Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1074 Now, the Tibetan front has been hidden for thousands of years, and thousands of mountai

Soon, Li Yixi and Zhang Jie returned to the small courtyard.

When Li Yixi and his master left, Yun An was terrified. In order to fight for his own chance of survival, Yun An could be said to have spared no expense and went all out.

If you use the usual method, it will take at least a few hours to roast this dragon leg, but under Yun An's supernatural power regardless of the cost, the small courtyard is filled with the smell of meat.

In the eyes of Confucian practitioners, if you are fasting, you must change your food, and if you live in a house, you must move your seat.

Even though Yun An's cultivation is extremely powerful, cooking is also one of the courses of cultivation.

Li Yixi, who had just walked into the yard, sniffed the scent that was wafting in, he couldn't help but lift up his spirits, and looked at Yun'an with a gaze full of admiration.

"Good workmanship!"

"This fragrance instantly makes people hungry!"

Yun An, who was nervous at first, was overjoyed when he heard Li Yixi's praise.

At the same time, he felt the brilliance on his master Zhang Jie's face. At this moment, Yun'an's heart became more stable.

Zhang Jie heard Li Yixi's praise of Yun'an, and his heart sank slowly. Zhang Jie knew very well that naturally Li Yixi was praising Yun'an, so Li Yixi should not pursue Yun'an's fault.

"Yun An, what are you still doing?"

"Hurry up and cut it up and send it over!"

Zhang Jie scolded, and hurriedly called Li Yixi to sit down.

Xiao Zhan, who was cultivating and digesting what he had gained, saw Zhang Jie's eyes at this moment, then looked at Li Yixi, and said in his heart, "As expected of a young master, his heart is beyond what I can imagine."

When Xiao Zhan's eyes fell on the death sticker in Li Yixi's hand, his brows were deeply furrowed, and his heart was greatly shocked.

Because at this moment, Xiao Zhan felt an extremely terrifying power on the death sticker.

Xiao Zhan knew that this thing was definitely a treasure beyond imagination.

"My lord, please sit down!"

After Zhang Jie invited Li Yixi to sit down, he immediately poured wine for Li Yixi.

Seeing Li Yixi sitting down, Zhang Jie asked like a student.

"Young Master, what do you think is the belief of going forward?"

"I don't think I can go forward in my practice."

"My lord, what do you think?"

Li Yixi originally wanted to drink, but when he heard Zhang Jie's question, he smiled casually: "When I hold my sword forward, I never look back."

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Zhang Jie's expression changed slightly at this moment, and he felt a thunder flash across his mind.

The problem that puzzled Zhang Jie for a long time was solved in an instant. All along, Zhang Jie really had too many thoughts, which caused Zhang Jie himself to be trapped in it and worry too much.

Zhang Jie has benefited a lot from hearing Li Yixi's words "When I hold my sword forward and never look back".

At the same time, when Zhang Jie saw Li Yixi answering his question, his heart became extremely hot in an instant. Zhang Jie knew very well that it seemed that he had made the right bet.

Thinking of himself being entrusted with a heavy responsibility by Li Yixi, Zhang Jie took a deep breath and said slowly.

"Young Master, there is a Confucian saying that governs the country and the world with one body, how do you think the family is in order?"

Hearing this, Li Yixi was a little speechless. Although he had read a lot of books, compared with such an existence, he was obviously a little immature.

If I hadn't read too many idle books, it would be really difficult to answer this question at this moment.

If those scholars want to answer this question, they will worry too much, but Li Yixi does not have too many worries. As a time traveler, Li Yixi thinks this question is very simple.

He said with a smile: "The Qi family must first cultivate their body. What the Qi family cultivates is desire, what the Qi family cultivates is practice, what they cultivate is harmony inside and outside, and what they cultivate is to be kind to others."

"Stand up in the world, when there is a tile to cover your body!"

"Before sheltering the poor in the world, there should be a hut to shelter the family from wind and rain."

"If you can't be kind to your family by self-cultivation, you will never be able to get along with your family."

"The root of the Qi family is not the so-called management of the family, but the practice of benevolence and righteousness from the family."

"With grace, there must be power!"

Hearing Li Yixi's words, as one of the sacrificial wines in the thatched cottage, Xiao Zhan was shocked at the moment, and suddenly felt that what he did was too much.

Xiao Zhan immediately stopped practicing, pricked up his ears, and listened to Li Yixi's words.

Xiao Zhan naturally knew that Zhang Jie in front of him was also an extremely terrifying existence, and it was a great opportunity for him to talk to Li Yixi today.

Yun An, who was busy at the side, had extremely bright eyes at this moment.

After Zhang Jie got the explanation, he asked, "My lord, do you think a saint must get rid of his selfishness?"

In order to step into detachment, Zhang Jie at this moment expressed the confusion in his heart one by one.

He kept hearing Zhang Jie's questions, at this moment Li Yixi's face showed a smug look, and felt that it was time for him to act aggressively.

Picking up the wine in front of him, he took a sip and smiled slightly, "A saint is not a person who is selfless, but a person who can restrain evil thoughts."

"Restrain evil thoughts?"

Hearing these words, Zhang Jie's eyes lit up, and his gaze towards Li Yixi became even hotter.

Seeing Zhang Jie's bright eyes, Li Yixi was very proud, and continued to flicker: "A saint should also manage his own good and evil while restraining his evil thoughts. After all, the good you give to the murderer is the evil that stabs the dead. There is no clear distinction between good and evil."

"The sea is wide enough for fishes to jump, sharks are full of food, the sky is high for birds to fly, eagles and vultures are to spread their wings, they will not bless food."

"In fact, many things are opposites, and a saint must handle this opposition well."

"For this question, let me give you a word."

Li Yixi's voice fell, and there was a pause.

Seeing Zhang Jie looking expectantly, Li Yixi said: "White dragons will not enter the turbid stream, and cranes will not step on the filthy soil!"

Hearing this sentence, Zhang Jie murmured to himself at this moment: "The white dragon will not enter the turbid stream, and the crane will not step on the filthy soil."

Zhang Jie's eyes became brighter and brighter.

Li Yixi saw that Zhang Jie's body was trembling slightly with excitement at this moment, and he was even more proud in his heart, and continued: "As for your previous question, let me give you another word, the ambition of a great Confucian is indestructible, and the ambition of a scholar is invincible." The world cannot be shaken!"

"As long as you have the heart, you don't have to worry about the moment you draw your sword."

"But the heart needs to be firm."

After these words fell, Zhang Jie's face changed drastically at this moment, and his brain was buzzing.

At this moment, the shackles in Zhang Jie's heart were instantly broken.

The extremely grateful eyes fell on Li Yixi.

Just a few words, at this moment Zhang Jie got an unimaginable harvest.

Zhang Jie knew that it would not be long before he could break the bottleneck and completely detach himself.

Zhang Jie immediately poured wine for Li Yixi, with an excited expression on his face.

Li Yixi drank a lot of wine today, but now he got the death sticker, his thoughts were clear, and he became slightly drunk soon.

Standing up unsteadily, he was about to go to rest, but when he saw the pen and ink in the small courtyard, Li Yixi thought of the power of his merits and virtues, and the iron of death in his arms.

In an instant, he was full of pride.

He wrote, "The sky is the tent and the ground is the felt. The sun, the moon and the stars accompany me to sleep. I dare not stretch my feet at night for fear of stepping on the mountains and rivers."

After finishing writing, he put down his pen and strode out.

Zhang Jie immediately stood up and bowed to salute.

It wasn't until seeing Li Yixi disappeared that Zhang Jie dared to look down on the few lines left by Li Yixi.

When Zhang Jie's eyes fell on these words, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his eyes showed horror.

Those obviously black characters slowly transformed at this moment, turning into golden characters one by one.

"The sky is a tent and the ground is a blanket. The sun, moon and stars accompany me to sleep. I dare not stretch my feet at night for fear of stepping on the mountains and rivers."

The moment Zhang Jie finished reading the last word, Zhang Jie trembled all over. At this moment, Zhang Jie couldn't help being infected by this free and easy and arrogance.

When Zhang Jie looked excited, he saw the golden words on the rice paper, and the terrifying, colorless and awe-inspiring divine power burst into Zhang Jie's body in an instant.

Zhang Jie, who had made a breakthrough in his state of mind and had not yet had time to transform himself, at this moment, his whole body transformed inside and out, and his aura and his terrifying speed soared.

At this moment, Zhang Jie's body slowly floated up, the bright moon hung in the sky, the moonlight filled the sky, above the small courtyard, Zhang Jie's black hair instantly flew up.

There was a look of excitement on the corner of his mouth, Zhang Jie knew that tonight was his chance to take this step and completely detach himself.

Looking at the courtyard where Li Yixi was sleeping, Zhang Jie's heart was filled with turmoil. Zhang Jie never thought that Li Yixi was so terrifying. With just a few words, he helped himself out of the confusion that had trapped him for thousands of years.

Excitement appeared on his face. At this moment, all the haze in his heart was swept away, and his thoughts were clear. Thinking of what Li Yixi said, Zhang Jie's face showed a look of rebellion.

Zhang Jie feels that the current self is the real self.


When Yun An returned, he saw Zhang Jie, whose body was floating above the small courtyard, with a terrifying aura, and his face showed excitement.

Zhang Jie, who looked excited, saw Yun An's fiery gaze.

Slowly raising his head to look at the bright moon in the sky, he laughed and said: "I have a sword locked in the gallbladder, and I can't get rid of it in the ups and downs of the world. Now, the front has been hidden for millions of years, and it has cut through thousands of mountains and rivers."

After the voice fell, Zhang Jie at this moment pulled out the Junzi sword from his waist in an instant, and his whole soul came out of his body and flew to endless heights.

The next moment, when he saw the inner demon blocking his way in the void, he no longer had the fear he had before, and a look of disdain appeared on his face.

The gentleman's sword in his hand slashed out.

The originally indestructible heart demon, at this moment, under this sword, was instantly wiped out.

At the moment when the inner demon was slain, countless golden petals appeared in the void.

Seeing the sky full of golden petals in the void, Yun An involuntarily clenched his fists, his face showing excitement.

"Master respects him, he finally took this step and transcended."

Thinking of Zhang Jie's detachment, Yun'an at this moment had a look of fanaticism.

The soul entered the body, and Zhang Jie's body slowly fell from the void.

The whole person becomes ethereal.

"Congratulations, Master."

At this moment, Yun An's legs were shaking with excitement.

"Ha ha!"

"The old man didn't expect to be able to take this step today."

"This person's strength is unfathomable. Maybe he is not only proficient in Confucianism and Taoism, but maybe he is the Supreme One of Myriad Ways."

"Today's few words actually enlightened me and broke through the demons in my heart. The words left behind contain a terrifying and incomparably colorless and mighty divine power."

"After tomorrow, Luoyang Academy will move to Xiancheng to preach to the world."

Thinking of what Li Yixi said today, the detached Zhang Jie made an instant decision to let Luoyang Academy no longer be selfless, and let everyone in the world step into Confucianism and Taoism.

Even if it is an enemy of the world, so what?

The next moment, Zhang Jie appeared outside Li Yixi's room, and immediately bowed to salute, his eyes full of gratitude.

Carry out the gift of disciples.

Li Yixi, who was soundly asleep, turned over and said to himself.

"Reading can change your life, it can change the life of people in the world."

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