But if you can't take that step, then, if you don't fight for it now, you will never have anything to do with yourself in the future.

After all, in this lifetime, there is only this chance to talk to Li Yixi.

Ao Bing naturally also felt that this world, with the continuous improvement of heaven, earth and people, was originally only a small world, but now it is moving towards a medium world at an extremely terrifying speed.

Now, in fact, this second world has become a separate world, even stronger than some middle worlds.

With continuous understanding and Ao Bing's understanding of Taikoo, he naturally knows that this world is an incredible world.

Because the Dao universe appeared in this world, and the Dao universe is still very powerful and complete.

"The Dao universe of this world not only has the incomparably mysterious time in this world, but also has space, yin and yang, life and death, and the five elements!"

Ao Bing knew that the long river of time, that is, the Great Dao Universe, had entered it last night.

Ao Bing was completely stunned by what he saw.

Living from the ancient times to the present, Ao Bing naturally knows too many secrets. Even in the ancient times, in the long river of time, there is only one avenue, the avenue of yin and yang.

Ao Bing still remembered that at that time, this world was not called Jiuchongtian, but the Great World of Yin and Yang.

However, in the ancient battle, the world of Yin-Yang was pierced by an extremely terrifying enemy, and countless sources of the Dao were captured.

Even the spirit of the Dao, the Dao of Heaven, has been completely obliterated.

The whole world is silent and decaying.

Even the aura between heaven and earth was exhausted in an instant. After millions of years of transformation, the way of heaven reappeared, and the aura of heaven and earth slowly recovered.

Because of this, these existences that survived from the ancient times have also been dormant until now, because the laws of heaven and earth today are just able to support their appearance.

If they forcefully walked out before that, they would surely die.

This world contains the heavens and myriad ways.

It is absolutely impossible for Ao Bing to become a Daoist.

Therefore, if Ao Bing wants to strive to become the Dragon King of one party, it can be regarded as a priesthood in the heavenly court.

When Ao Bing looked excited and longing.

Li Yixi took a sip of porridge, his eyes fell on Ao Bing, and a smile appeared on his face.

Although Ao Bing's strength is strong, at this moment, Li Yixi can sense the change of Ao Bing's mood.

At the same time, I can feel the longing in Ao Bing's heart.

Thinking that the world is constantly changing towards the Journey to the West that he talked about, Li Yixi looked at Ao Bing and said with a smile: "I didn't expect you to have such a dream, then I wish you to become one of the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas. In my world, the East is Supreme."

"I wish you to become the Dragon King of the East China Sea, in charge of the waters of the East China Sea, and at the same time, be kind to one side."

Hearing this, Ao Bing's body trembled with excitement.

"Thank you sir."

At this moment, Ao Bing was ecstatic, because at the moment when Li Yixi's voice fell, Ao Bing felt a change in himself.

At this moment, there were roaring sounds in Ao Bing's mind, and at the same time, a golden light appeared in Ao Bing's mind. In this golden light, a piece of golden light was suspended. token.

Ao Bing took a closer look and found that there were four words on the golden token, Dragon King of the East China Sea.

Seeing this token, Ao Bing felt that he could control a water area and became the master of a water area.

Ao Bing's face was full of ecstasy, he never thought that he was really appreciated by Li Yixi and bestowed the priesthood on himself just by trying.

As far as Ao Bing knows, there are only very few people in the world who have obtained priesthood.

If Ao Bing hadn't known from Zhang Jie that Li Yixi was playing the role of a mortal, Ao Bing really wanted to bow down at this moment.

Li Yixi had a good breakfast and went to say goodbye to Zhang Jie.

"Sir, won't you stay for a few more days?"

When Zhang Jie heard that Li Yixi was going to leave, there was a look of reluctance on his face. Zhang Jie was really reluctant. If he could spend one more day with Li Yixi, Zhang Jie knew that he would get unimaginable gains.

But Zhang Jie didn't dare to force him to stay. Li Yixi had already helped him take that step, which was already a great favor to him.

"I still have some things to deal with. We will meet each other naturally if we are destined. We must have a drink then."

After a short chat, Zhang Jie sent Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan out of Luoyang Academy.

Seeing Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan flying away, Zhang Jie fixed his eyes on the void until he couldn't see the backs of Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan clearly, then Zhang Jie withdrew his reluctant gaze.

Seeing Li Yixi leave, Ao Bing also appeared in the courtyard.

"Ao Bing pays homage to your lord, thank you for your kindness. Without your lord's advice, I would not be able to hold the priesthood and become the Dragon King of the East China Sea."

"My lord's great kindness, Ao Bing will never forget!"

"Ao Bing originally wanted to serve him by his side, but now, Ao Bing has been conferred a priesthood by the young master, and he dare not dereliction of duty. Today, he will leave the academy and go to the East China Sea to take charge of the waters of the East China Sea."

"The current waters of the East China Sea are still a bit chaotic. If we go back later, there may be some changes."

Ao Bing also came out to say goodbye at this moment.


"Don't let the son down!"

"You have also cultivated in Luoyang Academy for countless years. I only hope that you will not slack off and really be able to benefit the world."

Zhang Jie's eyes fell on Ao Bing's body, with a happy expression on his face.

"Thank you sir."

Ao Bing bowed again, and the next moment, he soared into the sky and turned into a huge blue dragon. Before that, Ao Bing was just a dragon, but now he was blessed by Li Yixi's great wish technique, and he also received the blessing from the Dragon King of the East China Sea. As a priest, Ao Bing directly evolved into a heavenly dragon.

At this moment, Yunan saw Ao Bing who had turned into a dragon and disappeared without a sound, with envy on his face.

But thinking that he saved his life, Yun An didn't dare to ask for anything extravagantly.

The next moment, I saw Zhang Jie displaying his magical powers, and the entire Luoyang Academy broke through the air.

Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan flew in the air, picking precious medicines from the mountains from time to time.

A lot has been gained along the way.

This trip, across the endless mountains, opened Li Yixi's eyes.

The two of them went deep into this mountain range for thousands of miles, and suddenly, they saw a divine light in front of them shooting straight into the sky.

At the same time, at this moment, black clouds billowed in from the originally clear sky.

Hearing the sound of thunder rumbling in the void, Li Yixi stopped instantly, and his suspicious eyes fell on Xiao Zhan.

"My lord, there seems to be something crossing the catastrophe ahead."

"Crossing robbery?"

Li Yixi's eyes lit up when he heard Xiao Zhan's answer with a curious face.

Even up to now, Li Yixi has never really seen the monster crossing the catastrophe.

Immediately became interested.

"Come on, let's go and have a look, I've never seen a monster crossing a catastrophe before?"

As soon as the voice fell, Li Yixi immediately controlled the golden cloud of merit and virtue, and approached the place shrouded in black clouds.

After approaching, Li Yixi finally saw clearly what was crossing the tribulation.

I saw an extremely huge figure standing in the endless water, looking up at the sky at this moment, Li Yixi felt fear in the other's eyes.

After approaching, Li Yixi felt this huge monster at this moment, and became hostile.

He stopped in a hurry and didn't come any closer.

In the water was a buffalo with an incomparably huge body.

At this moment, it seems that the catastrophe may land at any time.

This huge buffalo had a dignified face. The next moment, there were crackling sounds in the void, and many monsters with the same powerful aura appeared. When these monsters appeared, their eyes were burning hot. Stare at the buffalo.

"My lord, this is a catastrophe!"

"This buffalo doesn't know what supernatural powers he has practiced. He is very powerful, so if he wants to succeed in overcoming the catastrophe, he must not only face the catastrophe, but also survive this crisis."

"Even if you have survived the catastrophe, if you can't survive the siege of these monsters, it is considered a failure to overcome the catastrophe."

"I didn't expect to meet such a big monster here?"

"If my guess is correct, this monster should be able to cause six thunders."

Xiao Zhan was also greatly shocked at this moment, he did not expect that this buffalo was so talented, it seemed that he had realized some great way.

And it's very special, otherwise, you just need to go through the ordinary catastrophe. However, the catastrophe that the other party crosses is not only extremely powerful, but also has other catastrophes.

"Is it so powerful?"

"I'm afraid it's a little difficult!"

After hearing Xiao Zhan's words, Li Yixi smacked his tongue secretly, and at the same time became interested, wanting to see if this buffalo can survive the catastrophe.

When Li Yixi looked curious, he saw a sound of breaking through the air not far away.

A figure came from the sky, which also attracted Li Yixi's attention.

Seeing this figure, Li Yixi was very surprised.

"Tang Yin!"

Li Yixi never thought that he would meet Tang Yin here.

Xiao Zhan also looked surprised.

At this moment, Tang Yin, with a solemn face, did not notice the existence of Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan, only Tang Yin appeared beside the buffalo, scanning the powerful monsters in the void with cold eyes .

"Ha ha!"

"Great Sage Overturning the Sea, is this your master?"

"You are really a disgrace to my monster race, and you are willing to be a mount of a human race."

"If it wasn't for you, that ancient treasure would not have fallen into this person's hands."

"You don't want to succeed in crossing the tribulation today, he is alone, there is no way to stop me."

"As long as we kill you, that treasure will still be ours."

"Not bad!"

"From the moment you chose to be the mount of this human race, your life has reached its limit."

At this moment, the buffalo scanned the big monster in the void with an extremely cold expression.


"Shut up, you guys have already peeped at that treasure, if it wasn't for Brother Tang, I'm afraid I'd be lost by now."

"If you want to win that treasure, you are simply wishful thinking."

"Also, it's not up to you whether you can survive the catastrophe."

"Brother, let's go!"

The next moment, the terrifying buffalo's eyes fell on Tang Yin, and he said in despair.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Why are you desperate before you start?"

"You can survive the disaster with peace of mind, I will deal with these beasts."

Tang Yin's expression was serious, but at this moment, there was a fighting spirit on his face.

Tang Yin knew very well that he couldn't show his fear, otherwise, this guy would definitely fail in crossing the robbery.

"Tang Yin!"

Li Yixi and Xiao Zhan came through the sky, they never thought that they would meet Tang Yin here, Tang Yin should be in Xuanhuang World.

Tang Yin, who was originally nervous, was shocked when he heard the familiar voice, and his face showed disbelief, feeling that he was hallucinating.

Tang Yin's eyes fell on Li Yixi, and his whole body was shocked, feeling the fierceness of the buffalo beside him, and said hastily.

"Tang Qing, this is the son!"

"Young master and Xiao Zhan came here today, these ants are vulnerable."

Tang Yin was ecstatic after confirming that this was not a hallucination.

In Tang Yin's eyes, Li Yixi was an omnipotent existence, and these monsters in the void, no matter how strong they were, would not be enough.

Li Yixi's extremely curious eyes fell on this buffalo and Tang Yin.

Li Yixi was very curious about how this person and one bull got entangled together.

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