Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1087 Battle in the Celestial City

The fleeing supreme demon emperors sensed that the Yuntian demon emperor was obliterated by Li Yixi with a wave of his hand, and their pupils showed panic.

Originally, I didn't believe the words of the Prophet Demon Emperor, but at this moment, everyone looked at the Prophet Demon Emperor with incomparable gratitude.

In their view, if there is no Prophet Demon Emperor today, then they will surely die.

Thinking of the extremely powerful Yuntian Yaodi being beheaded so easily, he was extremely afraid of Li Yixi.

These demon emperors communicated briefly, and then directly moved away from the endless mountain range.

Even the treasures in his own cave were directly given up.

"Young master, Tang Qing and I will bid farewell."

"We want to venture into the fairy world, and we are waiting for the young master to return in Jinling fairy city."

Tang Qing survived the catastrophe, and Tang Yin's hanging heart fell. At the same time, he knew that Li Yixi wanted to go to the Central Immortal Court and had no chance to practice, so Tang Yin made a decision to fight with Tang Qing.

"it is good!"

"Since that's the case, the two of you will have a blast in this fairy world!"

"It shouldn't be long. I will also return to Jinling Immortal City. We will continue when the time comes."

Li Yixi patted Tang Yin's shoulder and said with a smile.

"My lord, let's say goodbye!"

When the voice fell, Tang Yin and Tang Qing soared into the air and went away through the air.

Looking at Tang Yin and Tang Qing who disappeared into the sky, Li Yixi looked away.

"Let's go!"

"We should hurry too!"

The golden cloud of merit and virtue under Li Yixi's feet appeared, also rose into the sky, and disappeared in an instant.

Seeing Li Yixi leave, the trembling little monsters hiding in the dark breathed a sigh of relief, and involuntarily, his body was already drenched with sweat.

In their eyes, Li Yixi is like a devil.

During the flight, Li Yixi harvested countless precious medicines. Half a month later, Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan crossed the endless mountains.

Soon, a huge fairy city appeared in front of the two of them.

These days, there are mountains as far as the eye can see, today I finally saw the fairy city of human beings, Li Yixi did not leave in a hurry, but fell into the fairy city.

"Battle days."

Walking into this fairy city, Li Yixi showed doubts on his face. For some reason, this fairy city is called Zhantian City.

However, Li Yixi didn't delve into it, there must be a reason for each fairy city's name.

Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan walked casually, and soon appeared in front of a huge immortal building.

The fairy tower is called Wangtian Tower.

Just looking at it at a glance gives people a sense of magnificence and celestial spirit.

Li Yixi's eyes showed curiosity, after a little inquiry, Li Yixi's face was surprised, he didn't expect that Wangtianlou turned out to be a restaurant.

However, the owner behind this restaurant is extremely terrifying.

"Go and have a look."

Li Yixi put away the fan in his hand and walked towards Wangtianlou.

Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan had just entered the lobby, when a shopkeeper saw Li Yixi and hurried over.

Feeling Li Yixi's incomparably outstanding temperament, the shopkeeper felt the pressure.

Gathering up his courage, he said: "Young Master, Wangtian Tower is not entertaining guests today, so I invite you to come back tomorrow, and I will definitely give you a discount tomorrow."

Hearing the other party's words, Li Yixi was a little surprised.

"Wangtianlou doesn't entertain guests, is there anything special about today?"

Li Yixi was not aggressive, but asked curiously.

The shopkeeper didn't dare to hide it, after all, Li Yixi's temperament was too outstanding, even the sons and daughters of some big sects he knew were far from Li Yixi.

The shopkeeper hurriedly said: "To tell you the truth, my lord, the Wangtian Tower has been booked out today to entertain doctors from all over the world."

"Do you invite doctors from all over the world?"

"Could it be that there is a patient in the family that cannot be cured?"

"I am proficient in medical skills, but I just don't know if I am qualified to take a look inside."

"Maybe I can cure one or two, but I'm not sure."

Hearing that there was a sick person and that he had the ability to take over the Wangtian Tower, Li Yixi felt that the other person was very unusual and was a little moved. He wanted to go in and take a look. If it was possible, he could treat him and earn favors.

Li Yixi has always been adhering to the heart of making friends with monks from all over the world. In Li Yixi's view, this world is the way of the world.

If he can help others, Li Yixi will naturally not refuse.

However, as soon as Li Yixi finished speaking, a mocking voice sounded.

"Do you dare to claim that you can treat patients?"

"Do you know what kind of identity the doctor going to this Wangtian Tower needs today?"

"Even if it is the worst, a seventh-rank doctor is needed."

"May I ask how old you are?"

This voice was incomparably unruly, even a little ferocious, Li Yixi looked back, and saw a middle-aged man walking fast, holding a fan in his hand, he looked like an aggressive presence.

Li Yixi found that there were eight medicine cauldrons on the opponent's robe.

Hearing the other party's words, Li Yixi confirmed that the other party was an eighth-rank physician.

If the other party is a practitioner with a strong cultivation base and wants to discuss the Tao with him, Li Yixi can only bow down.

But when it comes to treating patients, Li Yixi would not consider himself inferior.

After all, Li Yixi's medical skills have been recognized by the system, and he is known as a medical fairy.

"No product!"

"I have never participated in any pharmacist assessment."

Facing the aggressive gaze and tone, Li Yixi said calmly with a calm expression.

The middle-aged man approaching laughed loudly after hearing Li Yixi's words.

"A person who has never participated in the pharmacist assessment, even threatening to save Young Master Xiao, is nothing short of ridiculous."

"Even for an eighth-rank pharmacist like me, I don't have the slightest chance of being able to cure Young Master Xiao. I was invited here today just to see if there is a chance that I can help."

"You are a waste who has never participated in any pharmacist assessment, how can you have the confidence to heal Young Master Xiao once or twice!"

Yang Shan's voice was very loud, and he immediately looked at Li Yixi in the hall.

He started pointing and mocking.

Hearing these gossips, Xiao Zhan's eyes shot out a cold light.

I think these people are looking for death.

Yang Shan also stood in front of Li Yixi, condescendingly looking down at Li Yixi.

"Meet Master Yang."

When the shopkeeper of Wangtianlou saw Yang Shan coming, he immediately showed respect on his face and hurriedly saluted. In the eyes of the shopkeeper, an eighth-rank pharmacist like Yang Shan was simply not someone he could offend.

"Get out of the way, out of the way."

However, Yang Shan saw the disgust on the face of the shopkeeper who saluted him, and took another step forward, staring at Li Yixi.

"Boy, answer me, where did you get your confidence?"

Yang Shan is aggressive.

Li Yixi's face also became a little bit colder, "It's true that I haven't passed any pharmacist's examination, but I think I'm better than you."

The aggressive Yang Shan, after hearing Li Yixi's words, seemed to have heard a big joke, he burst out laughing in the hall instantly,


"It's a big joke, just by how much do you beat me?"

"Where did this lunatic come from? Talking crazy here!"

"Within a million miles, there are not many people who can claim to be better than Yang Shan."

"If you can't say something today, then I will cut off your tongue and let you know how much it costs to humiliate an eighth-grade pharmacist."

While Yang Shan was laughing, cold lights shot out from his small eyes. As an eighth-rank pharmacist, Yang Shan gave him respectful gazes everywhere he went, and no one had ever been so provocative before.

However, facing Yang Shan's aggressive gaze, Li Yixi didn't show any fear on his face.

He even directly ignored Yang Shan's aggressive gaze.

At this moment, some people were looking at this side with curious faces, wondering who contradicted the irritable Yang Shan recently.

Faced with Yang Shan's killing intent, Li Yixi said calmly: "Do you think I'm not as good as a dead person?"

"If you can survive seven days, then I will let you take my life."

"If I read it right, a month ago, you would cough up blood every time the moon was full."

"It's mild at first, but the blood you cough up should be black these days."

"And there's an unpleasant smell in the black blood."

"If my guess is correct, there is a bloody line on your stomach."

"This bloody line has spread to your navel. Once it spreads to your chest, that is, after seven days, you will be ripped apart."

"It's a joke that you, a trash who can't even heal yourself, look down on the world."

Originally condescending and disdainful Yang Shan, after hearing Li Yixi's words, Yang Shan's body trembled violently, and a look of horror appeared in his eyes.

Yang Shan's face became bloodless.

Originally, those onlookers thought that Li Yixi was just talking nonsense, cursing Yang Shan.

But he didn't expect that after Li Yixi's words fell, Yang Shan's face turned pale and his legs trembled.

Frightened expressions appeared on their faces. At this moment, they also realized that Li Yixi was not talking nonsense, but saw Yang Shan's illness at a glance.

These pharmacists were extremely shocked, and the way they looked at Li Yixi changed completely. At the beginning, they saw Li Yixi's demeanor and youthfulness, and felt that Li Yixi did not have too deep medical skills.

But he didn't expect that just meeting Yang Shan once, he could see that Yang Shan's life was not long.

The shopkeeper originally wanted to invite Li Yixi out of Wangtianlou, but at this moment, seeing Yang Shan with a pale face, the shopkeeper showed a look of shock on his face.

Being able to be the shopkeeper in Wangtianlou, the shopkeeper's natural vision is unique. Although Li Yixi does not seem to be a pharmacist, just from these words, the shopkeeper knows that Li Yixi's medical skills are beyond imagination , definitely not something Yang Shan and his ilk can compare with.

"I didn't expect you to have such superb medical skills, son, please follow me."

The shopkeeper immediately showed a respectful look on his face, and led Li Yixi upstairs.

Li Yixi had just stepped up the stairs when he saw Yang Shan with a pale face kneeling on the ground with a plop in the hall.

"Young master, please save me. I, Yang Shan, have eyes but don't know Mount Tai. As long as you can save my life, I am willing to be a slave."

At this moment, Yang Shan kowtowed directly in the hall, and his forehead fell on the floor, making a crisp sound.

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