wine represented another chance against heaven.

Tang Jingtian sat opposite to Li Yixi with the Nine Heavens Sword Master who was in a panic at the moment.

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