After the elders of the Tianxing Palace knew that Li Yixi was a detached existence from the mouth of the Star Desolate Beast, they sat there tremblingly.

Seeing that Li Yixi was just perfunctory to them, the elders talked with Tang Chuchu over there, and looked at Tang Chuchu with envy.

Tang Chuchu became the Saintess of Tianxing Palace. In fact, some elders of Tianxing Palace were not very satisfied. However, seeing Tang Chuchu today, he actually met Li Yixi, a terrifying existence.

The dissatisfaction in the hearts of these elders disappeared in an instant. If Tang Chuchu said at this moment that they would not be the saintess of the Tianxing Palace, they would choose to kneel down one by one, even if they begged, they would ask Tang Chuchu to be the saintess of the Tianxing Palace.

Based on the relationship between Tang Chuchu and Li Yixi, they knew very well that Tang Chuchu's future was limitless. As the saint of Tianxing Palace, Tang Chuchu would become the overlord of the Tianxing Palace in the future because of Tang Chuchu.

The spirit boat flew in the void, heading towards the Tianxing Palace.

Tianpeng Mountain.

A figure entered quickly, looking a little pale.

Go straight to the temple of Tianpeng Mountain.

If in front of the temple, the man shouted tremblingly.

"Shanzhu, the big thing is not good, the big thing is not good!"

"The Holy Son has fallen!"

There was grief and panic in the voice.

The moment the sound sounded, the expressions of the strong men around the entire temple changed drastically.

His terrified eyes swept to the depths of the temple.

The next moment, a golden light suddenly appeared, faster than lightning.

A big hand directly lifted the kneeling man in his hand, and a murderous killing intent shone in those broken golden monster pupils.

The existence that appeared was none other than the mountain lord of Tianpeng Mountain, the Great Jinpeng with the cultivation of a god emperor.

"What did you say?"

"You said that my son has fallen, how is this possible?"

"In this burial plain, who dares to touch my son?"

"And my son is talented and intelligent, and now he has the cultivation of a god emperor, and I have given him a black umbrella to cover the sky. As long as he is not facing a strong man in the realm of a god emperor, it is absolutely impossible for him to fall."

"Although there are countless powerful people on the Burial Sky Plain, who dare not give me Jinpeng face?"

The owner of Tianpeng Mountain had terrifying killing intent reflected in his eyes.

It feels incredible to be angry at the same time.

Xiao Jinpeng, a strong man in the realm of the god emperor, has a black umbrella in his hand, which can suppress the opponent's cultivation base to the realm of the god king, and besides his son, there is also a servant of the peak god emperor.

Although it is said that the God Emperor can destroy the black umbrella that covers the sky, but that kind of existence, whoever doesn't give him a little bit of trouble in Tianpeng Mountain, will take action against his son.

So at this moment, the owner of Tianpeng Mountain looked puzzled.

The existence held in front of the Tianpeng Mountain Lord felt the killing intent in the Tianpeng Mountain Lord's body, and his body trembled violently.

"Lord of the mountain, the subordinates don't know the specific situation. When the subordinates arrived, the guard beside the Holy Son had already fallen, and his soul was scattered, and the Holy Son, he..."

The man dared not speak for a while.

"Tell me, what happened?"

The mountain owner of Tianpeng Mountain was extremely angry when he saw him hesitating.

What he hates the most is when someone hesitates to speak in front of him.

In the body, a fierce breath erupted.

The existence in front of him was so frightened that his face turned pale and his lips turned purple.

"Shanzhu, it's not that the subordinates don't say anything, but that the subordinates really don't dare to say it."

"That man, that man is too cruel."

This guy was directly frightened by the aura emanating from Tianpeng Mountain Lord.

"I forgive you for your innocence, but it doesn't matter!"

Tianpeng Mountain Master saw his subordinate's face was livid and his lips were purple, and he knew that if he didn't restrain his breath, this person would definitely be shocked to death.

He hurriedly comforted him, and put away the terrifying killing intent in his body.

Just as the master of Tianpeng Mountain let go, his subordinate directly knelt down in front of him with a plop.

"Report to the mountain master, the holy son, he was stewed by those people."

As soon as this person's voice fell, the next moment Tianpeng Mountain Master, who had restrained his killing intent, was instantly furious.


"Someone dares to stew my son!"

"Who is it? Who doesn't put my Tianpeng Mountain in their eyes and dares to be so provocative."

The master of Tianpeng Mountain stretched out his hand suddenly, and once again raised the man kneeling in front of him to his chest. His pair of golden eyes stared fixedly at the middle-aged man in front of him.

The middle-aged man felt the terrifying power of Tianpeng Mountain at this moment, his face turned purple, and he said with difficulty: "Returning to the master of the mountain, the subordinates don't know who it is, but these people stay with the master of the Tianxing Palace .”

"It is very likely to be related to the Tianxing Palace!"

The moment he heard the three words Tianxing Palace, a trace of blood appeared in the eyes of the mountain master of Tianpeng Mountain, and an incomparably terrifying murderous aura erupted instantly.

The statues around the temple were directly oppressed to kneel on the ground under this monstrous evil spirit.

The middle-aged man in front of him was instantly turned into blood mist by that terrifying power.


"Where are the left and right guardians?"

The Tianpeng Mountain Lord roared angrily, and two figures appeared in front of the Tianpeng Mountain Lord, as if they were two terrifying god emperors.

"I'll pay my respects to the mountain lord, what orders does the mountain lord have?"

Facing the furious King Tianpeng at this moment, the two terrifying existences felt a little scared in their hearts.

"You have the cultivation base of a god emperor. Now I want you to go to the Tianxing Palace immediately, and capture all the existences such as the palace master and the saintess of the Tianxing Palace."

"I'm going to cook them myself!"

"How dare you kill my son, and stew my son, what a dare, what a dare!"

The owner of Tianpeng Mountain laughed wildly up to the sky. At this moment, black clouds billowed in the void of Tianpeng Mountain, the owner of Tianpeng Mountain was furious, and the sky and the earth changed color.

"It's the owner of the mountain!"

The left and right protectors turned pale after hearing the words of the Tianpeng Mountain Lord. The two of them never thought that the Tianxing Palace would have the courage to touch the Holy Son of Tianpeng Mountain.

This is a provocation to Tianpeng Mountain. It is very clear that the Tianxing Palace must be destroyed this time, otherwise the two of them may be brutally killed by the owner of Tianpeng Mountain.

Two figures broke through the air and left.

The speed of the spirit boat was very fast, and Li Yixi and his party arrived at the Tianxing Palace very quickly. From a distance, Li Yixi saw the sacred mountain floating in the void.

Around the Tianxing Palace, there are nine mountain peaks.

The mountain where the Tianxing Palace is located is actually suspended in the void, giving people a sense of immortality from a distance.

The Tianxing Palace already knew that Li Yixi was an extremely terrifying existence. At this moment, the spirit boat had just arrived, and figures in the sky flew out, facing the spirit boat in the void.

"I am waiting to welcome the senior!"

The disciples of Tianxing Palace hurriedly saluted.

"Sir, please!"

"This is the Tianxing Palace, it's a bit crude, I hope you can't blame it, sir."

Feng Baiyu hurriedly spoke out, with a look of anxiety.

"It's still crude, the Palace Master is too modest."

"Miss Chuchu, please!"

Li Yixi smiled, stepped off the spirit boat with Tang Chuchu, and stepped into the Tianxing Palace under the gaze of countless eyes.

Entering the Tianxing Palace, Feng Baiyu immediately ordered Tang Chuchu to accompany Li Yixi, while he hurriedly prepared the banquet while discussing with all the strong men in the Tianxing Palace how to resolve the current crisis.

In the main hall, all the elders of the Tianxing Palace looked dignified. They never thought that Li Yixi would directly stew the holy son of Tianpeng Mountain as soon as he made a move.

Tianpeng Mountain will never let it go.

"Master Xingchen, I don't know what your opinion is."

After everyone negotiated, Feng Baiyu's eyes fell on the star desolate beast who was hiccupping.

At this moment, the Star Desolate Beast was absorbing the power of the Great Dao of the Demon Emperor Yuntian, when it suddenly heard Feng Baiyu's words.

He said lightly, "What are you panicking about?"

"A terrifying existence like an expert cares about the power of cause and effect. Since killing the other party should resolve this cause and effect."

"Now, isn't the expert in the Star Palace?"

"What are you worried about?"

Hearing this, everyone who was originally nervous breathed a sigh of relief.

"But what if the expert doesn't make a move?"

A Supreme Elder is still a little worried!

"Then wait for death!"

"It's life or death now, it's up to that expert. Even if I devour the power of the Great Dao of the Demon Emperor Yuntian, I can't break through for a while."

The whole hall instantly became dead silent. At this moment, they also understood that the survival of Tianxing Palace depended on Li Yixi's thought.

In a courtyard of Tianxing Palace, Li Yixi and Tang Chuchu were admiring flowers.

Suddenly, there was a gust of wind, and it felt a little cold, as if it was going to rain.

A big black umbrella appeared in Li Yixi's hand, "Miss Chuchu, this thing looks a bit extraordinary, give it to the girl!"

"It's useless to stay in my hands anyway!"

Li Yixi handed the big black umbrella in his hand to Tang Chuchu.


Seeing the big black umbrella in Li Yixi's hand, Tang Chuchu's face changed slightly. At this moment, Tang Chuchu naturally recognized that it was the treasure in the hands of the Holy Son of Jinpeng, which could suppress the cultivation of monks.

Even if he has the realm of the God Emperor, if he has this umbrella to suppress the realm, he will fall to the God King. This is a rare treasure, but he never thought that Li Yixi would give it to himself so casually.

However, Tang Chuchu was only surprised, and soon a smile appeared on his face, and he took the umbrella from Li Yixi's hand.

"Thank you son!"

"This thing is really good, it is a good magic weapon."

"With this thing, Chuchu will have a way to save her life in the future."

Tang Chuchu hurriedly thanked her.

Originally, Li Yixi thought that this black umbrella should not be so precious, but after hearing Tang Chuchu's words, Li Yixi was a little surprised, but Li Yixi didn't care.

If Li Yixi had heard that this black umbrella was a treasure before, he would never have been willing to give it away, but now it is different.

With the consummation of the great heaven merit and virtue, Li Yixi already felt that he had become different. Not only could others not hurt him, but it seemed that even the rain could not drip on his body.

I have been favored by this world.

So Li Yixi, the black umbrella, didn't take it seriously either.

While Li Yixi was talking and laughing with Tang Chuchu, two figures appeared quietly outside the Tianxing Palace.

He didn't let his breath escape.

The two figures stared at the Tianxing Palace in front of them from a distance, with a solemn look in their eyes.

These two figures are the left and right protectors from Tianpeng Divine Mountain, the Golden Crow Demon Emperor and the Jinpeng Demon Emperor.

The two demon emperors have the cultivation base of god emperors, but they know that there is a black umbrella covering the sky on the body of Jinpeng Shengzi, and there is a strong man at the peak of the god emperor realm beside him.

However, it was only for a moment that the high-ranking Son Jinpeng became the object of the pot. The two demon emperors were very cautious and did not enter the Tianxing Palace recklessly.

"Golden Crow Demon Emperor, what did you see?"

The Jinpeng Demon Emperor saw the light in the eyes of the Golden Crow Demon Emperor slowly shrinking, and said solemnly.

"Everything in the Tianxing Palace is normal, and there is no extremely powerful existence, but we have to be careful, and don't capsize in the gutter."

"Set up the Forbidden Sky Formation first, and then you can rest assured even if there is an accident."

The Golden Crow Demon Emperor's voice fell, and the two Demon Emperors hurriedly formed formation.

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