However, when Li Yixi's voice fell, the old man in front of him was stunned.

He looked puzzled and puzzled.

"Are you begging to die?"

"This guy looks extremely temperamental, even more temperamental than those holy sons in the ancient holy land. Could it be that he has a supreme status?"

"If you are an ant, you shouldn't have such courage!"

"The old man has always been known for his fierce shots."

"And looking at his attire, he doesn't look like a disciple of the Heavenly Star Palace. Does he have an extremely terrifying identity?"

"His companion is also extremely young, and he actually has the cultivation base of the God Emperor realm. These two seem to have extremely extraordinary backgrounds."

The old man originally looked disdainful, and wanted to arrest Li Yixi and go back to enjoy himself, but he didn't expect that at this moment, Li Yixi looked like you dare not kill me, and the provocative gaze on his face made the old man hesitate.

At the same time, he carefully looked at Xiao Zhan, and the old man also felt that Xiao Zhan was very young at this moment.

However, he has the cultivation base of the God Emperor realm. This scene has a great impact on the old man's mind.

The old man felt that even the Holy Son of Tianpeng Mountain was far behind these two.

Seeing that the old man in front of him didn't intend to make a move, Li Yixi frowned slightly.

"Isn't this still a shot?"

"It's really troublesome!"

"If I have a body that reaches heaven and earth, I can smash it into powder with a wave of my hand."

Li Yixi complained in his heart, and continued to provoke, "Old dog, you did it!"

"Do you see that I am wise and mighty? Do you want to be my slave?"

"But I don't like an old dog like you!"

"She is covered in a black robe, hiding her head and showing her tail, don't tell me, you are a dwarf, right?"

Li Yixi in the void had a death-defying look on his face.

Hearing Li Yixi's words, don't tell me, you are a dwarf.

Feng Baiyu's body trembled in fright.

Because Feng Baiyu knew that this old guy was indeed a dwarf, and because of this, he became psychologically distorted.


"What did you say?"

Hearing Li Yixi's words, the old man who was thinking about whether to kill Li Yixi had a ferocious expression on his face, like a demon who would choose someone to devour.

"Ha ha!"

"Sure enough, I hit the spot!"

"No wonder you are so perverted in your heart, so you are really a dwarf!"

"If you want to follow my son, you are even less qualified as a dwarf, and an ugly monster like you can't be taken out."

Li Yixi continued to stimulate with words.

"Ant, courting death!"

"Even if you have the supreme status, so what, I won't kill you today, I swear not to be human."

The old man was already twisted in his heart, but he was so provoked by Li Yixi at this moment, he was instantly furious, and the extremely terrifying aura rushed towards Li Yixi in an instant.

Sensing that terrifying aura, Li Yixi was not afraid, but rather ecstatic.

Even involuntarily raised his head to look into the void.

At the moment when Li Yixi looked into the void, a divine thunder suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and the terrifying lightning fell on the old man.

The next moment, under the gaze of a pair of eyes, the old man was hit by the sky lightning, and his body turned into flying ash.

Even the soul is gone.

Seeing the scene in the void, Feng Baiyu with a tense face immediately widened his eyes and looked at the void suspiciously.

With a puzzled look on his face, he didn't know why thunder suddenly appeared out of thin air and struck the old man to death.

Xiao Zhan's lips moved slightly, and he said through voice transmission: "Young Master has cultivated the Holy Body of Great Heaven Merit and Virtue, blessed with endless merit power, this guy actually wants to kill Young Master, he is looking for death."

"Young master's provocation is actually to provoke him."

After Xiao Zhan's voice fell, Feng Baiyu was shocked.

Merit Eucharist?

Feng Baiyu felt that he had heard it wrong.

"Master, the young master is not something we people can guess, let alone this kind of waste, even if it is a more terrifying existence, facing the young master will definitely die."

Tang Chuchu had been with Li Yixi before, and seeing the scene in front of her was no surprise, and at the same time explained to her master through sound transmission.

Feng Baiyu originally thought that he had heard it wrong, but at this moment, when he heard his disciple Tang Chuchu's words, his heart was once again turbulent.

Li Yixi saw the old man chopped into ashes, slowly falling from the void.

His eyes fell on Tang Chuchu again.

"Miss Chuchu, you have suffered a lot from being chased and killed by this old pervert these days!"

"Fleeing all the way, I didn't even drink water, and I'm afraid I didn't eat, so I need to make up for it."

"I didn't expect this fairy world to be so dangerous!"

Just as Li Yixi's voice fell, the Son of Tianpeng in the void didn't react until this moment.

He looked at the sky with extremely angry eyes.

Shengzi Jinpeng always wants to get what he likes. Seeing the old slave fall inexplicably and be struck to death by lightning, his face is full of anger.

Choose to do it yourself.

There was a cry in the void.

The voice pierced gold and cracked stone, and the next moment, it flew towards Li Yixi and others.

"A golden eagle?"

Hearing the voice, Li Yixi couldn't help but look back, and the next moment, his eyes brightened.

"Miss Chuchu, wait a moment, I will make carving soup for Miss Chuchu."

Li Yixi's voice fell, and he quickly took out a bow from the system space.

Although Li Yixi has never practiced immortal arts, he also practiced boxing and archery.

Li Yixi's arrow technique has reached the point of perfection, and the system gave him the title of Arrow God.

Bow and arrow.

The next moment, the arrow shot through the air instantly.

Bow and shoot at the roc.

Seeing Li Yixi's arrow, the angry Jinpeng Shengzi was originally disdainful, but the next moment his expression changed wildly.

"No, it's impossible!"

"no no no"

Shengzi Tianpeng looked disdainful, but at this moment, he found that he could not move at all, nor could he make any sound.

The arrogance and arrogance of Tianpeng Shengzi disappeared in an instant, replaced by panic.

But at this moment, nothing can change the status quo.

The arrow in front of him, like an extremely terrifying magic weapon, locked on him and imprisoned the void.

Under the gaze of despair and panic, he saw the arrow shot by Li Yixi pass through his heart.

It wasn't until this moment that the power that imprisoned the world disappeared, but suddenly a terrifying power burst out. Under this power, the vitality in his body instantly collapsed.

The gigantic body fell from the void.

When Feng Baiyu saw Shengzi Tianpeng falling from the void, his eyes widened instantly.

The way she looked at Li Yixi changed completely.

Tianpeng Shengzi is not only extremely powerful, but also has unparalleled speed in the world, but he did not expect to be shot to death by Li Yixi.

When Feng Baiyu hadn't recovered from the shock, Li Yixi had a smile on his face, and gave instructions to Xiao Zhan who was beside him.

"Xiao Zhan, deal with it quickly."

"Today we will cook a meal of firewood golden carving soup here."

Li Yixi's voice fell, and he walked over and picked up the big golden eagle that fell on the ground.

The smile became even more intense.

"Good thing, it's really fat. I've never seen a golden eagle like this. Immortal world is really a good place. Even a golden eagle is different from the lower realm."

"The soup stewed with it should be very good."

"Miss Chuchu, you are lucky today."

"Meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land is a great joy."

"My lord, I will cook myself today."

The smiling Li Yixi waved his hand, and the next moment a cauldron appeared.

Soon, countless tools appeared in front of Feng Baiyu.

Hearing Li Yixi's order, Xiao Zhan did not hesitate at all, and instantly cast his supernatural powers to burn the feathers on the golden eagle.

The extremely fast cleaning, the smooth operation, seemed to have been practiced thousands of times, Feng Baiyu looked shocked.

With dry mouth and tongue, Feng Baiyu turned around with difficulty and looked at his disciple.

But at this moment, Tang Chuchu's face was calm and breezy, as if this scene had long been commonplace.

Feng Baiyu didn't know what to say for a moment, Tianpeng Mountain was so powerful that it was not something Tianxing Palace could provoke.

But if Tianpeng Shengzi and the old slave are not killed today, they will definitely perish here.

Maybe the Tianxing Palace will also be in danger of being exterminated because of them.

But now, Tianpeng Shengzi and the evil slave have fallen, but Feng Baiyu feels uneasy again, Feng Baiyu knows very well that Tianpeng Mountain will definitely not let them go with the fall of Tianpeng Shengzi.

At this moment, Feng Baiyu can only place all his hopes on Li Yixi, hoping that Li Yixi can deal with Tianpeng Mountain, otherwise, it will be an unavoidable catastrophe.

As a result, the Tianxing Palace will cease to exist.

The scene in front of him was completely captured by a figure in the void.

This person's face was full of anger, wishing he could pounce from the void at this moment and kill Li Yixi and others, but at this moment, when he saw the dead Son of Tianpeng, he gritted his teeth and rushed towards Tianpeng with an anxious expression. away from the mountain.

"Miss Chuchu, do you want it to be stewed or braised?"

"Oh, I forgot, Miss Chuchu hasn't eaten for a long time, braised in soy sauce won't work, let's stew it!"

While laughing and talking with Tang Chuchu, Li Yixi took out a knife, dismembered the golden eagle in front of him, and threw it into the cauldron.

The flame transformed by merit was very powerful, and soon, the water in the pot began to boil.

Feng Baiyu and Tang Chuchu, who had been hunted all the way for seven days and seven nights, could not help swallowing secretly as they sniffed the scent that came out.

Li Yixi felt even more proud when he saw Feng Baiyu and Tang Chuchu swallowing secretly.

Li Yixi has always been extremely confident in her cooking skills.

Feng Baiyu looked at the scene in front of him with disbelief, thinking about the scene that happened before, it felt like a hallucination.

Never thought that the invincible son of Tianpeng would become the meat in the pot.

It was quickly out of the pot, and the four of them ate up a big roc, not even a little soup left.

Li Yixi who was on the side took a sip of wine, and when he saw Tang Chuchu and Feng Baiyu who were still full of emotions, he cursed secretly for foodies.

The appetite of the two of them startled Li Yixi. From Li Yixi's point of view, this big 'diao' should be enough for a dozen or 20 people, but he didn't expect that he was just trying something new, and even the soup was not enough. Gone.

"Ha ha!"

"Miss Chuchu, sir, my cooking skills are not bad!"

"Since Miss Chuchu likes golden carving soup so much, there is a chance that you guys will cook it for you."

"Let you eat enough."

"Miss Chuchu, you said earlier that you joined the Celestial Star Palace in the Immortal Realm. I don't know where the Celestial Star Palace is. If possible, we would like to visit it. We will know where it is in the future, and it will be more convenient for us to communicate."

After hearing Li Yixi's words, Feng Baiyu, who was anxious in his heart, instantly brightened his eyes. With Li Yixi's existence, even if a strong person from Tianpeng Mountain went to Tianxing Palace, Tianxing Palace could also be blessed.

Otherwise, with the strength of Tianxing Palace, it would be impossible to block Tianpeng Mountain.

"Sir, please!"

Feng Baiyu's face was full of excitement, and with a big wave of his hand, the spirit boat appeared in front of everyone. While refining the terrifying energy and blood of the Son of Heaven in his body, he invited Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan to the Tianxing Palace.

Tang Chuchu was actually a little worried, but now that Li Yixi was willing to go to Tianxing Palace, she no longer feared Tianpeng Mountain.

The four of them stepped onto the spirit boat, and the spirit boat broke through the sky and left.

Feng Baiyu began to contact his fellow disciples, telling him that he was out of danger.

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