Seeing the opportunity to deal with Li Yixi, all the monsters' eyes lit up.

Li Yixi's voice fell, and the little fox said with a smile: "Hello, young master, my servant's name is Ke Ke, from the fox clan of Qingqiu, and I will attack you soon, but don't worry, young master, Ke Ke will never hurt you , but it will take some time for you to wrong the young master, when the time is up, you will naturally let the young master go, and then apologize to the young master."

"If the young master is willing, the slave family can be a maid for the young master."

The little fox's voice was full of charm.

After hearing the little fox's voice, the expressions of the surrounding big monsters changed slightly, and they hurriedly stepped back a few steps, as if they were extremely afraid of the little fox's way of charm.

"Is your name Keke?"

"Good name, this name is really nice and special, I remember it."

"Don't worry, I won't forget."

Li Yixi smiled, with a kind face.

The little fox who was urging the way of charm, heard Li Yixi's laughter, his face changed slightly, the little fox did not expect that his way of charm would not have the slightest effect on Li Yixi.

There was a turbulent wave in his heart, the little fox was extremely confident in his way of charm, because he had never missed it, but when he used the way of charm to Li Yixi, it had no effect.

And Li Yixi's smile, for some reason, made the little fox feel the danger.

But for a while, the little fox couldn't figure out where the danger came from.

But at this moment, the little fox hastily restrained his laughter.

He distanced himself slightly from Li Yixi.

The little fox, who was originally confident, suddenly felt a little unconfident at this moment.

Involuntarily, the palms were full of sweat.

The little fox who was about to imprison Li Yixi became inexplicably nervous.

Li Yixi, who was sitting casually on the golden cloud of merit, had a smile on his face at this moment, "Oh, I thought it was so difficult, but it's so easy to know the name. If you want to imprison me, let's dream of your big head!"

"The danger is finally resolved."

"As long as that treasure is ineffective against me, other dangers are fine."

"Possessed with the power of merit and virtue, I am blessed by the heavens. Whoever touches me will be struck by the catastrophe."

Thinking of the two scenes just now, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Yixi's mouth.

Li Yixi's thoughts fell, and he happily looked at a big white tiger demon beside him.

He said kindly, "I don't know how to address this demon brother. My name is Li Yixi. Let's get to know each other. The white tiger is rumored to be one of the four elephant beasts. It's so mighty."

"If I have a pen and paper, I really want to draw a portrait of Brother Yao."

The Great Sage White Tiger was extremely nervous when he heard Li Yixi's words.

He looked up at the void, and saw that the thunder in the void had been accumulating for a long time, but there was no trace of falling, his face changed slightly.

Originally, the Great Sage White Tiger didn't want to pay attention to Li Yixi. For Li Yixi, the Great Sage White Tiger was extremely jealous, but at this moment, the Great Sage White Tiger dared not refuse.

Because the Great Sage White Tiger thought of the nine lions and golden eagles before.

These two great saints are pure-blooded beings.

Compared with his own strength, there is not much difference, but he was cheated to death by Li Yixi's meritorious force.

The Great Sage White Tiger didn't know how long it would take to see the catastrophe, and he didn't dare to ignore Li Yixi. The Great Sage White Tiger was afraid that Li Yixi would suddenly hold grudges, and if the little fox couldn't hold him back, he would be finished.

Thinking of this, the Great Sage White Tiger was extremely unwilling, but he still said with some fear: "Don't dare, the Great Sage White Tiger is Tiantian."

"During the day, Sheng met the young master."

"I also hope that you don't hinder me. I have no enmity with you, but that thing is very important to me."

"Bai Tiansheng apologizes first."

"If there is success in the future, I will thank the young master."

White Tiger Great Sage Bai Tiansheng is really incomparably afraid of Li Yixi, if he attacks Li Yixi, he will have to suffer from catastrophe, it's terrible.

The previous two cataclysms were extremely terrifying, and now they are accumulating strength. The thunderstorm that has not fallen for a long time makes Tiantian feel fear. Just hearing the sound of dragon chant in the robbery cloud faintly, Tiantian is inexplicable be terrified.

Today I just want to win the treasure, but Sheng Tian dare not provoke Li Yixi.

The thunder dragon that appears and disappears in the robbery cloud is very clear to the saint during the day, and it definitely has the power to slay the saint.

And it's not as simple as beheading one or two demon saints.

Li Yixi was very surprised, he didn't expect that there are such polite monsters in the monster clan.

At this moment, the Great Sage White Tiger even turned into a human form, a scholar dressed in white, which surprised Li Yixi even more.

Li Yixi smiled.

"Are you reading?"

White Tiger Great Sage Tian Tiansheng heard Li Yixi's words, he dared not answer, seeing Li Yixi's eyes, Bai Tiansheng's heart trembled inexplicably.

"Returning to the son, I have read that the heavenly sage obtained a scroll of Confucianism and Taoism saints, opened up his spiritual wisdom, and cultivated into the body of a great sage."

During the day the holy voice fell.

Li Yixi was a little surprised that he met the demon who was studying again.

However, Li Yixi immediately remembered Bai Sheng's words in his heart. Li Yixi felt that scholars, such as himself, were terrible. In fact, they had no good intentions.

During the day, Sheng was so polite, maybe he was afraid of getting close to him.

Li Yixi raised his head, glanced at the more terrifying Heavenly Tribulation in the void, and there was a trace of worry in the depths of his pupils.

Heavenly Tribulation is terrible, if you add these monster clan great sages, there is almost no chance.

In order to prevent any omissions, Li Yixi did not continue to exchange greetings with the White Tiger Great Sage Bai Tian, ​​and looked at the other elephant with a smile.

The elephant is relatively quiet, suspended in the void, giving people a terrible sense of oppression invisibly, as if there is a terrible power in the body.

"This monster brother, what's your name!"

Li Yixi smiled as usual.

After the elephant sensed the horror of the catastrophe, a ray of worry appeared in the demon pupil.

Seeing Li Yixi staring at him made him extremely uncomfortable.

Inexplicable irritability.

snorted coldly.

"Xiang Chen!"

It was extremely brief, and he didn't want to say a single word to Li Yixi.

It seemed that some kind of agreement had been reached. The two great saints, Xiangchen and Baitiansheng, kept moving towards Tang Yin and Xiao Zhan. It seemed that their mission was to prevent Xiao Zhan and Tang Yin from interfering.

Xiao Zhan and Tang Yin glanced at the void, silently busy.

Xiao Zhan and Tang Yin didn't panic at all.

At this moment, the Great Sage White Tiger saw the calmness in the eyes of Xiao Zhan and Tang Yin, and felt a little uneasy in his heart.

When he looked at Li Yixi, he suddenly felt chills in his heart.

The eyes rolled strangely at this moment.

"This monster brother, what's your name!"

"It's really scary to keep spitting!"

Li Yixi's eyes fell on a great saint.

This great sage was shrouded in poisonous mist, which was extremely terrifying. From the beginning to the end, he was tightly wrapped by the poisonous mist. Li Yixi's voice fell, and the poisonous sage felt chills in his heart. He looked at Li Yixi His gaze completely changed.

Because all along, these great sages didn't know his real body.

But Li Yixi actually knew that his real body was a poisonous python.

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