The spirit boat was flying in the void, and the four of them talked and laughed happily.

Li Yixi listened quietly to Tang Chuchu's story after coming to the fairyland.

Feng Baiyu's jade talisman shook, he took out the jade talisman and smiled.

"My lord, let's stay here for a while. I have already contacted the strong men in the sect, and we will meet here."

"This time, Chu Chu suddenly fell into a desperate situation. In order to rescue Chu Chu, the strong men of the Tianxing Palace almost came out. I didn't expect that they almost fell. If they didn't meet the young master, they really couldn't survive today."

"Tianpeng Mountain is too domineering."

Feng Baiyu naturally felt that Li Yixi really wanted to reach Tianxing Palace in a short time, but Feng Baiyu and his fellow disciples agreed to meet here, with an apologetic expression on his face.

How much Li Yixi exists, even if Feng Baiyu's cultivation is extraordinary, at this moment Li Yixi could faintly guess what Feng Baiyu was thinking.

Shaking his head, he said with a smile, "It's okay. The mountains and rivers here are beautiful and the rivers intersect.

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Feng Baiyu felt a little relieved.

Although he had not met Li Yixi for a long time, what happened had already made Feng Baiyu aware of Li Yixi's terror.

Now that Li Yixi feels such thoughts, he is not surprised. It is understandable that he has cultivated the Holy Physique of Great Heaven Merit and Virtue, and is regarded as an expert.

After all, not long ago, the old man with a terrifying cultivation base was backlashed by his own meritorious sacrament, and was struck to death by heavenly lightning.

Soon, one after another figures soared from the sky.

One of the women is holding a large silver dog.

The hair on this big dog is shining with the brilliance of stars, and it looks extremely cute.

"Meet the Palace Master!"

"I didn't expect that we have not been able to meet the palace master and the saint, it is our incompetence."

One after another figures landed on Lingzhou, saluting hurriedly.

Apologetic, they originally wanted to help Feng Baiyu and Tang Chuchu, but because Tang Chuchu was constantly being hunted down and their location was constantly moving, they never met the two of them.

They knew very well how desperate it was to be hunted down by two terrifying beings.

So apologetic.

"It's all over. Why should I wait for monks to care about these details. We have been hunted down by each other, and our positions are constantly changing. It's normal that we can't meet."

"Everyone, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Li, our savior."

Feng Baiyu comforted him, and hurriedly turned around to introduce Li Yixi to everyone.

Originally Li Yixi was talking with Tang Chuchu and didn't care about these people, but when he suddenly heard Feng Baiyu talking about himself, he naturally wanted to be polite.

Turning around, Li Yixi's eyes happened to fall on the big silver dog in the arms of the female elder, and his eyes became extremely bright.

"Well, this dog is not bad!"

Seeing this big silver dog, Li Yixi had no choice but to give a compliment, the silver hair made him look extremely handsome.

And it looks so cute.

So at this moment Li Yixi blurted out directly.

As soon as Li Yixi's voice fell, all the people present were instantly petrified.

He stared at Li Yixi with wide eyes.

It does look a bit like a pet dog, but it's not a pet dog. It's the guardian beast of the Tianxing Palace, a terrifying existence that has lived for more than a million years.

It is a star desolate beast with extremely terrifying bloodline.

His cultivation base is even stronger than Feng Baiyu, the lord of Tianxing Palace, they didn't expect that Li Yixi would call Xingchen Desolate Beast a dog.

In their view, this is extremely disrespectful to star desolate beasts.

Those people with wide-eyed eyes hadn't woken up from the petrification, and saw Li Yixi slowly taking out a bone from his system space.

"This dog is really nice. Come, I'll give you a bone."

When the voice fell, Li Yixi dropped the bone in his hand to the ground with a snap.

The people who hadn't recovered from the shock saw Li Yixi treat the Star Desolate Beast so casually as if he were a real dog, they were extremely angry and panicked at the same time.

Feng Baiyu was in a cold sweat at this moment.

This star desolate beast has reached the realm of a god emperor.

The strength is extremely powerful, but there are some flaws, otherwise, Tianxing Palace would not be afraid of Tianpeng Mountain.

The Star Desolate Beast is in the Heavenly Star Palace, so it is an ancestral existence. No one thought that Li Yixi would treat the Star Desolate Beast like a dog when he opened his mouth.

The female elder holding the Star Desolate Beast felt chills all over her body. She knew very well how terrifying the Star Desolate Beast was. Li Yixi's provocation had definitely angered the Star Desolate Beast.

However, from the communication with Feng Baiyu before, they knew that it was Li Yixi who saved Feng Baiyu and Tang Chuchu today. To them, he was a lifesaver. She didn't know how to appease the Star Desolate Beast.

The Star Desolate Beast broke free from her embrace in an instant, making her pretty face turn pale.

She looked terrified and uneasy, but the next moment she froze.

I saw the Star Desolate Beast, who had always been aloof, at this moment, after breaking free from its embrace, ran to the side of Li Yixi's dropped bones.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

The crisp barking sound of dogs resounded above Lingzhou.

Hearing the barking sound of the Star Desolate Beast, each of the strong men's faces were dull, and someone even slapped himself hard in the face secretly, trying to see if he was hallucinating.

However, the burning pain on their faces told them that the scene in front of them was not an illusion, but real.

However, it was confirmed that this scene was real, which caused a storm in their hearts.

Before, they felt that Feng Baiyu was exaggerating. However, seeing the reaction of the star desolate beast, they were all shocked.

After barking a few times, the Star Desolate Beast gnawed on the big bone in front of everyone.

"Ha ha!"

"This dog really has a good appetite, no wonder his hair is so shiny."

"My family is still a bit picky eater. I didn't expect this little guy to have such a strong appetite."

"Come on, the dog catches it."

Li Yixi's voice fell, and the Star Desolate Beast who was gnawing on the bone's eyes lit up. Seeing that Li Yixi had lost his bone again, he jumped up instantly.

Take that bone in your mouth.

With a bone in his mouth, he walked up to Li Yixi wagging his tail, stretched out his head, and rubbed against Li Yixi's trousers.

"Not good dog."

"Elder, this pet you have is really good."

"And the paparazzi, especially know how to be grateful."

Li Yixi touched the head of the Star Desolate Beast, his eyes fell on the female elder, and he smiled enviously.

From Li Yixi's point of view, this star desolate beast is the pet dog raised by the female elder.

However, what Li Yixi didn't know was that at this moment, the minds of all the powerhouses in the Heavenly Star Palace on the entire spirit boat had already trembled wildly.

No one thought that the Star Desolate Beast, which they regarded as their ancestors on weekdays, actually turned into a dog in front of Li Yixi. They knew very well that some people just admitted their mistakes, and they were killed by Xing Chen. The desolate beast swallowed it without hesitation.

However, the Star Desolate Beast behaved like this in front of Li Yixi.

"Thank you son!"

The muscles on the female elder's face were a little stiff, and when she heard Li Yixi's words, she responded with a slightly stiff voice.

The scene in front of them sent chills down the spine of countless strong men.

After exchanging pleasantries, Li Yixi talked with Tang Chuchu again. These people finally breathed a sigh of relief. Facing Li Yixi, they felt an invisible pressure, which made it difficult for them to breathe.

All of them looked at the Star Desolate Beast with strange expressions, but soon, their eyes suddenly shrank.

Finally, they discovered the strangeness of the bone that the Star Desolate Beast gnawed on. They found that the bone was pale gold, and there were hidden avenue lines on the bone.

"Master Xingchen."

"What, what is this?"

After the female elder discovered the difference in the bones, her heart was filled with turmoil, and she asked in a trembling voice.

The Star Desolate Beast that was gnawing on the bones slowly turned its head and glanced at the female elder, and an excited voice sounded in the female elder's mind.

"This is the backbone of a supreme demon emperor."

"In this backbone, there is the Dao perception of this demon emperor."

When the voice fell, everyone was stunned and gasped for breath.

Before, I felt that Li Yixi was not as scary as Feng Baiyu said, but now I feel that this terrifying existence is even more terrifying than what Feng Baiyu said.

"Is this bone from the Demon Emperor?"

Finally shocked, the Star Desolate Beast said excitedly.

"If my guess is correct, this is the supreme demon emperor in the endless mountains, the Yuntian demon emperor."

The Star Desolate Beast's voice fell, and it no longer transmitted the sound and continued to eat excitedly.

Because if it devours the charm of the Dao contained in this bone, it will definitely be able to go one step further and reach the peak of the realm of the god emperor.

To make up for some of its shortcomings, even the one facing Tianpeng Mountain will be worthy of it.

So when Li Yixi threw out this bone, Star Desolate Beast had already discovered the benefits, so it barked.

And approaching Li Yixi at close range, the Star Desolate Beast faintly felt an extremely terrifying coercion in Li Yixi's body. Under that coercion, the Star Desolate Beast felt like an ant.

The Star Desolate Beast has survived for too long. It has naturally experienced a lot since it lived in the early days of the ancient times. When it felt the aura of Li Yixi, it knew that Li Yixi had transcended.

To be regarded as a dog by a detached existence, in its view, this is normal, and the blood of the sun-devouring dog does indeed flow in its body.

So I don't think Li Yixi is humiliating.

However, when the Star Desolate Beast was gnawing its bones calmly, all the powerful people around were shocked. No one thought that Li Yixi would be able to kill the Yuntian Demon Emperor in the endless mountains!

Yuntian Yaodi is a terrifying existence that can compete with Tianpeng Shenshan.

The legs of all the grand elders in Tianxing Palace trembled slightly, but when they saw that Tang Chuchu was so familiar with Li Yixi, their eyes lit up instantly.

They were a little afraid of Tianpeng Mountain at first, but now they felt the relationship between Li Yixi and Tang Chuchu, and they felt that they could ask Li Yixi for help to solve Tianpeng Mountain.

However, these elders are still a little nervous at the moment, they don't know if Li Yixi can deal with Tianpeng King of Tianpeng Mountain.

After all, King Tianpeng has not made a move for a long, long time, and no one knows the depth of it.

"Master Xingchen, I have some doubts. I wonder if this expert can deal with the one from Tianpeng Mountain?"

As the voice fell, the ancestor of the Tianxing Palace was extremely anxious. After all, the Star Desolate Beast was eating and refining with excitement, and he interrupted the other party by asking.

He knew very well that this guy had a really bad temper.

"Is it King Tianpeng?"

"In front of this expert, what is he?"

"This expert has already transcended?"

However, Star Desolate Beast seemed to be in a good mood today and answered his question.

However, the words of the Star Desolate Beast caused all the strong men present to tremble wildly and stare wide-eyed at this moment.

Detachment, these two words represent too many things.

It is also a legend.

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