"Do you know each other?"

"And why is this monster named Tang?"

Li Yixi blinked and looked at Tang Yin curiously.

"My lord, I found this green bull in the Xuanhuang Great World. It was born with a chaotic divine body and was extremely powerful. However, when he was born, he was extremely weak. Suddenly, thunder and punishment fell from the sky."

"I just happened to pass by there, and I took action to resolve the thunder disaster for him."

"In order to thank me for saving my life, he integrated part of the original power into my body and made me stronger."

"We supported each other along the way and experienced countless dangers, so we became brothers."

"In order to further our strength, Tang Qing and I entered the Second Heaven. Unexpectedly, we suddenly met a treasure. Tang Qing and I repelled the big demon and got the treasure."

"But I didn't expect these big monsters to be too thoughtful and lead me away. Six or six days of calamity came, putting Tang Qing in danger. Fortunately, you are here."

Tang Yin instantly explained the ins and outs of the matter.

Tang Yin's voice fell, and the huge figure disappeared, turning into a man in a battle robe.

The appearance has some similarities with Tang Yin.

"Tang Qing has met the young master."

Seeing the polite Tang Qing in front of him, Li Yixi nodded.

At the same time, Li Yixi also knew the dilemma Tang Qing and Tang Yin were facing today.

If Li Yixi had nothing to help before, but it is different now.

Li Yixi smiled: "Tang Qing, you can go through the catastrophe with peace of mind, I can't help you through the catastrophe, this is your catastrophe, but these big monsters, they have no chance to attack you, you concentrate on dealing with the catastrophe That's it, I have everything."

Tang Qing saw Li Yixi for the first time today, but before that, Tang Qing knew from Tang Yin's mouth more than once that Li Yixi had a thorough ability.

Originally six or six thousand kalpas were about to come, and there were countless monsters peeping, Tang Qing was uneasy, but now that Li Yixi had spoken, Tang Qing was completely relieved.

"Tang Qing thank you son in advance!"

After saluting, Tang Qing rose into the sky, his eyes looked directly at Leiyun, and an extremely violent breath erupted from his body.

Soon, the first terrifying thunder came, turning into a golden-winged roc, and killing Tang Qing.

Facing the first catastrophe, Tang Qing's body appeared, and he opened his mouth to swallow Dapeng in one gulp.

In an instant, the body was entangled by the incomparably powerful thunder force, making a sizzling sound.

The monsters lurking around felt that Tang Qing was injured at this moment, and greed gleamed in their eyes.

Li Yixi felt the greed in the hearts of these monsters, stepped on the golden cloud of merit, and slowly rose into the sky, his eyes fell on these monsters instantly.

"Everyone, it's not easy to cultivate, I still advise you not to damage other people's Dao."

"Today, with me here, you don't even think about hurting him."

"Retreat, you can save your life!"

"If you shoot, you will die!"

As soon as Li Yixi appeared in the void, he hurriedly persuaded those big monsters.

After hearing Li Yixi's words, a wild boar spirit made a mocking voice, "Where did the trash come from?"

"Go back where you came from?"

"Today we must get that treasure. If you dare to nag here again, then I will kill you first."

Hearing the wild boar spirit's threat, Li Yixi shook his head and said, "You are not my opponent, if you don't believe me, you can try, even if I don't fight, you are not invincible."

"I'm really invincible!"

Li Yixi began to stimulate the other party, wanting to make the other party take action.

Originally, Zhu Gangli had already withdrawn his eyes, but when he heard Li Yixi's words, mocking eyes fell on Li Yixi again.

The other big monsters involuntarily stared at Li Yixi, and after they realized that Li Yixi had only cultivated the body, they all showed disdain.

It was as if the eyes of an idiot fell on Li Yixi.

"Zhu Ganglian, can you bear the taunts of such a waste?"

A big monster's eyes fell on Zhu Ganglian.

Hearing Li Yixi's provocation, Zhu Gangli felt his companion's gaze, and became extremely angry.

Those eyes instantly turned blood red.

"Ant, you actually want to die, then I'll give you my life, old pig."

The next moment, Zhu Ganglian spat out the mace, Zhu Ganglu's body didn't move, but the mace flew towards Li Yixi in an instant.

The terrifying attack made people feel chills in their hearts.

Tang Yin became extremely nervous in an instant, and wanted to resolve it.

But it was blocked by Xiao Zhan who was on the side.

"Xiao Zhan, what are you doing?"

Seeing Xiao Zhan blocking him, Tang Yin looked cold, Xiao Zhan said lightly: "Don't worry!"

"My lord will not be injured, but this pig is sure to die."

Before Tang Yin could react, Li Yixi's hair was hit by a strong wind from the flying mace at this moment, and it was slightly messed up.

Zhu Ganglian looked smug, and wanted to see Li Yixi's body being blown away by the mace, when suddenly, two lightning bolts fell from the void.

A divine thunder landed on the mace, and a divine thunder landed on Zhu Gangguan.

Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, the next moment, the mace turned into fragments all over the sky, Zhu Gangyan was struck to death by lightning, and his body fell straight from the void.

Tang Qing, who was crossing the catastrophe, naturally felt Zhu Gangli's shot!

Tang Qing was very nervous at first, but when he saw that Zhu Ganglu was struck to death by lightning in an instant, and Li Yixi didn t seem to have done anything, Tang Qing showed a look of shock on his face.

But Tang Qing knew that Lei Ting was definitely related to Li Yixi.

Looking at Li Yishi, his face was full of disbelief.

Being able to control lightning without any trace, Tang Qing knew that these monsters were definitely not Li Yixi's opponents, and Li Yixi should be able to deal with them.

The hanging ones fell completely.

Seeing Zhu Ganglian's body falling from the void, all the big monsters suddenly raised their heads to look at the void, each with a look of horror.

None of them discovered how the thunder came just now, and it was even more terrifying than the catastrophe faced by Tang Qing who was crossing the catastrophe.

The gazes they looked at Li Yixi changed completely, and they were all extremely anxious.

Li Yixi looked at the charred and smoking pig mane that had been hacked, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

"The power of merit is really awesome."

"This should be called killing without blood!"

"I really don't want to be an old yin, but I have no strength. In fact, I am also very helpless."

After thinking about it, Li Yixi looked at the other monsters again, and decided to continue to hide.

"Everyone, now I will give you another chance to retreat."

"Otherwise this pig demon will be your fate."

The moment the voice fell, Li Yixi's eyes fell on Tang Yin who was beside him.

What are you two doing in a daze, "Tang Qingdu's robbery should take a long time, so why don't you two roast this pig?"

"Today I will eat roast pig."

"I haven't seen you for a long time, and I don't know how your cooking skills are, Tang Yin?"

Originally, Tang Yin was worried when he felt a series of terrifying monsters glaring at him, but after hearing Li Yixi's words, Tang Yin was completely at ease.

"Young master, don't worry, you will not disappoint you today."

Tang Yin and Xiao Zhan immediately got busy, ignoring the monsters in the void.

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