At first, Li Yixi was a little apprehensive. After all, the ability of this thing was too heaven-defying. He felt that Zhang Jie might stop him from taking it away. However, at this moment, he found that Zhang Jie had no intention of stopping him. for shock.

But Li Yixi was wondering if this death post was as magical as Zhang Jie said.

Seeing that the death post was selected by Li Yixi, Zhang Jie's heart was bleeding at this moment, but Zhang Jie found that Li Yixi was still staring at the ruler and inkstone floating in front of him.

It made Zhang Jie's eyelids twitch wildly, but Zhang Jie knew that these two items were also the strongest treasures in the entire Luoyang Academy's Sutra Pavilion.

That inkstone was left by a Confucian and Taoist supreme.

That ruler was also used by the Supreme Professor's disciple.

These two things are the lifeblood of Luoyang Academy, suppressing the luck of Luoyang Academy, if it is really taken away by Li Yixi today, it will be an unimaginable disaster for Luoyang Academy.

Once Luoyang Academy's power of luck loses the suppression of such treasures, it will be difficult for Luoyang Academy to maintain its inheritance, let alone regain its peak.

But Zhang Jie thought that Li Yi himself is a supreme Confucian and Taoist. At this moment, Zhang Jie knew very well that if Li Yixi took a fancy to these two treasures and refused himself, then it is very likely that Li Yixi would be furious and waved his hands. Instantly destroy the entire Luoyang Academy.

The treasure left by the Confucian and Taoist Supreme is able to suppress the luck of Luoyang Academy, but in the face of a real Confucian and Taoist Supreme, it is invincible, and watching these two treasures surround Li like a dog. Recalling the surroundings of the past.

Zhang Jie knew very well that these two things left by the ancestors of Luoyang Academy could not be enemies of Li Yixi at all.

Zhang Jie was bleeding in his heart at this moment, he gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, although my Luoyang Academy has a rule that everyone can only take one treasure when they come in, but I think these two treasures seem to be very destined for you, too." , if you wish, you can take them away."

"After all, there is a saying in my Wen Dao that it is good to help the world, and poor to be good alone."

"The existence of Luoyang Academy is actually to teach the world, so that everyone in the world has the opportunity to practice."

"Perhaps after these two treasures are taken out by the young master, it is not certain that they will be able to shine."

After the words fell, Zhang Jie became extremely nervous at this moment.

Although Zhang Jie looked calm when he spoke, how could Zhang Jie be calm in his heart, this is something that the academy suppresses luck.

After hearing Zhang Jie's words, Li Yixi was really moved.

"This thing is definitely a rare treasure for Luoyang Academy, otherwise, it would not be possible to place it on the third floor of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion."

"I didn't expect that this Luoyang Academy would be so magnanimous. Zhang Jie is even a saint. He was willing to take me into the Buddhist scriptures pavilion and let me choose one of the treasures. Although it seems that I can take these two treasures, but if I really Wouldn't it make me appear greedy to do that?"

"Furthermore, this death sticker is already very powerful. I don't know what is so mysterious about this ruler and inkstone."

"The ability of this death god's invitation is already against the sky, so choose him."

"And if I take all these treasures away, if someone enters Luoyang Academy again in the future, they will lose the opportunity to choose twice."

"Opportunities should be left to the people of the world, not to mention, I am just a mortal."

Thinking of this, Li Yixi smiled and said: "Luoyang Academy has a rule, one person can only take one thing, so even I have to abide by it, and this death sticker is already very against the sky, so I will choose this thing."

"The rest of these things should be given to those who are destined!"

"The sage said, establish a heart for the living and the people, establish a destiny for the heaven and the earth, inherit the knowledge of the past saints, and create peace for all generations."

"If you want an era to be prosperous, it cannot be achieved by one person. It requires the joint efforts of all people in the world."

"Being able to take away this death sticker is enough for me."

"I didn't expect that there are so many treasures in this Luoyang Academy. These days, I found that there is still too much darkness in this world."

"Now that Luoyang Academy has recovered, I hope that Luoyang Academy can really teach the world and let more scholars step into the ranks of practice. After all, many people cannot step into the immortal way because they do not have spiritual roots, which has led to the formation of serious problems in this world. class division."

"The strong remain strong, and the weak become weaker."

"Nowadays, the thatched cottage is promoting education, allowing people all over the world to study. Now, Luoyang Academy is revived and born. This should be an opportunity for those people to change their lives."

"It's also an opportunity for Confucianism and Taoism!"

"But I don't know how you think about it, do you want to make some contributions to more people in the world?"

Li Yixi's eyes fell on Zhang Jie at the side at this moment.

Originally, he was extremely nervous, seeing Zhang Jie's bleeding heart when he saw the death post being taken away by Li Yixi, the moment Li Yixi uttered a sentence, a turbulent wave was set off in his heart.

Li Yixi's words kept echoing in Zhang Jie's mind, "Build a heart for the world, build a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations."

These words kept lingering in Zhang Jie's mind, and at this moment, Zhang Jie became very shocked.

Zhang Jie has always been pursuing detachment and becoming the supreme Confucianism and Taoism.

But it has been impossible to take this step at all.

But at this moment Zhang Jie, after hearing Li Yixi's words, his expression became extremely shocked.

This sentence made Zhang Jie seem to be enlightened.

At this moment, Zhang Jie could vaguely perceive that if he really practiced it, then he might be able to take that step.

Originally, even if Luoyang Academy was revived, Zhang Jie didn't want to preach to the world, but just wanted to absorb those geniuses to join Luoyang Academy, restore Luoyang Academy's ancient glory, and become an authentic Confucianism and Taoism.

However, Li Yixi's words shocked Zhang Jie at this moment, and at the same time changed Zhang Jie's mind.

Zhang Jie immediately bowed to Li Yixi and said, "Thank you, my lord, for your reminder today. This sentence gave me the power to enlighten me. I used to think that I was strong enough to be a saint, but now I don't think I deserve to be called a saint at all, because My mind is too narrow."

"A good sentence establishes a heart for the world, establishes a life for the people, inherits the knowledge of the past, and creates peace for all generations."

This sentence gave me a goal, and from now on, Luoyang Academy will work hard for it.

Zhang Jie's eyes fell on Li Yixi. At this moment, Zhang Jie said word by word, Zhang Jie was not perfunctory, but really promised.

At the same time, Zhang Jie's hanging heart slowly fell at this moment.

In Zhang Jie's view, when Li Yixi said this sentence, he was giving the whole Luoyang Academy a choice.

If Luoyang Academy chooses wrongly, it is very likely that it will be completely erased by Li Yixi.

After all, Tao cannot be passed on lightly.

But thinking of that sentence, Zhang Jie made the right decision instantly.

In this way, not only can he take that step, but also make Luoyang Academy a real holy place.

At the same time, he can also save his own life, which Zhang Jie thinks is the most perfect choice.

"it is good."

"Then I wish Luoyang Academy will rise again, regain the glory of the ancient times, and even be better than before."

At this moment, Li Yixi smiled slightly, full of expectations for Luoyang Academy.

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Zhang Jie's face was excited, Zhang Jie knew that he made the right choice.

life saved.

However, at the moment when Zhang Jie looked happy, Zhang Jie suddenly felt an incomparably powerful force, which instantly landed in Luoyang Academy.

Zhang Jie's face changed slightly, but the next moment, Zhang Jie's face showed ecstasy.

"What, what kind of power is this?"

"Suddenly, the power of luck in Luoyang Academy exploded. With such terrifying power of luck, Luoyang Academy doesn't need to go to the world to collect the power of incense and the power of faith."

Sensing the benefits brought by that force, Zhang Jie looked ecstatic.

However, as soon as he took a step, Zhang Jue's body froze for an instant, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Li Yixi, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

Because Zhang Jie remembered Li Yixi's words, "I wish Luoyang Academy can restore the ancient glory and even be better than before!"

At the same time, Zhang Jie sensed that there was a faint aura lingering on Li Yixi's body, that aura that was so faint that it could almost be ignored was of the same origin as the aura descending on Luoyang Academy.

"Follow the law!"

"What a terrifying cultivation base!"

"It's too terrifying to speak out at this level. It can control the heaven and the earth, and the power of luck between the heaven and the earth."

"Could it be, is this the legendary wish technique?"

At the same time of ecstasy, Zhang Jie's face was shocked, and his heart was pounding at this moment, as if it was going to explode.

Even Zhang Jie had an illusion that he was hallucinating, after all, such strength is too unbelievable.

Zhang Jie bit his tongue and suddenly felt a piercing pain.

Zhang Jie was shocked.

Zhang Jie's breathing became extremely rapid involuntarily, Zhang Jie knew very well that this was not an illusion, but real.

Seeing Li Yixi's gaze, it changed again and again.

Originally, Zhang Jie thought that Li Yixi was just a Confucian and Taoist supreme, but at this moment, how dare Zhang Jie regard Li Yixi as an ordinary Confucian and Taoist supreme.

While Zhang Jie was shocked, Zhang Jie felt that this was his hope.

Now, being forgiven by Li Yixi, Zhang Jie felt that he wanted to transcend, and if he took this step, today would be his chance.

After all, it is a great fortune to meet such a powerful and terrifying person as Li Yixi, and it is even more difficult to be taught by him.

And such a powerful and terrifying existence, it is impossible to call him directly. Zhang Jie was extremely afraid of Li Yixi, but at this moment, Zhang Jie decided to try it in order to take that step. After all, in Zhang Jie's view, if he missed If it is too late, then the opportunity is impossible now.

Seeing the background of Li Yixi walking in front of him, Zhang Jie gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Decided to seek advice today.

Li Yixi, who was walking in front, didn't feel it, and looked at the death sticker in his hand with joy on his face. Li Yixi was very happy when he thought of the powerful ability of the death sticker.

Li Yixi has the power of merit, no one dares to attack him, and he is already invincible, but he has never had a way to defeat the enemy, but now with this death sticker, Li Yixi has the means to kill the wicked .

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