Tang Yin and Xiao Zhan, who saw this moment, actually started roasting pigs.

A lion with flames under its feet, its shattered golden eyes locked on Li Yixi instantly.

"Human, you are so bold!"

"Are you really planning to fight with my monster clan forever?"

"You roasted the demon emperor of my demon clan in front of me, can't you find it?"

At the same time, an incomparably terrifying coercion from the lion's body enveloped Li Yixi.

However, facing the threat of this incomparably powerful lion, Li Yixi seemed not to hear it, took off the flagon from his waist, and took a sip of wine for himself.

"Not bad!"

"Good help!"

"If there is a roast pig now, it will be more comfortable, but it is a pity that we have to wait for some time."

Underestimating a sentence, Li Yixi turned to look at the huge lion.

"Sorry, what did you say just now? I didn't pay much attention. Can you say it again?"

"I promise to listen carefully this time!"

"It was a bit noisy just now, I didn't listen!"

"Be gentler this time!"

This lion is a pure-blooded creature with incomparably terrifying strength.

Zhu Gangli, who was killed by Li Yixi's merit just now, was his subordinate.

Seeing Li Yixi ignoring him, the lion took a step forward and let out a roar.

The lion, which was originally extremely mighty, suddenly had nine heads appearing in the next moment.

"Human, you dare to tease me today."

"Believe it or not, this king tore you apart in an instant?"

Although the nine lions wanted Li Yixi to die, they hesitated when they saw Tang Qing who was crossing the catastrophe in the void at this moment.

Nine-headed lions have already felt that Tang Yin and Xiao Zhan are not weak. Once he makes a move and is entangled by these two, then the treasure Tang Qing got is very likely to miss him.

At the moment when the nine lions hesitated, Li Yixi looked at the nine lions with great vigor.

To be precise, it is looking at the nine heads of the nine bodies.

"I am invincible, you are free!"

"But I didn't expect you to have nine heads, and you have nine heads. If I cut off a few to make lion heads, you shouldn't die, and you won't mind?"

"Do you think the lion's head should be braised or steamed?"

Li Yixi seems to be thinking whether it is better to braise in brown sauce or steamed.

The nine-headed lion is an extremely powerful pure-blooded creature, and has always been aloof. Even by his side, there are some human beings as servants.

However, being so ignored by Li Yixi, the nine-headed lion who was still a bit hesitant could bear it.


"Don't be mad!"

"Watch me swallow you."

The nine-headed lions were enraged, stepped forward with one step, their bodies appeared a hundred meters away, opened their mouths instantly, and the terrifying devouring power enveloped Li Yixi.

It seems to be able to swallow a void.

Feeling the majesty of the nine lions, Tang Yin's body trembled at this moment.

Because Tang Yin knew that the strength of the nine lions was extremely terrifying, far beyond what the previous Zhu Gangmen could compare to.

Xiao Zhan was busy, and the old god said through voice transmission: "Don't worry!"

"No matter how powerful the nine lions are, when he strikes, he is doomed to die."

"Although the young master has not given up his status as a mortal, the current young master is surrounded by the power of merit, and the young master's physical body has been invisible changed by the power of merit. Today's young master, not everyone can attack."

"If you haven't hurt the young master, you will definitely be backlashed by the power of merit."

"I don't know whether the lion's head is better braised or steamed?"

"Wait a minute and ask your son."

Tang Yin, who was a little worried at first, looked shocked. Tang Yin never thought that Li Yixi would have such a terrifying method.

At the same time, the terrifying devouring power of the nine lions happened to cover Li Yixi. The moment that force touched Li Yixi, the next moment, Li Yixi's body was shaken by the power of merit.

The catastrophe that was attacking Tang Qing unexpectedly gave up on Tang Qing strangely, and when the nine lions were caught off guard, it fell on the body of the nine heads in an instant.

The unprepared nine-headed lion was directly transformed into the sword of judgment by the catastrophe, and the sword pierced through the head.

At this moment, it looked blank, and all the big monsters present looked at the sky tremblingly.

Tang Qing, who was crossing the catastrophe, also had a dull face. When facing the sword of judgment just now, Tang Qing had a dignified face, but he didn't expect that the sword of judgment disappeared instantly, gave up on him, and killed nine lions.

Tang Qing could feel the unwillingness and despair in the eyes of the nine lions that fell from the void at this moment.

"What a terrifying existence?"

"Unexpectedly, it was able to control the Heavenly Tribulation!"

Tang Qing woke up from his sluggishness, trembling a little.

Those arrogant monsters, at this moment, were shocked in their eyes.

The body involuntarily took a few steps back.

I saw a fox among the big monsters. At this moment, he looked at Li Yixi in horror, "It's him, it's him, it's him."

"He has the power of merit, and it is the power of merit that counteracts."

"As long as you don't attack him, he can't do anything to me."

Originally, those big monsters who were frightened and trembling wanted to retreat, but after hearing what the fox said, they all looked at Li Yixi involuntarily. At this moment, under their careful perception, each big monster involuntarily retreated .

"The power of merit is the power of merit, how is this possible?"

They even held their breath, because they were afraid that their breathing would hurt Li Yixi, and then they would be backlashed by the power of merit, and they would be finished when they descended to the heaven.

"The power of merit actually produces the power of merit!"

While these big monsters were trembling, the fear in each of them slowly dissipated.

They are very clear that although the power of merit is terrifying, as long as they don't attack, there is no threat.

But seeing Li Yixi standing between Tang Qing and them, everyone was extremely annoyed.

He didn't take Li Yixi seriously before, but now that he knows that Li Yixi has the power of merit, how dare he underestimate him.

He wanted to make a move but was a little apprehensive. After all, if he was not careful, if the aftermath from his body affected Li Yixi, he would definitely die.

"Xiao Zhan, remember to get a braised lion head!"

Li Yixi in the void can be described as infinitely arrogant.

These monsters heard that Li Yixi wanted to stew braised lion's head, they dared to be angry but dare not speak out.

They don't know whether they will be targeted by the Heavenly Tribulation because they have malicious intentions towards Li Yixi.

Although they are angry, they are not themselves after all. They don't want to be killed by Heavenly Tribulation.

The death of the nine lions bought Tang Qing time to rest. Tang Qing, who was a little weak at first, recovered to his peak in an instant after a short respite.

The big monsters around lost the chance to attack Tang Qing.

While these monsters were angry in their hearts, they all looked at Li Yixi with incomparable fear. They were really afraid that Li Yixi would suddenly appear in front of them.

Li Yixi saw these big monsters retreating to the other side in an instant, with helplessness on his face, he also stood up slowly, and moved between these big monsters and Tang Qing.

"Everyone, why don't you chat!" Li Yixi laughed.

These big monsters were furious instantly, wishing to rush out and tear Li Yixi into pieces, but thinking of the death of Zhu Ganglian and the nine-headed lions, they forcibly suppressed their anger.

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