Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1086 The Tragic Sky Demon Emperor

The Prophet Demon Emperor saw the Yuntian Demon Emperor heading towards Li Yixi's place at a high speed, with a look of anger and murderous intent on his face, the Prophet Demon Emperor's face turned pale.

The Prophet Demon Emperor wanted to send a voice reminder, but found that at this moment, Li Yixi, who was drinking, suddenly took a look here.

The Prophet Demon Emperor was so frightened that his heart trembled wildly, he turned around and left without any hesitation, how could he dare to transmit the sound to Yuntian Demon Emperor.

Originally, several demon emperors came through the sky, but in the blink of an eye, only the Yuntian demon emperor remained.

The Demon Emperor Yuntian vacated and saw corpses on the ground, his face became extremely cold.

"Human race, you are so brave, you dare to slaughter the great sage of my monster race."

"Are you going to live forever with my monster clan?"

The Demon Emperor Yuntian looked at those corpses with a look of anger.

An incomparably terrifying aura spread over at this moment.

Tang Qing felt the breath of Yuntian Yaodi, and his heart trembled wildly.


Tang Yin and Xiao Zhan's expressions also changed slightly.

The aura emanating from the Yuntian Demon Emperor is too terrifying.

"I'm afraid this guy is very strong?"

"Definitely stronger than these dead guys, it seems to be the leader of these existences."

Li Yixi drank the wine in his cup in one gulp, and saw the Yaodi Yuntian coming from the sky, thinking.

Li Yixi did not underestimate him, because Li Yixi felt the awe-inspiring killing intent emanating from the Demon Emperor Yuntian at this moment.

Li Yixi knew very well that if this terrifying existence could not be eliminated today, Tang Yin, Xiao Zhan and Tang Qing would be in danger of their lives.

I have the power of merit to bless me, but the three of them don't.

However, there was no panic on Li Yixi's face. Li Yixi stood up slowly and smiled at the Yuntian Yaodi who came from the void.

"I don't know what your name is?"

A refined smile appeared on the corner of Li Yixi's mouth.

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Yuntian Demon Emperor narrowed his eyes into slits. According to the news reported by those little demons, Yuntian Demon Emperor knew that it was Li Yixi who slaughtered the great saints of the demon clan.

Although Yuntian Yaodi has always been domineering and bloodthirsty, but Yuntian Yaodi is not stupid, and he is secretly inquiring about Li Yixi's truth.

"I am the Demon Emperor Yuntian!"

"I came here today just to take your life!"

Yuntian Yaodi shouted angrily, and at the same time said in a low voice: "Brothers, I don't know what treasure is covering this person, so he can't see through the truth. My strength is slightly stronger. I will attack. You wait and pester."

"Let's test his reality first."

After the voice fell, the Demon Emperor Yuntian rushed out without waiting for a response.

An incomparably ferocious beast claw grabbed at Li Yixi and the others, this gigantic beast claw covered the sky and the sun.

When Li Yixi saw the attack of the Yuntian Demon Emperor, he jumped into the air instantly. After all, he had the power of merit, if the Yuntian Demon Emperor hurt himself, then today would be much easier.

Can simply kill the Demon Emperor Yuntian.

However, although Yuntian Yaodi is domineering and bloodthirsty, he is also extremely cautious. Before the terrifying attack touched Li Yixi, Yuntian Yaodi sensed the golden power of merit on Li Yixi's body.

"The power of merit, this is the power of merit!"

"How is it possible? How is this possible? How can there be such a strong power of merit in this world?"

The Yuntian Yaodi, who had the awe-inspiring murderous intent, was so frightened that all souls trembled at this moment.

Without any hesitation, he instantly withdrew his beast claw carrying a terrifying attack.

Heart beating violently.

When I saw Li Yi in the past, it was like seeing a snake and a scorpion, and I felt chills in my heart.

Yuntian Yaodi's breathing became extremely heavy even at this moment, Yuntian Yaodi was very clear, if he hadn't immediately discovered that Li Yixi had the power of merit and virtue just now.

Then, if the attack has not hurt Li Yixi, he will definitely be punished by God.

Just thinking of this, the Demon Emperor Yuntian looked desperate.

The Demon Emperor Yuntian knew very well that even if his demon emperors were very powerful, they would not be able to take revenge today.

"Brothers, he has the power of merit and virtue. I don't know how to deal with it. I'll go first. Otherwise, I'm afraid I will suffer disaster today."

Yuntian Yaodi's voice was trembling, but when Yuntian Yaodi turned around to take a look, his heart instantly shivered.

The Demon Emperor Yuntian found that there was no one behind him, and there were no other Demon Emperors there.

Instantly became extremely angry.

The demon emperor who was angry with those demon clans actually abandoned him.

Li Yixi saw that the Demon Emperor Yuntian withdrew his attack, and a look of disappointment appeared on his face.


"I originally wanted to rely on the power of merit to kill him easily."

"But I didn't expect that this guy had some vision and instantly discovered the power of merit in me."

"It seems to be able to do one or two!"

"However, it's not difficult to deal with such a reckless man."

Li Yixi smiled slightly, with a calm expression on his face, and a death sticker suddenly appeared in his hand.

Li Yixi took a pen and wrote down the name of the Demon Emperor Yuntian on the death post.

When Yuntian Yaodi's name appeared on the Death Poster, the expression of Yuntian Yaodi changed drastically at that moment.

The Demon Emperor Yuntian was extremely powerful, at this moment, he discovered that an extremely mysterious force had actually locked himself in the death invitation.

That incomparably powerful Xuan Ao, even Yuntian Yaodi's strength is so powerful, it can't be stopped at this moment, it can't be cut off.

The next moment, the Demon Emperor Yuntian felt an extremely terrifying force of death coming from somewhere.

When that force of death fell on Yuntian Yaodi's body, Yuntian Yaodi looked desperate.

The Demon Emperor Yuntian felt that the vitality in his body was constantly being wiped out, and the demon soul was constantly being exhausted.

"no no no"

The Demon Emperor Yuntian had a frightened expression on his face.

Struggling frantically, but soon, the Demon Emperor Yuntian was completely desperate.

An unbelievable look appeared in the eyes.

The vitality in the body disappeared rapidly, and the soul continued to dry up.

Even the strength is instantly corrupted.

The incomparably huge body slowly fell from the void.

The Demon Emperor Yuntian died completely, but his eyes were still open, and he could not rest in peace.

At the same time, one could also feel the despair and panic he had experienced before in the eyes of the Demon Emperor Yuntian.

Li Yixi saw the gigantic corpse falling from the void, and even the ground trembled slightly, with a look of ecstasy.

"Baby, this death post is indeed a baby."

"It didn't disappoint me!"

"Just looking at its huge size is not easy."

Li Yixi stepped on the golden cloud of merit and virtue, and came to the side of Yuntian Yaodi, looking at this huge corpse, his face showed a look of complacency.

"It turned out to be a deer?"

"Venison is not bad, what a treat!"

When the voice fell, Li Yixi used the system space to instantly include the Yuntian Yaodi in it.

Not far away, Tang Qing was trembling at this moment.

As a monster clan, Tang Qing felt very clearly how strong the Yuntian Demon Emperor's cultivation was, but he did not expect that such a terrifying and supreme Demon Emperor would have no resistance in front of Li Yixi.

Hearing Li Yixi's words that venison is good made Tang Qing tremble even more.

Tang Qing didn't expect that Li Yixi's cultivation base would be so terrifying, constantly refreshing his cognition.

"How strong is the son?"

Tang Qing opened his mouth wide, feeling dry.

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