"Ah this!"

Little Fenghuang looked at the eggs laid by the Bazhen Chicken, with a look of disbelief on his face.

His eyes widened, feeling like he was hallucinating.

Xiao Zhan, Meng Ge and others also stared at the shivering Bazhen chicken with disbelief at this moment.

Little Phoenix was startled at first, but then reacted, and gave Bazhen Chicken a sympathetic look.

Little Fenghuang didn't understand why, the Bazhen Chicken was frightened.

"Bazhen Chicken?"

"I didn't expect that I would catch Bazhen Chicken this time."

Li Yixi looked at the egg with eight colors of divine light, his face showed disbelief, he was in a daze, he felt that he was delusional.

But soon, Li Yixi realized that it was not that he was hallucinating, but that what he caught was really the Bazhen chicken. Li Yixi hadn't watched it seriously before, but now, after watching carefully, Li Yixi discovered the Bazhen chicken. The singularity of the chicken.

The feathers all over the body not only exude a faint charm, but also are not comparable to ordinary chickens.

"Good baby, since it can lay eggs and is comparable to precious medicine, then let's stay."

"But will it run away?"

As soon as Li Yixi's voice fell, he became anxious again, feeling that he would lose a lot if he ran away.

Hearing that Li Yixi didn't kill himself to make soup, Bazhen Chicken's hanging heart just dropped, however, the next moment, hearing Li Yixi's sentence whether it would run away, a heart hung in his throat again in an instant.

The Bazhen chicken seemed to be a pet chicken, and hurriedly rubbed its head against Li Yixi's trouser leg.

Said that he would never run away.


Seeing the Bazhen chicken rubbing against his leg like a dog, Li Yixi's face showed disbelief.

"Could it be that this Bazhen Chicken is destined for me?"

"It's very spiritual."

"Seeing how close it is to me, it probably won't run away."

"I just don't know if the Bazhen chicken is so miraculous, whether it is difficult to raise, and I don't know whether to eat broken rice or not."

Li Yixi's voice fell, he grabbed a handful of broken rice beside him, and sprinkled it in front of Bazhen Chicken.

The aloof Bazhen Chicken had a look of uneasiness when he heard Li Yixi's words at this moment. How could anyone dare to treat it like this in normal times, but today's Bazhen Chicken has already seen Li Yixi's incredible means.

Like a native chicken, it happily started pecking at the broken rice on the ground in an instant.


"It turned out to be similar to native chickens, but it's not difficult to raise."

Now Li Yixi was completely relieved, waved his hand, and casually drove the Bazhen Chicken to the bamboo forest.

Just after entering the bamboo forest, Bazhen Chicken's body trembled suddenly, because at this moment, it felt a terrible and mysterious power burst out in its belly.

The restless Bazhen Chicken widened his eyes. After Bazhen Chicken looked inside, he found that the broken rice actually contained Dao rhyme, and his face was full of disbelief.

Looking at Li Yixi who left, Bazhen Chicken's gaze completely changed.

"Expert, this is meeting an expert!"

"How far has this expert reached? Even the things around him are also contaminated with such a terrible Taoist rhyme."

"Compared to him, the demon god seems to have become more ordinary."

After thinking about it, Bazhen Chicken hurriedly refined the wisps of Dao Yun in his lower abdomen. Bazhen Chicken, who was originally nervous, became excited at this moment.

Just now he expressed that he wanted to stay, just to save his life, but at this moment, Bazhen Chicken really wanted to stay here.

And Bazhen Chicken felt inexplicably that at this moment, he realized the Tao extremely fast.

Bazhen Chicken, who had just refined the dao rhyme, suddenly found a few native chickens clucking close to him.

There was a look of extreme impatience in his eyes. In the eyes of Bazhen Chicken, these native chickens are not even worthless. How could they get close to him who is superior.

The Bazhen chicken flapped its wings lightly, and a terrifying force spread out, trying to blow a few native chickens into the air.

However, the next moment, Bazhen Chicken's body trembled violently, staring at the chickens in disbelief.

The proud body became thin and trembling.

Because the moment its power approached a few native chickens, a terrifying flame flashed away.


"This group of chickens turned out to be Suzaku."

"No, no, there is actually a phoenix among them."

"Their cultivation bases, their cultivation bases are terrifying!"

At this moment, Bazhen Chicken saw several native chickens condescendingly looking down at him, and his legs trembled.

His legs softened and he knelt down.

"Senior, I was wrong!"

Especially on Phoenix's body, Bazhen Chicken felt an unimaginable aura, which was countless times stronger than the Demon Emperor.

At this moment, Bazhen Chicken was really frightened, even more frightened than seeing Li Yixi's shocking methods.

"Go away and be quiet!"

"And lay eggs slowly, don't steal our limelight."

A Suzaku snorted coldly, clucked a few times, laid an extra egg, and left slowly.

Bazhen Chicken, who was already terrified, was instantly terrified when he saw this scene.

It never occurred to me that such an incredible thing would happen.

Suzaku eggs.

Seeing the Suzaku egg in front of him, Bazhen Chicken's face became uneasy at this moment. Compared with the Suzaku stone egg, his egg became worthless.

"Here, what exactly is this place?"

"How could someone raise Suzaku and Phoenix?"

Seeing the Suzaku and Phoenix leaving slowly, Bazhen Chicken really panicked at this moment.

Looking at the surrounding plants and trees, his body was trembling slightly.

At this moment, the Bazhen Chicken finally knew why when he comprehended the dao rhyme in his lower abdomen just now, he felt the speed was extremely fast.

Because of this bamboo forest, these bamboos are not ordinary bamboos at all, but the legendary enlightened bamboos.

Soon after discovering the stones covered by bamboo leaves in the bamboo forest, Bazhen Chicken's pupils shrank suddenly.

The body trembled violently.

"The God-strike Stone, it turned out to be a broken God-strike Stone."

King Shi Ling, who was practicing, felt Ba Zhenqi's gaze, and a cold voice sounded in Ba Zhenji's mind.

"Go away, don't stare at me like that, I'm scared."

Since King Stone Spirit entered the manor, he has been quietly hiding in the bamboo forest to practice, and naturally he has seen too many incredible things.

For Li Yixi, he was even more afraid. He kept covering himself in the bamboo leaves to practice, just to avoid attracting Li Yixi's attention.

Even though the current Stone Spirit King's strength has undergone earth-shaking changes, and he has stepped into the realm of the ancestor god, he still can't see through Li Yixi.

Sensing the extremely terrifying aura of King Stone Spirit, Bazhen Chicken trembled at this moment.

Bazhen Chicken felt that every plant and tree around it was extremely scary.

Among the pavilions.

Hu Qingyun is playing Fengqiuhuang.

The sound of the piano echoed in the manor, and it lasted for a long time.

Li Yixi saw that Wang Lin's injury had completely improved, and his face was also without worry. Hearing the melodious sound of the piano from the pavilion, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he walked into the pavilion.

"Husband, how about this song Phoenix Seeking Phoenix?"

"There is progress!"

Hu Qingyun's beautiful eyes fell on Li Yixi's body, and said excitedly.

"My wife has made great progress, but it's a pity that she still hasn't mastered the essence of this song Phoenix Qiuhuang."

"I will play it again for you today for my husband, so you can feel it."

When Hu Qingyun heard Li Yixi's words, she immediately stood up and gave Li Yixi her seat.

Li Yixi was not too polite, and immediately sat in front of the guqin, and the next moment, his whole body became one with the heaven and the earth, and the melodious sound of the qin resounded in the manor at this moment.

Outside the manor at this moment, Long Yang, who was wearing exercise clothes, looked at the manor nervously.

It has been two days since Long Yang came to Xiancheng, but he felt that he was about to break through, so he didn't go to the manor.

Long Yang felt that the reason why he lost to Li Yixi before was because he couldn't take that step, but after that battle, Long Yang found that he was infinitely close to detachment.

But these days, Long Yang found it difficult for him to take that step.

At this moment, Long Yang suddenly heard the sound of the piano coming from the courtyard, and couldn't help being fascinated.

The whole person seems to have stepped into the artistic conception of the piano sound.

The restless heart suddenly became extremely peaceful.

The sound of the piano seems to contain a supreme charm.

When Long Yang fell into it, the power of the Great Dao on his body, at this moment, was constantly changing under the sound of the piano.

The aura of the whole person became incomparably mysterious.

When the last note of Li Yixi's "Feng Qiuhuang" fell, Long Yang, who was immersed in the sound of the piano, woke up instantly.

At this moment, Long Yang no longer had the irritability he had before, and he felt that his thoughts were clear.

The next moment, Long Yang sensed the change in himself, and an inconceivable expression appeared on his face.

"Detachment, I am detachment!"

Feeling his own aura, Long Yang's face was full of disbelief at this moment. He never thought that under this song by Li Yixi, his whole body would undergo a complete transformation.

The bottleneck that originally blocked me has been completely crossed without knowing it.

In order to transcend, Long Yang did not know how much effort he had put in.

But at this moment, Long Yang took this step inexplicably under the sound of the piano.

Originally, Long Yang thought that after stepping into transcendence, he should have the ability to fight Li Yixi, but at this moment, Long Yang felt chills in his heart, and no matter what, he couldn't produce any fighting spirit.

Long Yang is very clear that Li Yixi's piano sound can lead him to take this step, Li Yixi is absolutely powerful beyond imagination.

At the same time, Long Yang thought that Li Yixi had smashed the broken knife with a random punch that day, and Long Yan had just stepped into the inflated heart of detachment, and it disappeared in an instant.

Thinking of the time when he wanted to challenge Li Yi, Long Yang's body trembled slightly, and beads of sweat involuntarily appeared on his forehead.

"Excellent, Long Yang really met an expert this time."

"I thought that I would be invincible if I was detached, but I didn't want to be detached in front of this expert, and I was still an ant."


"To be thought of by such an incomparably terrifying existence is too scary, too terrifying!"

"Damn it, I actually once had the idea of ​​killing this expert."

"You must go and admit your mistake!"

"Otherwise, even if it is detachment, it may be difficult to escape from the palm of this expert."

Long Yang, whose legs were trembling, made an instant decision to go to lead him to death.

Living anxiously, it is better to let Li Yixi decide directly, maybe it is not impossible for him to have a glimmer of life.

Looking at the yard, Long Yang gritted his teeth and made a decision.

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