For a long time, in the eyes of the White Tiger Great Sage, Li Yixi was a mortal, but now, with a swipe of his pen, he judged them instantly, like the judge's pen in the life and death book of the king of hell.

At this moment, the Great Sage White Tiger even held his breath.

Because the last name in Li Yixi's pen appeared on the death sticker, next to the White Tiger Great Sage, Xiangchen was shocked.

The distance between White Tiger Great Sage and Xiang Chen is extremely close.

The rest of the great sages fell inexplicably, and the white tiger sage didn't understand it, but Xiang Chen was right beside the white tiger sage, so the white tiger sage could see it clearly.

The moment Li Yixi wrote the word Xiangchen, an extremely terrifying force suddenly burst out from the death sticker in Li Yixi's hand. Under this force, cause and effect occurred instantly. Power.

Cause and effect are the lines, and the death stick and Xiangchen are the two ends.

Under that force of cause and effect, the death sticker erupted with an extremely terrifying force of death.

The terrifying power of death spread along this line of cause and effect.

Instantly poured into Xiangchen's body.

Although Xiangchen's strength is not weak, compared with that power of death, the gap is really too big.

In an instant, under the terrifying power of death, the life force in Xiangchen's body was instantly swallowed by the power of death, his vitality collapsed, and his soul was exhausted.

The Great Sage White Tiger discovered that the death sticker in Li Yixi's hand seemed to contain a world of death.

It seems to destroy the world.

Bang bang bang.

The Great Sage White Tiger felt his heart beating like a war drum.

Li Yixi's method scared White Tiger Great Sage's legs trembling.

"This, what is this thing, why, why does it contain such a terrifying power of death, that treasure may really contain an extremely terrifying world of death, otherwise, how could it have such a strange ability. "

"No no no."

"Among the treasures, it's not just the power of death, but also the power of cause and effect. Death and cause and effect are all extremely terrifying powers of the great way. Why have I never heard of this treasure?"

"I lied, otherwise, at this moment, I am afraid that I will also fall here like these great saints."

"That force of cause and effect, I am now, is simply impossible to cut off."

"Also, karma is an extremely terrifying avenue, can someone really cut it off?"

"Before, I actually thought that this person is really a mortal, a mortal who has gained the power of merit."

"But now, I understand that this kind of existence is more powerful than we imagined."

"A mortal?"

"Ha ha!"

"If it is really a mortal, how could it be possible to activate such a powerful and terrifying artifact? That treasure is definitely a most yin and evil thing, but it dare not contaminate this person in the slightest. It can be seen that this person's strength, in the end? How terrible."

"Tang Qing, who possesses the bone of heaven, is guarded by this person, and no one in this world wants to spy on him."

"It seems that the bone of heaven has nothing to do with us."


"I have to go. This person is so terrifying. If I stay any longer, I'm afraid I won't have a chance to survive."

After thinking one by one, the Great Sage White Tiger is extremely powerful, but at this moment he was so frightened that he trembled.

Especially the God of Death Sticker in Li Yixi's hand, in the eyes of the White Tiger Great Sage, it is the King of Hades demanding his life.

The Great Sage White Tiger felt that Xiangchen was completely dead, his soul was broken, and he didn't even have a chance to reincarnate. He was terrified and disappeared into the void.

Xiao Zhan and Tang Yin are still busy.

But in the pupils of the two of them, there was a look of shock.

The scene in front of him really had a great impact on the soul.

When they quietly glanced at the death sticker in Li Yixi's hand, the two felt chills in their hearts.

Horrible, so scary.

With this thing, if you want to kill someone, it should not be too simple, if you write down your name casually, you will be finished.

You don't even need to do it yourself.

In the void, Li Yixi was a little surprised to see the Great Sage White Tiger escape.


"This guy is so smart, he actually used a fake name, Saint Bai Bai, your uncle Bai."

"Sure enough, a demon who has read books is not easy to fool."

"It's still this kind of reckless man, easy to deal with."

"You don't even need to waste your tongue."

Li Yixi cursed secretly, took a look at the dead Xiangchen, and suddenly felt really stupid.

Li Yixi glanced at the death sticker in his hand, feeling ecstatic in his heart.

"Death Poster, it's amazing!"

"It turned out to be exactly what Zhang Jie said."

"With this thing, I don't have to do it anymore."

"The ancients said that a gentleman uses his mouth but not his hands, but now, I can even avoid talking."

Li Yixi caressed the Death Sticker with a satisfied expression on his face.

There is a small world in the death post, at this moment in that small world, the weapon of the death post is inspired by Li Yixi's breath, and his heart trembles uncontrollably.

A look of horror.

"The true self, this has definitely reached the true self."

"How is it possible, how could such a terrifying existence appear in this broken world."

There was a look of extreme fear in the eyes of this figure.

There is a space inside the death sticker, forming a world of its own.

Known as the realm of the dead.

Qi Ling is the spirit of heaven and earth in this world.

In this world, there are no living beings, and life is so dead.

Contaminated with the breath of this thing, all life will be extinguished.

But the god of death was stuck in Li Yixi's hands, and Qi Ling discovered that Li Yixi had actually controlled him. The power of cause and effect was not that this world was originally so powerful, but that after it came into Li Yixi's hands, it was not so powerful. Knowing what Li Yixi did, the power of cause and effect surged instantly, and in the world of death, he contended with the way of death.

At the same time, the unshakable power of death in the world of death is actually changing and becoming more advanced.

At the same time, it is intertwined with the power of cause and effect.


Extremely terrible.

Detachment is just breaking free from the shackles of fate and breaking the shackles of heaven and earth.

These worlds are all small worlds, the power of the Great Dao in the small world is not perfect, it is incomplete, and the Taoism is also incomplete.

But fate is imprisoned by the small world.

Only after being strong enough can you break free from the shackles of fate and control all your life imprints in your own hands.

Detachment also has a name, called the realm of life control.

In the chaos, it can be regarded as the emperor's realm.

There are nine ranks in the realm of life control.

Detachment, it can be regarded as the realm of first-grade control of life.

Countless beings in the chaotic world, in their lifetime, cannot touch the ninth rank.

Ninth Rank Controls Life, but the master of a big world, in the chaos, is also an invincible existence.

And the true self is a stronger realm.

The true self, also known as the only true self.

Integrating the past and the future, it is the only one in the world.

Such a realm, as far as he knows, is a legend and has never appeared before.

However, Li Yixi's methods surpassed the legendary Ninth Rank Fate Control Realm, so at this moment, when the spirit of death god paste sensed Li Yixi's breath, there was only endless panic.

The Lord Biter nodded, never daring to appear.

The spirit of death stickers has never been willing to be controlled by others before, and has always wanted to take it away and reincarnate to rebuild.

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