When Yang Shan knelt down, Shi Potian was shocked.

The pharmacists who were paying attention to this place lost their composure in an instant, and stood up directly from their chairs with a sound of 'teng'.

Their faces changed drastically, and they began to feel that although Li Yixi had seen Yang Shan's strange disease, they felt that Li Yixi was scaring Yang Shan, and Yang Shan's kneeling scared all the pharmacists.

They finally knew that Yang Shan's strange disease was more terrifying than they thought.

However, from the beginning to the end, they didn't see Li Yixi diagnose Yang Shan, so they saw through it at a glance.

This ability made all pharmacists look pale.

The pharmacist who thought he was unparalleled in medicine at first, completely changed his face at this moment, the way he looked at Li Yixi changed again and again.

Yang Shan has always been rebellious and extremely proud, but now he kneels directly in front of the public, it is obvious that every word of Li Yixi mentioned Yang Shan's illness.


"The young master who was condescending and mocking just now still wants the young master to save your life, do you think it is possible?"

Xiao Zhan's face was icy cold.

He directly scolded Yang Shan.

For Yang Shan, Xiao Zhan didn't have any sympathy. In Xiao Zhan's view, such a person deserved to die.

"no no no"

"Young master, please save my life. I am willing to pay any price. As long as you can save me, I, Yang Shan, will agree to any conditions."

Seeing Xiao Zhan's refusal, Yang Shan showed a flustered look on his face, he no longer cared about kowtowing, and directly lay down on Li Yixi, looking at Li Yixi with despair.

Yang Shan knew very well that his illness was too strange, but Li Yixi knew his condition just by looking at him. Yang Shan knew that if anyone could save him, it would definitely be Li Yixi.

Yang Shan secretly visited some ninth-rank pharmacists, but none of those nine-rank pharmacists could do anything about his illness.

Yang Shan knew very well that if he missed Li Yixi, then he would surely die.

In the past few days, Yang Shan clearly felt the line of blood above his stomach continuously spreading to his chest.

According to that speed, after seven days it will indeed reach the chest as Li Yixi said.

Li Yixi turned around slowly, his eyes fell on Yang Shan.

"My lord, such a person is not worth treating, he should die."

When Xiao Zhan thought of Yang Shan's ridicule before, he couldn't help but feel angry.

"It's okay!"

"Actually, you can't completely define what kind of person it is from his words and deeds. Deep down in Yang Shan's heart, he is not as rebellious as we see. He has a heart that hangs the pot to help the world."

"The reason why he suffered from this serious illness was because he treated a baby with a strange illness."

Kneeling on the ground with a face full of despair, Yang Shan became extremely shocked again after hearing Li Yixi's words.

"Young master, how do you know?"

"My lord, you have to save me!"

"I'm afraid no one in the world can save me except you."

Originally, he still had some doubts in his heart, but after hearing Li Yixi's words, Yang Shan no longer doubted that his illness was caused by the fact that he rescued a baby.

"My lord, is there something wrong with that baby?"

When Xiao Zhan heard this, he naturally didn't dare to question it, and asked curiously.

Xiao Zhan's voice fell, and at this moment, the doctors and strong men in the entire Wangtian Tower, one by one, all sensed the power of their souls here, and they also wanted to know why Yang Shan suffered from such an incurable serious illness .

Li Yixi's eyes fell on Yang Shan, and he said calmly: "The baby he rescued is not an ordinary baby, but a resentful baby of the ninth generation, which contains endless resentment."

"If I'm not wrong, that baby should be abandoned by others, because the Ninth Resentment Baby is an ominous picture, and the reason why Yang Shan was infected with that resentment was because he had a compassionate heart and tried to Treated with a special method, however, his method caused him to get a serious illness that cannot be cured."

At this moment, Li Yixi said calmly, the reason why he knew that Yang Shan's illness was caused by treating the resentful infant of the ninth generation, this is what Li Yixi encountered in a mission of the system.

It happened that Li Yixi knew how to treat it.

"Sir, save me!"

"As long as you are willing to save me, son, I am willing to be an ox or a horse."

Yang Shan's nose was running all over the moment, and he could no longer see the superior status of the eighth-rank pharmacist.

"Come with me!"

"The reason why you have been grumpy these days is also caused by illness. Seeing that you have a compassionate heart, I can save you."

Li Yixi's voice fell, and he followed the shopkeeper upstairs.

Yang Shan, who was kneeling on the ground and weeping bitterly, heard Li Yixi's words, as if a death row prisoner had received an amnesty, with a grateful expression on his face.

Rolling and scrambling to keep up with Li Yixi's footsteps.

The shopkeeper at the side looked at Li Yixi with trepidation. He never thought that Li Yixi, who looked like a noble son, had such a heaven-defying ability.

Li Yixi and others walked up to the second floor, countless pharmacists came to salute respectfully, these people did not leave after saluting, but looked at Yang Shan curiously.

They came to salute, firstly to make friends with Li Yixi, and secondly to see if Yang Shan's illness is as terrible as Li Yixi said.

Li Yixi naturally sensed the intentions of these people, and instead of driving them out, he said indifferently: "Yang Shan, lie on the table and unbutton your shirt."

To Yang Shan who was crying bitterly, what Li Yixi said was an imperial decree in his eyes.

While wiping away tears and snot, he directly tore up his shirt.

The next moment, the pupils of the surrounding pharmacists suddenly contracted, and everyone gasped. They saw a red line of blood on Yang Shan's stomach.

That line of blood had already extended above the navel.

Seeing such symptoms, some pharmacists backed away with panic.

Because the moment they saw that bloody line, they felt an extremely terrifying cold breath blowing towards their faces.

Not to mention medical treatment, at this moment, they felt terrified even when they approached.

Seeing Yang Shan's stomach, he looked uneasy.

The Ninth Resentful Infant.

It is really the Ninth Resentful Infant.

Some strong men even took a breath.

On the top of the Wangtian Tower, an old man with white beard and hair and an extremely terrifying aura, at this moment, the power of the soul returned, and he took a breath.

"It's such a terrible resentment. I didn't expect it to be really the curse of the Ninth Resentful Infant."

"I don't know how this person will be treated."

"The Ninth Resentful Infant!"

At this moment, the old man thought of the Ninth Resentful Infant, and his body shivered.

While being shocked, he also wanted to know how Li Yixi would save Yang Shan.

Nine generations of resentful infants, even the ancestor gods are hard to match.

In the room, under the eyes of one after another, Li Yixi took out a pair of silver needles from his arms and was disinfecting the silver needles.

Seeing Li Yixi's actions, all the pharmacists around were somewhat puzzled, but no one dared to speak out to question.

They knew very well that even if Li Yixi was deceitful, if they dared to obstruct at this moment, then Yang Shan on the table would definitely fight them desperately, because in Yang Shan's eyes, Li Yixi was his life-saving straw.

When Xiao Zhan saw that line of blood, he seemed to see a baby screaming with a terrifying venomous look all over his body.

If it wasn't for the holy power emanating from Li Yixi's body, blocking that terrifying resentment, Xiao Zhan would not be able to bear it.

At this moment, Xiao Zhan's face turned pale.

There was a storm in my heart.

"The Ninth Resentful Infant is really terrifying!"

Xiao Zhan knew very well that only an existence like Li Yixi could deal with such a thing, not to mention him, even an existence stronger than him would surely die in the face of the Ninth Resentful Infant.

After sterilizing the silver needles, Li Yixi activated the silver needles, and what Li Yixi used was acupuncture and moxibustion, eight trigrams to suppress evil spirits.

With a big wave of Li Yixi's hand, silver needles burst out of the air instantly, and the needles were completed with one thought.

These silver needles fell on Yang Shan's stomach in the way of gossip.

With the circulation of Li Yixi's zhenqi, the silver needles trembled violently in the next moment, and an incomparable mysterious power instantly turned into an incomparably terrifying attack, heading towards Yang Shan's nine-life resentful infant.

On the top of Wangtian Tower, the old man with white beard suddenly stood up from his chair.

With a look of shock on his face, even at this moment, he didn't realize that the teacup in his hand had been crushed into powder by himself.

"This, what method is this?"

"too frightening!"

"This silver needle contains an extremely terrifying formation. This formation is so mysterious that even this old man has never heard of it."

"If this kind of formation is cast by him, I am afraid that even those extremely terrifying existences in the ancient times will not be able to break free."

"No wonder this person has the courage to suppress the Ninth Resentful Infant. It turns out that his strength is unfathomable!"

"With this person appearing today, it seems that Ye'er's illness may be cured."

While the old man was shocked, surprise appeared in his eyes.

The old man is the ancestor of the Xiao family, and it is the Xiao family who booked the Wangtian Tower today.

The old man's supernatural powers are incomparably powerful. At this moment, those eyes see through everything, and all obstacles disappear in his eyes. Standing on the highest point of Wangtian Tower, at this moment, he seems to be standing on the ground between Li Yixi and Yang Shan. The side of the general.

The old man stared at Li Yixi's running acupuncture, and as the silver needles vibrated, the old man's face was shocked. At this moment, under his perception, he found that under the trembling of those silver needles, Two dragon shadows appeared, these two dragon shadows were very illusory, one black and one white, the angry and unwilling Ninth Resentful Infant, facing the two illusory black and one white dragons, was directly shocked by the extremely terrifying Power to kill.

Even the Ninth Resentful Infant didn't even have a chance to resist, and was completely destroyed in an instant.

With a wave of Li Yixi's hand, Li Yixi pulled out the silver needles one by one, and the bloody line that had spread to Yang Shan's navel disappeared strangely in an instant.

The cold atmosphere in the room disappeared in an instant.

The invisible cold and oppressive feeling on everyone's body also disappeared.

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