When Long Yang heard that Li Yixi had forgiven him, his face instantly showed ecstasy.

Long Yang was extremely nervous before, but at the moment he saw Li Yixi, he felt that there were billions of gods and demons in Li Yixi's body, and he was even more afraid.

Long Yang knew very well that if Li Yixi wanted to kill him, no one would be able to save him.

"Thank you sir."

"Young Master, I, Long Yang, assassinated you. Although I have been spared the death penalty, I cannot escape the crime of living. Long Yang wants to stay by the young master's side, obey the young master's orders, and serve as a slave to make atonement."

"Also ask the young master to complete it."

Knowing that his life was saved, Long Yang did not leave, but knelt down in front of Li Yixi with a sincere face.

"There's no need to be like this, hurry up, please get up."

Li Yixi saw Long Yang kneeling down again, with a look of helplessness on his face.

"Young master, please punish me."

"Otherwise I'm not at ease."

Long Yang, who was kneeling, had a sincere face and a sonorous voice.

Li Yixi was speechless after hearing Long Yang's words.

"This fairy world is really different from the ordinary world. I didn't expect everyone to be so simple."

"People who don't know still think that this guy can't survive and wants to live as a slave."

"But when I spoke just now, I could sense his emotional changes. This guy really wants to suffer."

Li Yixi pondered, but Li Yixi found that there was nothing Long Yang could do by his side.

"Longyang, but I don't have any suitable things for you to do!"

After thinking about it, Li Yixi said helplessly.

As soon as Li Yixi finished speaking, Long Yang, who was kneeling on the ground, said immediately.

"Young Master, I see that there is no one guarding the gate of your house. I will guard the door for you from now on. I don't have any special skills, I only have brute force. Maybe it's okay to be a guard at the gate."

Li Yixi's eyes lit up when he heard Long Yang's words.

However, Li Yixi still frowned slightly, "Is the gatekeeper's status too low?"

Hearing Li Yixi muttering to himself, Long Yang's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly added: "No, no, it's my honor, Long Yang, to be able to serve the young master, but Long Yang is here to atone."

"Also ask the young master to fulfill me!"

"I will do my best!"

Sensing Long Yang's emotions, Li Yixi looked helpless, and finally agreed.

"In this case, then you guard the door."

After hearing Li Yixi's words, Long Yang, who was restless, his eyes lit up immediately, his face full of excitement.

"Thank you son!"

"Thank you son!"

At this moment, Long Yang not only no longer panicked, but also showed excitement, even his legs were trembling with excitement.

Long Yang is very clear that being able to guard the gate for Li Yixi is a blessing he has cultivated for several lifetimes.

Li Yixi just played a piece, and he got a great opportunity, took that step, completely detached.

Guarding the gate for Li Yixi means that he will be able to hear more piano sounds in the future, and he will be able to better sort out and integrate his own avenue power.

"However, it's a bit troublesome to guard the gate. After all, there is no house there, and it's hard to be windy and rainy. How about you go over there and chop some bamboo and build a house outside the gate, which can also shelter you from the wind and rain."

Seeing Long Yang in front of him so excited, Li Yixi said with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Thank you, Young Master, for your concern!"

"I'm going to build a house right now!"

At this moment, Long Yang looked excited.


"Hurry up, I think it's going to rain today."

When Li Yixi's eyes fell on Long Yang's body, he felt that Long Yang was very pleasing to the eye, so he stretched out his big hand and patted Long Yang's shoulder.

At this moment, Long Yang was so frightened that his soul trembled, because at this moment, he felt a destructive force, but luckily Li Yixi controlled that force and did not hurt him.

Long Yang, who hurriedly walked towards the bamboo forest with a sickle, was terrified at this moment.

There is a sense of survival after disaster.

"It's so scary, is Li Yixi implying that I should not have thoughts that I shouldn't have?"

"It must be like this. After all, although I am a bit of a waste, I am also a detached existence!"

After thinking about it, the aloof Long Yang showed a satisfied smile on his face. If someone saw the unparalleled and talented Long Yang, who was so excited because of becoming a gatekeeper at this moment, he would definitely feel that he was hallucinating.

Excited on Long Yang's face, he quickly walked into the bamboo forest, but when Long Yang walked out of the bamboo forest, his face turned pale.

The powerful Long Yang suddenly realized that this courtyard was simply too terrifying.

Carrying the bamboo, he glanced at the hen under the bamboo grove without a trace. His heart seemed to be held by an invisible big hand, and it would be crushed at any time, and he was extremely nervous.

"Phoenix Mother."

"It turned out to be Mother Phoenix?"

"I remembered that I had already fallen during the Great War, but I didn't expect to survive, and I was completely detached."

"Such a proud and supreme beast was turned into an old hen by an expert to raise it."

"How powerful is the expert?"

After the thought of panic fell, Long Yang looked at the bamboos on his shoulders, and there were countless lights in his eyes.

The excited body is trembling.

Soon, Longyang rushed to the door, seeing no one around, he hurriedly used his magical powers, and these bamboos were quickly woven into a hut by his magical powers.

At this moment, Long Yang, like a beggar, looked at the simple hut in front of him with bright eyes.

Walking into it and sitting cross-legged, Long Yang felt that he had got a great opportunity.


"Baby, baby!"

"The treasure house built by Wudao Shenzhu, I am afraid that I, Longyang, will be the No. 1. Who can compare with me in such a luxury behavior."

Long Yang was so excited that he was going crazy.

At this moment, Long Yang forgot his own cultivation base, like an excited child who got his favorite toy.

He even hummed a little song in a low voice.

It suddenly feels good that the Shinto Palace has been destroyed. In Long Yang's view, being the princess of the Shinto Palace is not as good as being the gatekeeper.

In a wild mountain range, a figure stood in the void, and with a wave of his big hand, a terrifying force erupted instantly.

At this moment, the ground suddenly split open, and in that crack, a palace surrounded by endless mighty power slowly rose from the ground.

In just a moment, those extremely powerful beasts around were baptized by the awe-inspiring divine power, and they turned into human figures and sat cross-legged, like a scholar, staring at the palace slowly rising above the earth with fiery faces.

At this moment, words of saints resounded in the palace.

At this moment, the plants and trees in the wild mountain range slowly turned into people when they heard the voices of the saints.

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