On his body, there is a treasure that covers his aura.

The poisonous mist is even more inaccessible, coupled with the magic effect of the treasure, so far, his real body has been a secret.

"Is he really mortal?"

"A mortal, how could he know my real body, and tell the truth with a single word."

"Even if the cultivation base is far superior to my existence, there is no such means."

"This person is definitely not a mortal."

"It is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to ignore the cover of the treasure."

"And it asked my name, I'm afraid it has bad intentions."

"Absolutely can't stay!"

The thought of Du Zun fell instantly, and he looked at Li Yixi, full of fear.

"In Xiajuecheng."

"Today, I'm just here to watch the six or six days of tribulation. I'm going to cross the catastrophe soon, so watch it in advance."

"I have absolutely no ill intentions towards this person. In order to avoid misunderstandings, I will retreat now!"

After the poisonous master's voice fell, he immediately left through the air.

Extremely decisive.

"have they gone?"

Li Yixi was a little disappointed seeing the little snake go away.

Then his eyes fell on the rest of the demon saints.

Constantly remembering the names of these demon saints, Li Yixi became more relaxed.

"Ha ha!"

"Remember, it's safe now!"

"However, this catastrophe depends on Tang Qing himself."

"Help him good luck, I hope it will be the same as before, and the catastrophe will fall on these existences."

Li Yixi's thoughts fell, Xiao Zhan and Tang Yin raised their heads suddenly, and Tang Yin's face was full of surprise, because Tang Yin sensed that at this moment, a force of great desire fell from the endless sky and landed on Tang Qing's body.

"The power of great wishes, Tang Qing is saved."

"I just said, my son will not let Tang Qing die."

"It's these demon saints. It's over. Invisibly, the power of robbery and evil has added to them."

Tang Yin's face was filled with joy.

In the void, under the catastrophe.

Tang Yin, who was suspended in the void, changed slightly at this moment, with a look of confusion.

at a loss.

Because Tang Yin suddenly felt that the deterrent power of Heavenly Tribulation had disappeared strangely.

The powerful oppressive feeling disappeared without a trace.

Inexplicably, the pressure in my heart was relieved.


"Why is this?"

However, Tang Qing was full of doubts at the moment.



There was a brief silence, and the next moment there was the sound of rolling thunder in the void.

In the cloud of calamity, a dragon chant sounded at the same time.

The demon saints who were suddenly restless no longer cared about why this happened.

"Little Fox!"


In the robbery cloud, when the gigantic Thunder Dragon appeared, the Great Sage White Tiger roared angrily.

"Young master, I'm sorry!"

Seeing that the time had come, the little fox smiled charmingly, and saw a crystal-clear bead appearing in the little fox's hand.

He directly threw the beads in his hand to Li Yixi.

next moment.

The bead suddenly disappeared and turned into a water curtain.

This water curtain has an extremely soft power, instantly enveloping Li Yixi in it.

In this water curtain, Li Yixi felt warm and comfortable.

Originally, Li Yixi thought that treasures had offensive power, but now, after seeing the water curtain, Li Yixi felt that he was thinking too much. In this world, there are indeed too many strange treasures.

All the demon saints did not make a move, but looked at Li Yixi quietly.

They were afraid that the little fox's treasure would have attack power, causing the thunder dragon in the void to target it.

Seeing Li Yixi imprisoned, all the demon saints were overjoyed.

"It's useful, it's really useful."

"Quick, shoot!"

"It's now."


A demon saint, seeing this scene, had a frenzied expression on his face.

They were really scared to death before.

The death of the nine-headed lion and the golden eagle is still lingering in their minds.

Seeing that he was really trapped, Li Yixi was a little surprised, but he also felt normal. After all, these demon saints couldn't be helpless, but Li Yixi had no fear.

"Sir, stay quietly for a while, I dare not deal with you."

"Young master, don't worry."

Outside the treasure, the little fox said with a smile.

Seeing that it really works for Li Yixi, the little fox smiled.

But Li Yixi saw the little fox so proud.

He also said with a smile: "Is it because you are dead, this treasure will be invalid."

Hearing Li Yixi's words, the little fox was completely focused on Tang Qing at the moment, and couldn't wait for Tang Qing to die and win that treasure, he said casually.

"Yes, as long as I die, no one will control this spirit bead, and it will become invalid."

"But sir, please be quiet. The defense of this spirit bead is invincible. Your companions are all locked, and no one can save you."

The little fox looked smug, and when he was looking forward to it, Li Yixi smiled and said, "Really?"

"At first I didn't like to kill foxes, they are cute after all, but today, I'm sorry."

Li Yixi's voice fell, and in Li Yixi's hands, a death sticker appeared. Li Yixi immediately wrote two words, Keke.

At the same time, Li Yixi found that in the void, figures were heading towards Tang Qing, and his complexion changed slightly.

Writing in a hurry, the names one by one are instantly on the paper.

During the day, Sheng had been paying attention to Li Yixi, seeing what Li Yixi did, he frowned slightly.

Before Bai Sheng could figure it out, his expression suddenly changed.

Because Saint Tian discovered that the little fox, who was originally at the peak, suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, his eyes were loose, and he fell from the void.

The vitality in the body disappeared inexplicably, and the power of the soul was inexplicably exhausted.

Following the fall of the little fox, the next moment, the spirit orb covering Li Yixi was suddenly turned into a moment of beads by no one to activate it, and Li Yixi appeared in the void.

Just now I saw Li Yixi being imprisoned, and when the demon saints attacked one by one, their auras were extremely violent. Now when Li Yixi appeared, he received a lot of impact from the aftermath.

The demon saints who were originally excited saw the little fox disappearing strangely, and their aura hit Li Yishi, and all of them were scared to death.

Even the demon saints who had spoken their real names before him fell strangely like a little fox.

Although those lying demon saints saved their lives because of lying, they are still desperate at this moment, because the aftermath of their aura swept over Li Yixi who suddenly appeared.


When all of them looked anxious and desperate, they saw the thunder dragon in the void roaring instantly.

In the robbery cloud, more thunder dragons appeared.

A thunder dragon locked them and a demon.

On the contrary, Tang Qing, who was crossing the tribulation in the void, looked confused at the moment, because no trace of thunder tribulation found him.


"Damn it, damn it."

"Damn heaven."

"Damn the power of merit!"

The demon saints were completely desperate, and no one thought of this scene.

Thinking of the little fox, he was even more angry.

The desperate eyes of some demon saints fell on Li Yixi in an instant.

"Young master, I was wrong, please forgive me."

In panic, he was swallowed by the thunder dragon.

During the day, Sheng stared at the void with his eyes wide open, with a look of horror on his face.

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