Being reprimanded by the Qingshan Patriarch, the Qingshanmen disciple who was a little aggrieved in his heart, at this moment, his eyes suddenly lit up, and the eyes flashed with brilliance.

Even the body trembled slightly because of the excitement, and the hand holding the long sword involuntarily made the joints pale due to excessive force.

"This is a chance, a peerless chance. I didn't expect that the sound of the piano could make people realize the Tao and grow their souls!"

"It's terrible, what kind of existence is playing the piano?"

At this moment, he understood the reason for the old ancestor's scolding just now, because he forcibly interrupted the old ancestor's enlightenment, shorting the future of a person is like killing his parents, and he forcibly awakened the old ancestor from the enlightenment, which shows that the old ancestor lost something.

The disciples of Qingshanmen hurriedly suppressed the shock in their hearts at this moment, and immediately sat cross-legged, comprehending the melodious sound of the piano.

The sound of the zither was heard one after another, and at this moment, the disciples of the Qingshanmen suddenly felt that they had appeared in a long river.

He was suspended above the river, with the surging river under his feet.

However, at this moment, his expression became extremely shocked, his eyes stared deeply at the long river under his feet.

Looking around, he found that this long river seemed to have no end.

The appearance of this long river is constantly merging with the long river of time in memory.

The pupils of this Qingshanmen disciple shrank suddenly, and his face was shocked.

"The long river of time, this is indeed the long river of time. I never thought that this piano sound could bring me into the long river of time. How is this possible? It is very difficult to enter the long river of time."

"I just entered the long river of time not long ago, and I have reached the limit that time. Could it be possible that today, under the sound of the piano, can I enhance my soul, enhance my understanding, and let me go further?"

"Enlighten the Tao, integrate the Tao, the sound of the piano, the long river of time and space."

These words one by one appeared in his mind at this moment, and at the next moment, the eyes showed a bright light.

Breathing became extremely short, although it was extremely difficult, but when I felt the sound of the piano next to my ear, I found that the resistance under my feet had weakened a lot.

And at this moment, he found that his previous comprehension of Tao and its terrifying speed were fused and corrected, and he made progress.

With the continuous improvement of his perception, this disciple of the Qingshanmen seemed to be enlightened instantly, and he had a unique insight into his own way of swordsmanship, and opened a new path.

The swordsmanship inheritance of Qingshanmen was also digested and integrated at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, the disciple of Qingshanmen felt that he was progressing at an extremely terrifying speed. He had just reached his limit not long ago, and at this moment he took a few steps in the long river of time, and these steps represented his progress. The strength has been greatly improved.

Not far from the Qingshan gate, the body of the Qingshan ancestor also trembled slightly at this moment, and likewise, the whole person appeared in the long river of time.

However, unlike the disciples of the Qingshan Gate, at this moment, the Patriarch Qingshan was in front of a huge wave, and a huge boulder lay horizontally under the water.

This wave blocked Patriarch Qingshan.

"The long river of time, this is the long river of time and space."

"This piano sound actually pulled my soul into the long river of time. Today I can finally take this step."

The old man is the ninth patriarch of Qingshanmen. Although he is old and has lived for countless years, the ninth patriarch of Qingshanmen has not yet stepped into the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

His lifespan is also numbered.

The wave under his feet is the bottleneck that prevents him from stepping into the golden fairy of the mainland.

Because of his limited aptitude, he couldn't integrate his own skills and Dao, and couldn't understand Dao deeply.

At this moment, at the moment when the piano sounded one after another, in the old man's mind, it seemed that the morning bell and evening drum sounded, which made him wake up suddenly.

He suddenly found that he had stepped into a huge misunderstanding, which caused his swordsmanship to go into a misunderstanding. The old man quickly sorted out his perception and integrated his perception.

Integrate and re-integrate all the kendo perceptions of the past thousand years.

Soon, a sword appeared in his heart, and this sword became extremely sharp at this moment.

"Dahe Sword, finally completed!"

At this moment, the old man's eyes showed excitement, and he finally integrated all his perceptions of swordsmanship and took this step.

At the same time, the old man stepped forward at this moment, and he finally stepped over the wave blocking him.

At this moment, the breath in the body of the Ninth Patriarch of Qingshanmen was shaken suddenly, and everything came to fruition, with years of accumulated savings, he stepped into the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian in one fell swoop.

At the same time, the sound of the piano reverberating in the mountains also came to an end.

The Ninth Patriarch of Qingshanmen and his disciples, who were caught up in the perception of the sound of the piano, slowly opened their eyes. At this moment, the two looked helpless.

If the two of them were listening to the piano, they would have made greater progress. However, now that the song is over, if they want to continue to comprehend, they will have no chance.

"Old Ancestor, this disciple has made a breakthrough."

Qingshanmen disciple Yang Xiao's voice was trembling at this moment, he never thought that the sound of the piano would allow him to melt into the Dao, and his realm had also been improved.

The Ninth Ancestor of Qingshan Gate took a deep breath, and put aside the matter of finding Chu Liang for now.

"Let's go!"

"We got a great opportunity today. It saved us countless hours of practice and broke the shackles of the Dao. We must thank you no matter what, otherwise we will feel ashamed and the Dao heart will be unstable."

Yang Xiao, a disciple of Qingshan Gate, heard the Ninth Patriarch's words, nodded hurriedly, and also wanted to thank the other party. If it wasn't for this piano sound, it would not be easy for him to break through.

The old and the young looked at each other, nodded, and their bodies rose into the air, heading towards the direction where the sound of the piano came from.

After playing a piece, Li Yixi gently stroked the guqin in front of him, feeling a little unsatisfied. Li Yixi realized that he hadn't played the piano for a long time.

Seeing Chu Liang close his eyes, he seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, but Li Yixi didn't bother him, feeling that the other party was tired.

When Li Yixi was about to play a piece, he suddenly noticed two figures coming from the air.

The direction these two people walked was exactly where he was, Li Yixi slowly withdrew his hand on the guqin.

The Ninth Patriarch of Qingshan Gate and his disciple Yang Xiao landed not far from Li Yixi, looking at Li Yixi's graceful demeanor, the two looked extremely respectful.

"Lu Yuan from the Qingshan Gate pays his respects to seniors."

"Yang Xiao pays respects to senior!"

"Thank you, senior, for playing the piano!"

Hearing what the two said, Li Yixi had a look of helplessness on his face, feeling that these practitioners were very concerned about piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

I just played a random song, and I came to thank you.

Li Yixi smiled and said: "You two have misunderstood, I am not a senior, I am just a mortal!"

"It's just that I like piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and I have some accomplishments in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting."

"It's not worthy of such a big gift!"

"Are you also interested in Qin?"

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