
Li Yixi was very satisfied with the death post, and put it away carefully.

It landed beside Xiao Zhan and Tang Yin.

A look of joy on his face.

"Congratulations, young master, you have obtained an incredible treasure."

"This thing, even we can't see through it."

"And I have a vague feeling that only you, my lord, can handle this thing, and the rest of the people get it, and it's a way of death."

"I faintly feel that this treasure contains an extremely terrifying death energy. Ordinary people don't have the power of merit to bless it, and they will undoubtedly die if they carry it."

"It's the young master, and this thing is very predestined."

"This thing can only be used by the young master."

Tang Yin's face was hot, but after seeing it clearly, he was as afraid as a tiger.

Xiao Zhan, at this moment, also nodded in empathy.

I agree with Tang Yin's words.

"is it?"

"That's good!"

Li Yixi was already satisfied, now that he knew that he was not harmed, he felt more at ease.

In the void, Tang Qing with a dull face felt that everything that happened today was an illusion.

But after crossing the catastrophe, the heavenly reward entered the body, Tang Qing knew that he was not hallucinating, everything was real.

Tang Qing's aura skyrocketed at an extremely terrifying speed.

The injuries on his body healed instantly.

When the body fell from the void and his eyes fell on Li Yixi, Tang Qing even breathed a little nervously. Facing Li Yixi, Tang Qing was instinctively afraid.

Those demon saints before were extremely terrifying in strength, but Li Yixi didn't care. In a short period of time, almost all of them were killed or injured.

"Tang Qing, I have seen the young master."

"Thank you son for your kindness of regeneration. If there is no son today, Tang Qing will undoubtedly die."

"Also ask the young master to accept my worship."

Tang Qing's voice fell, and he knelt down in front of Li Yixi with a plop.

Li Yixi wanted to stop him, but he couldn't.

But today, Li Yixi himself felt that he had contributed a lot. Seeing Tang Qing's insistence, Li Yixi did not stop him.

Seeing that Tang Qing had finished kowtowing, Li Yixi immediately helped Tang Qing up.

"All right!"

"Get up!"

"After the catastrophe, do you feel that the world is different?"

"Facing life and death, everything will change."

"You rest first, realize what you have gained today, and I will draw a picture!"

Li Yixi's voice fell, Tang Qing naturally didn't dare to say more.

Paying respects to Li Yixi, he hurriedly stepped aside, feeling enlightened.

After crossing the catastrophe, for Tang Qing, he is about to transform, time is very important, and he started to practice directly.

It was Xiao Zhan and Tang Yin who looked puzzled at the moment.

"What do you paint, son?"

Xiao Zhan asked involuntarily.

Li Yixi who took out the drawing board smiled and said: "Draw a tiger, the white tiger sage before was a bit mighty, let him draw a picture as a souvenir."

Li Yixi laughed, but after the voice fell, Xiao Zhan and Tang Yin's bodies trembled slightly.

The two of them understood that the Great Sage White Tiger was missed by Li Yixi.

With a look of sympathy, he felt that the Great Sage White Tiger could not escape.

Seeing that Xiao Zhan didn't speak, Li Yixi didn't continue to speak.

Holding the pen and meditating, the appearance of the former White Tiger Great Sage kept appearing in his mind.

The next moment, the pen in Li Yixi's hand fell down.

The speed was extremely fast, and soon a picture of a tiger coming out of the mountain gradually took shape.

The Great Sage White Tiger, who had escaped thousands of miles, stopped at this moment, and turned to look in the direction where Li Yixi and the others were. The Great Sage White Tiger felt his scalp go numb.

"Damn it, how could there be such a terrifying existence?"

"Fortunately, I saved my life."

"This place must not stay anymore. If you meet someone, you will be finished."

Thinking of Li Yixi, Great Sage White Tiger felt chills in his heart.

Today, the scene of the fall of countless demon saints, the Great Sage White Tiger can't get rid of it.

The Great Sage White Tiger was about to continue fleeing.

In an instant, his body trembled, and his frightened eyes looked into the distance.

The Great Sage White Tiger felt that at this moment, in the direction where Li Yixi and the others were, there was an extremely terrifying force calling him.

That power made Great Sage White Tiger tremble with fear.

Want to suppress, but can't do it.

This summoning power is getting more and more terrifying.

At this moment, Li Yixi looked at the picture of the tiger coming out of the mountain in front of him with a look of satisfaction.

"It's almost the finishing touch!"

"Come into my painting!"

Li Yixi's voice fell, and the pen in his hand dropped instantly.

The tip of the pen landed in Baihu's eye sockets, and Baihu, whose eyes were originally empty, seemed to come alive in an instant.

Meanwhile, thousands of miles away.

The white tiger with an apprehensive expression suddenly trembled with fear.

Because when Li Yixi was writing, the void in front of him shattered strangely, and a huge black hole appeared.

In that black hole, a powerful devouring force erupted, and the white tiger was unable to break free.

"no no no"

Although he still doesn't know what happened, but at this moment, the white tiger struggled with panic on his face.

But nothing changed, the body was swallowed by the black hole.

The shattered void instantly recovers.

However, when Baihu felt the light in his eyes again, the Great Sage Baihu froze instantly.

The body trembled.

Because the Great Sage White Tiger discovered that it was Li Yixi who was facing his eyes.

"Master, save my life!"

Seeing Li Yixi's eyes, the Great Sage White Tiger looked terrified.

But the next moment, the Great Sage White Tiger was stunned, because he couldn't make any sound.

After feeling it for a while, the soul of the Great Sage White Tiger was so frightened that it trembled.

"I, why did I appear in the painting, what kind of method is this?"

At this moment, the Great Sage White Tiger was really frightened out of his wits.

Xiao Zhan and Tang Yin on the side glanced at the picture of the tiger coming out of the mountain.

The two looked at each other silently, trembling in their hearts.

Seeing Li Yixi's method, he felt chills in his heart, this method is really terrible.

The Great Sage White Tiger, after being terrified, showed death in his eyes.

The Great Sage White Tiger is very clear that he is imprisoned in this painting, and he is afraid that he has practiced in this life.

"Young master, it's done!"

Seeing that Tang Qing had survived the catastrophe and forgot everything, Tang Yin looked happy.

The big pig on the firewood is roasted golden.

Li Yixi was very satisfied with this painting and hurriedly put it away.

Smelling the tempting aroma of meat, he looked excited.

Xiao Zhan used his magical powers, the earth and rocks rolled, and a pavilion appeared in an instant, with all the seats in the pavilion.

Li Yixi was not polite either, looked at the roast pig and cut off a piece, when he moved the knife, he could hear the crisp sound.

At the same time, a scent hits the nostrils.

Before entering the mouth, the aroma teases the taste buds.

Looking at the cut barbecue, Li Yixi found that there was no greasy feeling, and he praised it in his heart.

The moment of entrance, the mouth is full of fragrance.

Crisp to the extreme.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"What an excellent method, this skill is amazing!"

After taking a bite, Li Yixi hurriedly praised it.

Tang Yin's face was full of joy. He didn't know whether Li Yixi was satisfied before, so he was a little uneasy.

"Come and sit, I have something good here."

Li Yixi hurriedly greeted Tang Yin and Xiao Zhan, it seemed that the three of them hadn't been together for a long time.

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