When Feng Baiyu and Tang Chuchu flew towards Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan, the corners of the mouths of Jin Peng Shengzi and the servants in the void showed sarcasm.

The two bodies were suspended in the sky, looking at Feng Baiyu indifferently, Tang Chuchu and Li Yixi met.

"Hmph, it's really childish!"

"Could it be possible to survive when the reinforcements come? It's just a god emperor, can it turn the sky over?"

"In this burial plain, whoever my little Jinpeng wants to die must die."

As soon as Xiao Jinpeng's voice fell, the old man beside him said hastily.

"The Holy Son is right. It's just an ant of the God Emperor. The treasure that the Holy Son likes is not offered with both hands, and he wants to take it away. It's just asking for humiliation."

"If they offered that treasure in the first place and offered their allegiance to Tianpeng Mountain, their lives could be spared, but it's too late now."

"Holy Son, don't worry, the slave's swordsmanship is not bad, even if a god emperor comes, there is a black umbrella to cover the sky, don't worry about it, the old slave makes a move, none of them can escape today."

The Holy Son of Tianpeng Mountain heard the servant's words, and a smug expression appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He knew very well that although this old slave was weak, his strength was indeed good, but at the peak of the God Emperor realm, coupled with the black umbrella that covered the sky, there was no possibility of accidents.

And he also has the cultivation base of a god emperor, he feels that Xiao Zhan is not something to be afraid of today, as for Li Yixi, he is directly ignored by him.

"Tang Chuchu pays homage to the young master!"

Just approaching Li Yixi, Tang Chuchu hurriedly saluted with tears in her eyes.

Li Yixi has cultivated the Holy Body of Great Heaven Merit and Virtue, and has no attack power, but he has been blessed by the laws of heaven.

Xiao Zhan also discovered this point, even if Xiao Zhan didn't use his supernatural powers at this moment, the raindrops falling from the sky would not be able to fall around Li Yixi's body.

Meeting an old acquaintance in a foreign land, Li Yixi's face was filled with joy, but he didn't expect to find that Tang Chuchu's face was full of tears, his face was extremely pale, and even his red lips had many blood-red slits.

Li Yixi's expression couldn't help sinking, he was extremely irritable when he encountered the rain before, but at this moment, seeing Tang Chuchu's state, he became even more irritable.

Li Yixi raised his head to look at the void, and said coldly: "It's so annoying, can't Nima be the only one who can't let me go?"

The pale-faced Feng Baiyu and Tang Chuchu didn't know why Li Yixi said this suddenly.

Feng Baiyu looked anxious, feeling that even though Xiao Zhan was very powerful, he was only in the early stage of the God Emperor, so he was desperate, and felt that Tang Chuchu wanted to ask Xiao Zhan for help.

It is almost impossible to deal with the Son of Jinpeng and the old slave in Tianpeng Mountain.

I wanted to speak, but I didn't expect the raindrops in the void to dissipate instantly when Li Yixi's voice fell.

That is the sword domain.

Feng Baiyu who opened his mouth froze for a moment, dumbfounded.

He took a deep breath, and his heart set off a stormy sea.

Feng Baiyu was very clear that it wasn't rain at all, but the supernatural power displayed by that old man, the sword domain of rain.

Those raindrops seem to be raindrops, but they contain extremely powerful sword intent. If the raindrops fall on the body, they will definitely leave a blood hole.

However, with Li Yixi's words, the domain in the void instantly collapsed, and even those sword intents disappeared without a trace.

In the dark sky, the dark clouds dispersed in an instant, and wisps of sunlight shone down.

Li Yixi was also stunned, just now he was just extremely irritated and wanted to vent, but he didn't expect the sky to be sunny.

Li Yixi, who was a little irritable at first, had bright eyes, and couldn't help but think to himself: "I didn't expect that I still have such abilities. It seems that this holy body of great merit is not as useless as I thought!"

"I didn't expect that I could already do what I say."

"This time the harvest is really huge!"

Li Yixi felt that the scene just now was caused by the fact that he had cultivated the Holy Body of Great Heaven Merit and Virtue, and he was very excited, but seeing Tang Chuchu's situation at this moment, he quickly suppressed his inner excitement, and looked at the person in front of him with a serious face. Tang Chuchu.

"Miss Chuchu, why is this happening? Did you meet the enemy?"

"Is the opponent very strong?"

"Come on, drink some water to moisten your throat!"

Li Yixi quickly took out the water bottle and handed it to Tang Chuchu. Seeing that Tang Chuchu's lips were chapped, Li Yixi felt heartache.

Although Li Yixi didn't know why Tang Chuchu appeared in the fairy world for a while, but Li Yixi knew that when he was in the Xuanhuang Great World, Tang Chuchu was also a saintess of one side, and he didn't expect to be so downcast at this moment.

"Thank you son!"

When Tang Chuchu saw the water bottle that Li Yixi handed over, she was extremely excited. Now Tang Chuchu's mana was exhausted, and there was no way to summon a ray of mana from her dantian.

As soon as the words fell, Tang Chuchu hurriedly opened the kettle and took a sip for herself. Tang Chuchu knew very well that Li Yixi's water was the nine-day spiritual liquid, which could restore her injuries as soon as possible. At the same time, it could also Bring yourself back to the top.

Tang Chuchu took a sip, and hurriedly handed the water bottle in her hand to Feng Baiyu who was beside her.

"Master, you can quench your thirst too!"

After the words fell, Tang Chuchu immediately sent a voice transmission to Feng Baiyu: "Master, hurry up and drink some water. This water is not ordinary water, but Nine Heavens Spiritual Liquid. The young master is not an ordinary person, but an unrivaled man who hides his cultivation. exist."

"Young master is here, not to mention the mere Jinpeng Mountain, even if the older Taoism comes, it is not the opponent of the young master."

"The Nine Heavens Spiritual Liquid has a heaven-defying effect, it can heal our wounds, and at the same time it can make us recover a lot."

"Master, don't talk too much, the young master is now living as a mortal, and he has always disliked others revealing his identity as an expert."

Feng Baiyu was very anxious at first, and had no interest in drinking any water, but after hearing Tang Chuchu's words, his expression was shocked, with an expression of disbelief.

Feng Baiyu originally thought that he was hallucinating, but when his eyes fell on Tang Chuchu's body, Feng Baiyu clearly felt an extremely mysterious power erupting in Tang Chuchu's body, constantly repairing Tang Chuchu's injuries, Tang Chuchu Chu Chu's exhausted mana also quickly recovered.

"It's not an illusion!"

"Is it really Nine Heavens Spiritual Liquid? This, isn't this too unbelievable?"

Feng Baiyu's face was shocked, a little unbelievable, took the kettle in Tang Chuchu's hand, Feng Baiyu tried to take a sip, and the next moment his eyes stared suddenly, with an expression of disbelief.

"Unexpectedly, it is really Nine Heavens Spiritual Liquid, the legendary Nine Heavens Spiritual Liquid."

From the ancient times to the present, Feng Baiyu naturally has extraordinary knowledge, but at the same time, Feng Baiyu's face is shocked.

Nine Heavens Spiritual Liquid, even in ancient times, was an extremely precious thing, but Li Yixi did not expect that Li Yixi would drink it directly as water.

Feng Baiyu took a sip and wanted to continue. After all, this was a chance, but when he saw Li Yixi's gaze, Feng Baiyu was startled, thinking that Li Yixi saw that he was too greedy, so he hurriedly returned the water bottle to Li Yixi. recall the past.

"Thank you son for the water!"

Feng Baiyu was terrified and forced out an awkward smile.

Feng Baiyu was too excited and shocked just now, and at the same time, the consumption this time was too terrible, so he couldn't hold back for a while.

"You're welcome, it's just a drink of water."

In the void, Shengzi Jinpeng saw Li Yixi and the others stop, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Ants really are ants!"

"I didn't expect that a god emperor came, and he was so confident."

"It really is ignorant, fearless!"

"Dog slave, hurry up and kill them all."

"With the black umbrella of the Holy Son, they will not be able to display the cultivation of the emperor's realm at all. Killing them is like picking something out of a bag."

"Kill them and get back the treasure, let's go back to Tianpeng Mountain."

"My son has lost his interest in hunting now."

The black-robed old man saluted immediately, "Holy Son, wait a moment, a group of waste, there is a black umbrella to cover the sky, the old slave kills them, just search for something."

"Holy Son, but that woman is quite pretty, and she is pretty enough. Do you want the old slave to keep it for the Holy Son?"

The old man naturally understood his son's personality and preferences, and at this moment, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"You dog slave, you really know me, so I will keep such a stunner, and I will give it to you after I enjoy it, and I will deal with it when you are not interested."

Shengzi Jinpeng laughed loudly at this moment, with a wretched expression on his face.

"Thank you Holy Son for the reward."

The obscene smile on the face of the black-robed old slave turned into a beam of sword light and flew away in the next moment, and soon hovered over Li Yixi and the others.

"Feng Baiyu, is this your rescuer?"

"I thought it was some kind of terrifying existence that would destroy the world, but it turned out to be just some shrimp soldiers and crab generals!"

"My holy son has taken a fancy to this woman. This woman is very lucky. She can live a few more days with nourishment."

"It's worth staying for a few more days with such a water spirit, but you have to be obedient."

Li Yixi was asking Tang Chuchu what happened these days, but was suddenly interrupted by the black-robed old man in the void, and Li Yixi's face turned cold instantly.

The obscene smile on the old man's face disgusted Li Yixi even more.

Feng Baiyu, who was still refining the Nine Heavens Spiritual Liquid in his body, turned pale at this moment.

Feng Baiyu found that although Shengzi Jinpeng in the void did not make a move, the black umbrella once again blocked the sky, and the terrifying power imprisoned their cultivation base, suppressing his cultivation base to the initial stage of the god-king realm.

And this old slave has the strength of the peak of the emperor's realm, they are very dangerous.


Tang Chuchu wanted to speak, but Li Yixi stretched out her hand and pressed her red lips instantly.

"Miss Chuchu, don't worry!"

"Leave this old villain to me!"

Li Yixi's voice fell, and without waiting for Tang Chuchu's words, she rose into the air and appeared in front of the black-robed old man.

"Old ghost, are you the one who chased and killed Miss Chuchu?"

"Could it be that you are an old man and still want Miss Chuchu to serve you?"

Li Yixi saw the cold face of the old man in front of him.

The old man came out of nowhere, he didn't put Li Yixi and others in his eyes at all, he was suddenly questioned by Li Yixi, the old man's face was frosty.

"What kind of thing are you? This old man always acts as he pleases. How can you comment on it?"

"The old man just fell in love with this girl, what can you do?"

"Could it be your sweetheart? If that's the case, then the old man will be more satisfied. Your little boy is also good. You and that little girl serve together, and the old man should be more happy."

"Hey Hey!"

When the angry old man in black heard Li Yixi's words, he was furious at first, and then saw Li Yixi's incomparably handsome face clearly, his face became hot instantly.

But when Li Yixi heard the old man's words, he had a cold expression on his face, he didn't expect this old man to have such a hobby.

"You old bastard, the toad wants to eat swan meat, do you think it's possible?"

"I'm standing here today, try to kill me if you have the ability."

Li Yixi was very angry, and wanted to provoke the old man to attack him, using the Holy Body of Merit to counterattack him.

The old man in front of him, Li Yixi, didn't have any good impressions.

From Li Yixi's point of view, if the old man in front of him is allowed to live, it would be a disaster. Today, I use the holy body of merit to kill demons.

Li Yixi directly defined the old man as an evil heretic.

Everyone gets it and kills it.

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