Zhang Jie looked at the huge dragon legs being held on fire, his eyelids twitched wildly, and his scalp felt numb.

Zhang Jie felt that such a terrifying existence as Li Yixi definitely knew that Yun An had plotted against him.

This made Zhang Jie even more uneasy.

Originally, Zhang Jie thought that taking out the immortal wine that he had treasured for countless years should be able to resolve the anger in Li Yixi's heart, but at this moment.

Zhang Jie saw Li Yixi taking out the dragon leg, and Zhang Jie felt that this was probably Li Yixi's warning to him.

After all, even a monster as powerful as a magic dragon is still a meal in front of Li Yixi. Zhang Jie naturally knew that the immortal wine he took out was not enough to exchange for his own life.

In order to survive, Zhang Jie gritted his teeth at this moment, looked at Li Yixi and said with a smile: "My lord, I think you are also a scholar. I don't know what books you like. I don't have other things in Luoyang Academy, but there are many orphans. .”

"Now I see that the barbecue can't be handled in a short period of time. Why don't you come with me to the Sutra Pavilion of my Luoyang Academy to have a look. If you have any fate with the treasure, you can take it away."

This sentence, Zhang Jie said it almost with the courage of his life, Zhang Jie is very clear about how precious those things in Zangshu Pavilion are.

Naturally, it is impossible for Zhang Jie to bring such a terrifying existence like Li Yixi to see the ordinary collection. Zhang Jie has already communicated with those terrifying beings who are still sleeping. The background of Luoyang Academy.

At the highest level of the Sutra Pavilion of Luoyang Academy, there are many things hidden there, but the weakest of those things is also an extremely powerful Confucian saint-level treasure.

"it is good!"

"I also want to see what good books and treasures there are in this Luoyang Academy."

Li Yixi was already very interested in these things, Li Yixi's heart was moved, but Li Yixi knew that Confucianism and Taoism are also extremely powerful ways of cultivation.

This Luoyang Academy only knew a thing or two from Zhang Jie's mouth, and it became extremely extraordinary in Li Yixi's eyes. Li Yixi wanted to see if this extremely powerful Luoyang Academy could make him a practitioner.

In Li Yixi's view, Confucianism and Taoism are also a supreme way.

At least it is countless times stronger than his current physical body, so Li Yixi didn't hesitate.

"Sir, please!"

Zhang Jie was struggling at first, but at this moment he heard Li Yixi agree, even though he was struggling in his heart, Zhang Jie did not dare to refuse, after all, even if Zhang Jie was given 100 guts to reject such a terrifying existence like Li Yixi, Zhang Jie would not dare to lie .

Zhang Jie forced a smile, and led Li Yixi to the scripture storage pavilion.

With a wave of his hand, the formation in the Sutra Pavilion was withdrawn, and Zhang Jie hurriedly invited Li Yixi to enter the Sutra Pavilion.

The moment Li Yixi stepped into the Sutra Pavilion, a smile appeared on the corner of Li Yixi's mouth.

Feeling very excited inside, Li Yixi had a very different feeling, feeling that the books in this Sutra Pavilion seemed to have souls.

Even at this moment, Li Yixi saw a book suspended in it, and on the pages of the book, there was a phantom sitting cross-legged. Li Yixi could perceive that this phantom was not other existence, it was this book. The spirit of the book.

"Can books also turn into demons?"

Seeing the scene in front of him, Li Yixi was amazed at this moment, and he was even more excited about entering the Sutra Pavilion of Luoyang Academy this time, because Li Yixi found that Zhang Jie didn't seem to have the intention of staying on the first floor with him.

Instead, he took himself to a higher level of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Li Yixi is very clear that in the Sutra Pavilion, the most important things are often hidden in higher places.

Soon, Li Yixi followed Zhang Jie and entered the third floor of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion.

At the moment when the door on the third floor opened, Li Yixi felt an extremely powerful aura blowing towards his face.

At this moment, Li Yixi's eyes widened. The third floor of Luoyang Academy is very large, but Li Yixi found that there are no densely packed books in this third floor, but the things here are extremely extraordinary.

Li Yixi saw books floating in the Sutra Pavilion on the third floor, and the breath from these books made them even more powerful.

At the same time, some brushes, inkstones, long swords, and some scrolls were suspended, surrounded by holy light.

"My lord, these are some treasures that I treasure in my Sutra Pavilion. If you have something you like, you can try to take it away."

"After all, the young master is the first guest of my Luoyang Academy since it was revived. This is also a chance!"

"My son can choose at will, as long as he can get the approval of these things."

Zhang Jie was struggling in his heart, but seeing Li Yixi's fiery eyes, Zhang Jie could only grit his teeth, clenched his fists and squeeze out a smile at this moment.

Zhang Jie knew very well that if Li Yixi was not satisfied today, it would be a disaster for Luoyang Academy.

Although these things are very powerful and important in Zhang Jie's eyes, Zhang Jie feels that these things are actually ordinary things in front of a Confucian and Taoist supreme.

At the same time, Zhang Jie did this at this moment to show the sincerity and attitude of Luoyang Academy towards Li Yixi.

"That's not good?"

Hearing the other party's words, Li Yixi smiled shyly.

Although Li Yixi was extremely excited, at this moment Li Yixi knew very well that these things were definitely not ordinary things to be placed on the highest level of the Sutra Pavilion.

Zhang Jie could naturally feel the secret joy in Li Yixi's heart at this moment, and hurriedly added: "Young master, it is not easy to take these things away, you must be approved, you can choose what you think is suitable, and see if it is suitable for you. Chance."

When Zhang Jie thought of Li Yixi acting as a mortal, he couldn't help complaining, but at the moment he could only endure everything.

When Zhang Jie thought of Yun An, he wished he could kill Yun An.

"I see. Let me try. I don't know if I have the ability to have the chance to be recognized by these things."

Li Yixi showed a smile on his face, very excited.

However, as soon as the voice fell, Zhang Jie's eyes became extremely shocked.

The treasures on the third floor of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion are almost all from Confucian and Taoist great sages, but at this moment, these treasures are incomparably worshipped by Confucian and Taoist sages.

At the moment when Li Yixi's voice fell, the treasures in the third floor of the entire Sutra Pavilion erupted with incomparably powerful awe-inspiring power, and those weak treasures were instantly imprisoned by the incomparably powerful aura.

The most powerful treasures flew directly in front of Li Yixi.

When Zhang Jie saw the scene before him, he was shocked, but at the same time, he felt very uncomfortable. Zhang Jie tried to control these treasures. I stayed there for a full month, but these treasures didn't emit any breath at all.

Obviously, I can't get into the eyes of these treasures at all.

However, at this moment, in Zhang Jie's eyes, these powerful and supreme treasures are like licking dogs, huddled around Li Yixi.

Zhang Jie could even feel that at this moment, these treasures were like concubines in the harem, vying for the favor of the emperor.

Li Yixi, who looked excited, saw the spiritual treasure constantly floating in front of him, his eyes widened.

In front of Li Yixi, there is a ruler used by a teacher, a strange book, and an inkstone.

Li Yixi, who was extremely anxious at first, was still thinking in his heart whether he had some chances today, but he didn't expect that he would be targeted by these objects.

At the same time of ecstasy, I feel a little hard to choose in my heart, I don't know what to choose for myself today.

Soon, Li Yixi gave up the ruler used by that gentleman, and also gave up the inkstone floating in front of him, and finally his eyes fell on the strange book.

Li Yixi wiped the sweat from his palms, slowly stretched out his hand, and grabbed this strange book.

Li Yixi was very surprised, and nothing went wrong.

Zhang Jie at the side saw Li Yixi choose this book at this moment, Zhang Jie's eyelids twitched wildly.

"Death stickers."

"I actually chose Death God Sticker!"

The death sticker is very magical. This death sticker is not left by the great sage of Luoyang Academy, but an extremely ancient existence of Luoyang Academy. When wandering through chaos, in a collapsing world, chance income.

In the entire history of Luoyang Academy, no one has been able to handle this death post.

Even the great sage of Confucianism and Taoism who got this god of death sticker by chance can only motivate this god of death sticker one or two times.

The power of this death post is extremely terrifying, as long as the name is written on it, the person whose name is written will fall.

The death sticker is powerful and weird.

Zhang Jie never thought that such a terrifying thing would compete for favor in front of Li Yixi. At this moment, Zhang Jie even sensed that the spirit of the death god was happy at this moment.

"Congratulations, son!"

"Many people entered the Book Collection Pavilion of Luoyang Academy, but they found nothing in the end. They could only retreat and choose some books that contain awe-inspiring power. I didn't expect that the young master would be favored by these treasures."

"It seems that the son and these treasures are very destined."

"This book is called Death Poster. From now on, this thing is yours, my lord!"

At this moment, even though Zhang Jie was extremely unwilling in his heart, he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only speak through gritted teeth.

"Is it a death sticker?"

"Strange, why is it called such a name? Is there any story?"

Li Yixi looked at the death sticker in his hand, and his eyes fell on Zhang Jie who was beside him, with a curious expression on his face.

Zhang Jie hurriedly explained, "My lord, this death sticker is very special and very powerful. As long as you write the name of your enemy on it, that person will be abandoned by the world and fall directly."

"I think you have a benevolent heart, and if this thing falls into your hands, it won't cause disaster."

After hearing Zhang Jie's explanation, Li Yixi, who was very excited at first, twitched his face in disbelief. Li Yixi never thought that the death post he had chosen would be so heaven-defying!

Even just thinking about it, Li Yixi was inexplicably excited.

Li Yixi knew that his strength was not strong, but when he thought of having this treasure, he was very excited to be able to write the other party's name on it. trauma.

Before coming in, Li Yixi thought that if he could get some benefits, he would just step into Confucianism and Taoism, but he didn't expect to get such unbelievable benefits.

Death stickers.

Reciting the name of this treasure, at this moment Li Yixi's heart was pounding.

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