After seeing Li Yixi's horror, Long Yang dared to think of running for his life.

"But how to plead guilty?"

After having the idea of ​​pleading guilty, Long Yang became troubled again, not knowing how to plead sincerely.

At this moment, Long Yang thought of the words he heard from the Feng Clan.

"A master plays a mortal, it seems that I can plead guilty in a mortal way."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid Li Yixi will slap him to death before he has time to plead guilty."

"Although it's an apology, you can't just die, you have to win a chance for yourself."

"Yes, just plead guilty in a mortal way!"

After this thought fell, Long Yang's eyes showed a bright light, and he made a decision in an instant, and his body disappeared here the next moment.

Long Yang has now transcended, his strength is extremely terrifying, and he can feel all the movement in the entire fairy city with a single thought.

In the fairy city of Jinling, a man came back with a load of firewood.

The next moment, Long Yang appeared in front of this man.

If there was such an existence before, it would not even be worthless in front of Long Yang, so don't talk about giving him a good face, but at this moment Long Yang is very clear that this is Jinling Immortal City.

To put it bluntly, it is Li Yixi's territory, and I have come to plead guilty, so I can't be misunderstood by Li Yixi because of my violent behavior.

When the time comes to plead guilty, it will really become death.

Long Yang, who was wearing exercise clothes, saw this ordinary man in front of him, and hurriedly forced a smile on his face.

"Brother, can I buy your load of firewood?"

Long Yang tried his best to make his voice calmer, to make himself look like an ordinary person.

After detachment, Long Yang really became back to basics, as if he really was a warrior in a martial arts gym.

Hearing Long Yang's words, the man shook his head, "Brother, I'm sorry, I'm still waiting for my firewood at home. If I sell it to you, then there will be no firewood to burn today!"

However, the man directly shook his head and refused decisively.

If someone dared to reject him on weekdays, with Long Yang's unruly personality, he would immediately wipe it away with a wave of his hand, but today, even if the ants in front of him refused, Long Yang tried his best to keep smiling.

"Brother, I'm sorry. I didn't make it clear just now. In fact, I don't want all your firewood. I came here today to apologize."

"I'll just buy you some."

"This is a gold ingot, if you have more, I will give it to you!"

After Long Yang's voice fell, he hurriedly stuffed the gold in his hand into the man's arms.

Immediately used means to quietly select some of them, and left in an instant.

Chai Fu saw the golden gold shining in his arms, and his face showed disbelief.

"Brother, no, no, how can my firewood be so valuable?"

The man is extremely simple, so he wants to return the gold to Longyang. After all, it is just a few firewood, and it has no effect on him.

However, as soon as the voice fell, Chai Fu's face changed suddenly, because he suddenly discovered that Long Yang, who had only taken a few steps, disappeared instantly out of thin air.

Chai Fu lived in the Immortal City, so he naturally reacted instantly, with a look of gratitude on his face, and instantly knelt down on the ground, bowing in the direction Longyang left.

"Thank you, Shangxian."

Long Yang looked at the fairly solid wood in his hands, and took a deep breath.

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand and tore up his shirt. He was naked and his upper body was naked.

Made the top into strips of cloth, and carried the wood on his back.

Feeling like I am now, I have the appearance of pleading guilty.

Only then did Long Yang suppress the anxiety in his heart, and walked step by step to the manor where Li Yixi was.

In the manor, the Bazhen chicken in the bamboo forest slowly opened its eyes until now.

The moment he opened his eyes, streaks of golden light glowed in Ba Zhenqi's eyes.

People couldn't look directly at it, and at the same time, an incomparably terrifying power emanated out, but this terrifying power was instantly subdued by Bazhen Chicken.

Bazhen Chicken felt the change in itself, and his breathing was extremely rapid. He never thought that just entering this manor, under Li Yixi's weird piano sound, he would recover.

The wounds of the Dao that were difficult to heal on his body were healed by [-]% to [-]% under the sound of the zither. The power of the Dao had always been indelible, but under the sound of the zither, it seemed to be a layer of paper.

At this moment, the Bazhen Chicken almost forgot how many years his cultivation base has fallen. In the endless years, the Bazhen Chicken has been numb. At this moment, he has returned to the cultivation base of the God Emperor.

Bazhen Chicken was extremely excited.

Seeing Li Yixi who was pointing Hu Qingyun in the pavilion, a terrified look appeared on his face.

Since meeting Li Yixi, every move of Li Yixi has caused Bazhen Chicken to panic from the heart.

At this moment, there was a knock on the courtyard door.

Xiao Zhan immediately went to open the door, and saw Long Yang outside the door, who was naked and topless, Xiao Zhan looked puzzled.

Xiao Zhan didn't know Long Yang at all, and he was even more puzzled when he saw Long Yang pleading guilty.

But when Xiao Zhan's eyes fell on Long Yang's body for a moment, he looked horrified, because at this moment, Xiao Zhan felt that detached aura on Long Yang's body.

Xiao Zhan naturally didn't dare to respond casually, and hurriedly saluted, "I don't know what the name of the gentleman is, what is the so-called coming here?"

"Xiao Zhan, I can be regarded as the registered disciple of the owner of this yard."

Long Yang, who was extremely anxious, heard Xiao Zhan's self-introduction, and his originally agitated heart suddenly became slightly uneasy.

Originally, he didn't care about Xiao Zhan. Although Xiao Zhan has stepped into the realm of the ancestor god, the ancestor god is nothing more than an ant in his eyes. However, at the moment he knows that Xiao Zhan is Li Yixi's registered disciple, how dare Long Yan underestimate him.

"Long Yang has met the little brother."

"Today I'm here to plead guilty."

"I don't know if the little brother will let me in to meet the young master."

"A few days ago, Long Yang was so abrupt that he wanted to assassinate the young master. He should be punished for his crime."

"Today I'm here to accept the crime!"

When Xiao Zhan heard Long Yang's words, he instantly understood. Seeing Long Yang at this moment, Xiao Zhan actually wanted to laugh.

Xiao Zhan knew very well that when Long Yang attacked Li Yixi, he never knew that Li Yixi had an earth-shattering and terrifying cultivation.

Seeing the bitterness on Long Yang's face at this moment, Xiao Zhan knew very well that Long Yang didn't know that he kicked the iron plate until now.

Xiao Zhan looked sympathetic.

"Mr. Long, please come in. I'll go in and invite you, Young Master."

Xiao Zhan led Long Yang into the manor, and Long Yang saw every plant and tree in the manor, feeling uneasy.

When he slammed into the manor that day, he didn't feel those terrifying auras. At this moment, Long Yang just stepped in, he felt a series of terrifying auras locked on him, and his heart jumped instantly.

Even Long Yang, who was detached, became nervous at this moment, and Long Yang's breathing became extremely short.

"Detachment, this is the breath of detachment!"

"It's terrifying. I didn't expect that there are so many detached existences in this small manor."

While his legs were trembling, Long Yang at this moment was extremely thankful that he had made the decision to plead guilty, if he resisted stubbornly, or if he was lucky enough to escape, he would surely die.

Let alone Li Yixi's attack, just the fleeting aura of detachment in the manor is enough to kill him.

But those breaths come and go quickly.

Xiao Zhan entered the pavilion and said cautiously, "My lord, a martial artist named Long Yang came to plead guilty, saying that he assassinated you a few days ago."

Originally, Li Yixi was puzzled when he heard someone pleading guilty, but when he heard Xiao Zhan say to assassinate him, Li Yixi reacted instantly.

"Is that the fool?"

"This bastard's IQ is not very good?"

"I said that I would spare him that day, but I still wanted to assassinate me. Do you know that I am afraid now?"

"Although I haven't stepped into the ranks of cultivation, my boxing and kicking skills are not comparable to him."

"What's more, I still practice the way of the flesh body!"

"However, there are a few brushes, and the moves are decent."

"Where are the people?"

Li Yixi was angry at first, then asked with a smile.

"Young master, I have already brought him into the manor."

Li Yixi immediately smiled, "Let's go, let's meet."

Li Yixi walked out of the pavilion and saw Long Yang in the courtyard who was pleading guilty, Li Yixi was a little speechless, this is not a serious crime, he did not expect Long Yang to treat him like this.

Anxious Long Yang saw Li Yixi approaching from a distance, his eyes showed a look of horror, his legs softened, and he knelt on the ground with a plop.

"A few days ago, Long Yang had no eyes, but dared to assassinate the young master. He knew that he was guilty of death, so he came here today to plead guilty and ask the young master to deal with it."

At this moment, Long Yang's body was really trembling. Seeing Li Yixi again, Long Yang felt uneasy when he remembered the scenes of that day.

And after he was detached, Long Yang found that he still couldn't see through Li Yixi.

Thinking about how not long ago the self wanted to take this step and fought against Li Yixi, he felt even more anxious.

Originally Li Yixi wanted to reprimand him, but when he suddenly saw Long Yang kneeling in front of him trembling with a plop, he couldn't bear it for an instant.

"Well, you are a fool, what are you doing?"

"Don't you know that a man has gold under his knees?"

"A man kneels on both knees, kneels on the ground and kneels on his parents, how can he just kneel on others."

"Get up quickly!"

"That day, I just said a few angry words, and I didn't really want to kill you, otherwise, you would have died long ago."

After Li Yixi's words fell, he strode back and forth, and hurriedly reached out to help Long Yang who was kneeling on the ground.

The moment Li Yixi approached, Long Yang's body trembled violently again. As Long Yang was so close, he felt that there was a supreme god and demon sitting cross-legged in Li Yixi's body.

While Long Yang was terrified and disturbed, he was also instantly overjoyed, Long Yang's hanging heart was also slowly let go, the previous Long Yang was really uneasy, he never thought that he was right in his bet, pleading guilty is indeed the most correct way.

"The dog's life is saved."


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