Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1080 I don't know what to call you?

As long as Li Yixi doesn't want Tang Qing to die today, it is absolutely impossible for Tang Qing to fall under the catastrophe, even in the face of the most terrifying catastrophe, there will be no danger.

However, Xiao Zhan, who was busy with his head down, showed doubts on his face, and his eyes fell on Tang Yin.

"Why is this guy's catastrophe so terrifying?"

"Sixty-six Heavenly Tribulations shouldn't be able to be so strong."

"Do you know why?"

Tang Yin, who was busy, heard Xiao Zhan's words, and said helplessly: "Tang Qing and I got a treasure before. It was an extremely powerful bone. On the bone, there were countless densely packed runes. On that day, There are countless big monsters watching, in order to keep this treasure, Tang Qing devoured it and refined it."

"Merge with Tang Qing's spine!"

"This catastrophe is so terrifying, I'm afraid it's because of that bone!"

"I didn't expect that while that bone was strong, it also brought disaster to Tang Qing."

"Fortunately, I met the young master today, otherwise, Tang Qing would surely die."

When Xiao Zhan heard Tang Yin's words, his face showed a solemn look, "A bone covered with runes?"

"I'm afraid this thing is not simple, otherwise it will not be targeted by Tiandao."

"Now I see that this catastrophe has not dissipated, but has become stronger because of the disappearance of the catastrophe. It is very likely that the young master has no idea to save Tang Qing."

"Otherwise, young master, as the master of the heaven and earth, the spirit of the heavenly dao should make the heavenly dao dissipate."


"Today depends on whether the young master wants Tang Qing to survive."

Although Tang Yin looked worried, he didn't dare to say anything and could only wait.

In the void, those big monsters saw the golden eagle that had turned into blood mist.

Their bodies were trembling, and some big monsters who also had a sneak attack in their hearts turned pale with fright at the moment. If they made a sneak attack like the golden eagle just now, they would be dead now under the extremely terrifying catastrophe.

While terrified, all the monsters looked puzzled.

A dull look on his face.

No one can understand why the nine lions were first killed for Tang Qing's catastrophe, and now the golden eagle is killed.

All of them looked uneasy.

Originally, I thought that the power of merit was not that scary, but at this moment, when the eyes of all the monsters fell on Li Yixi, they trembled in fright.

Looking at Li Yixi was like seeing a scourge.

Some big monsters could no longer face this horror at this moment, soared into the sky and disappeared into the sky, wishing their parents would give them a few more legs.

"My go!"

"Is the power of merit such a bull?"

"Unexpectedly, this golden eagle fled more than ten miles away, and was still killed by the catastrophe!"

"Father is scared to death!"

"But Tang Qing is really lucky, because I have the power of merit and virtue, and I have been threatened with my life. This day, the catastrophe turned its attention to the golden eagle."

"Should be able to survive this calamity?"

"However, why do you suddenly feel that the weather has become more terrifying? Why?"

Thinking of this, Li Yixi couldn't help thinking.

Countless big monsters retreated in shock, but there were still some big monsters left behind, and the little fox was among them.

These big monsters saw that the catastrophe in the void did not descend immediately, but continued to accumulate strength. When they looked up, they clearly sensed that there was an angry dragon appearing and disappearing in the cloud of catastrophe.

Thinking that this is an opportunity, at the same time, the voice of the little fox rang in the minds of all the monsters.

"Everyone, if I remember correctly, that bone is not an ordinary thing, it should be related to the ancient way of heaven."

"No matter who we get, it is a heaven-defying opportunity for us."

"If we can comprehend it, it should be able to help us detach ourselves."

"With our aptitude, it is almost impossible to transcend, but once we get that bone, we have hope."

"Moreover, it may not only help one of us to escape, it may have an unimaginable effect on all of us."

The fox's voice fell.

I saw a look of irritability in Zhu Yan's eyes.

"But what should I do? This existence's cultivation is not very good? It can be said that he is an ant, but he is blessed with terrifying merits and virtues. I don't know what good things he has done in this life."

"With him here, it is absolutely impossible for us to prevent Tang Qing from going through the catastrophe."

"Is there anything you can do?"

Zhu Yan's voice fell, and his eyes fell on the little fox.

I saw a look of complacency in the little fox's clever eyes.

"To tell you the truth, I have a treasure, and that treasure is very special, without any attack power."

"But it has the ability to imprison everything."

"It doesn't have any attack effect. I used to think it was a bit tasteless, but now I think it's amazing. This treasure is just right for this person."

"At that time, I will use this treasure to imprison him. We will besiege Tang Qing after the last catastrophe with all our strength, and we will definitely be able to win that treasure."

"Would you like to take a gamble?"

"I'm here to urge the treasure to imprison this one, so you shouldn't be worried, right?"

"However, I have one condition, that is, after the matter is completed, this treasure must be kept by me. Of course, we can understand its mysteries together."

The monsters who were already in despair suddenly brightened their eyes when they heard the little fox's words. In their view, it was Li Yixi who had been bothering them all along.

As long as Li Yixi is trapped, how can Tang Qing stop the horror of the last catastrophe? Then it will be their chance.

"I promise!"

"I promise!"

"I promise"

These big monsters all had joyful expressions on their faces, and agreed instantly.

The little fox smiled, but did not act immediately, "I can't promise, we must make a contract, otherwise none of you will recognize it, then I have offended this terrifying existence?"

These monsters originally wanted to break the contract directly after the matter was completed, but they didn't expect that the little fox wanted them to sign the blood contract.

These monsters were extremely displeased, but thinking of the bone with countless runes, they could only grit their teeth and agree.

After all, doing so would be of great benefit to them, otherwise they would never have the chance and possibility to obtain that treasure.

Each spit out a mouthful of blood, and instantly formed a strange blood contract in the void.

"Well, what are these guys doing?"

"You actually want to use something to trap me?"

"It's really troublesome!"

"But it's also an opportunity for me to verify this death post."

In the past, Li Yixi would have been helpless, but now he is not helpless.

Seeing these big monsters complete the blood contract, Li Yixi smiled.

"Everyone, how about we talk? I don't know how to call you?"

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