Li Yixi felt that the half-burned mosquito-repellent incense was rubbish, but in Chu Liang's eyes, that small piece of mosquito-repellent incense was supreme.

In a hurry, Chu Liang extinguished the burning mosquito-repellent incense in an instant, and carefully kept the mosquito-repellent incense.

Even Chu Liang regards this small section of mosquito coils as more important than his own life.

After finishing everything, Chu Liang caught up with Li Yixi at the fastest speed.

Looking at the smiling, polite, diligent Chu Liang all the way, Li Yixi looked helpless.

"Chu Liang, do you want to rest?"

"We still have time, we have time, and now we only need the last medicine."

As soon as Li Yixi finished speaking, Chu Liang shook his head hastily, "My lord, I'm not tired, I'm really not tired, I can still work."

After Qinglong was severely injured, Chu Liang had already discovered that all the monsters in the entire mountain range were lurking tremblingly.

The perilous mountain range has also become safe, but Chu Liang has no intention of leaving, he just wants to spend a little more time with Li Yixi.

"All right!"

"Then we'll leave when we pick the last medicinal material!"

There was a refined smile on the corner of Li Yixi's mouth, and he was very happy in his heart.

Can't help sighing: "Sure enough, it's different after I have the means. In the past, Vivino, I was cautious and cautious, afraid of provoking a terrifying existence that could not be provoked."

"But now with the power of merit, no one can hurt me, and I can also protect others. I finally feel the feeling of being a hero."

"Sure enough, being a hero is still very good."

Li Yixi felt the adoration in Chu Liang's eyes, and felt extremely comfortable.

When Li Yixi looked comfortable, suddenly a terrifying aura appeared in the void.

I saw a coquettish woman appearing in the void at this moment, this person is none other than the demon god who came out of the demon god realm.

Knowing that the Yaozu had been severely injured, Qinglong was even dying, his expression became extremely ugly, and he wanted to get rid of Li Yixi himself.

An incomparably powerful aura had enveloped him, and Chu Liang's face turned pale instantly when he felt the destructive aura.

"Don't be afraid!"

"No big deal."

Li Yixi reached out and patted Chu Liang's shoulder.

The angry demon god saw Li Yixi ignoring him at this moment, and his eyes shone with a cold light of choosing someone to devour.

However, at this moment Li Yixi didn't care, even a Guqin appeared in front of Li Yixi.

"Chu Liang, don't be afraid, with me here, you will not be in danger."

"It's just the right moment to play a song!"

Li Yixi's voice fell, his fingers landed on the strings, and he began to pluck the strings.

At the moment when Li Yixi played the piano, the demon god was extremely angry. From the demon god's point of view, Li Yixi was disdainful of her.

Seeing the extremely angry demon god, Li Yixi couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

"Hmph, I have the power of merit, but I don't know how to use it, but it doesn't restrict me."

"These powerhouses are all proud. As long as they pretend to be aggressive enough, the other party will definitely be furious."

"At that time, I will attack myself, and then it is the time for the other party to seek death."

"This is the way out."

"Otherwise, if the opponent does not attack, there will be great trouble."

"Provocation is right."

At the moment when Li Yixi's thoughts just fell, the eyes of the demon god in the void revealed a murderous intent.

"Human, you dare to provoke me!"

"In front of me, you still have the leisure and elegance to play the piano. Today I will make your life worse than death."

Seeing the furious demon god, Li Yixi glanced at him and said provocatively, "I'm invincible, you can do whatever you want."

"If you can kill me, you're great."


The demon god, who was already angry, became even more angry when he heard Li Yixi's provocative words, and even his body trembled violently.

However, before the demon god could make a move in the future, his face changed drastically in an instant, because at this moment, the demon god suddenly felt an extremely terrifying attack contained in Li Yixi's piano sound.

As the zither sounded, the face of the demon god turned pale at this moment, because Li Yixi's zither sound was aimed at her soul.

The notes one by one seemed to tear apart the soul of the demon god at this moment.

"How, how is this possible?"

"What kind of method is this?"


"Who is this person?"

At this moment, the killing intent on the demon god's face disappeared without a trace, and was replaced by panic, without any hesitation, and he retreated instantly. As fast as he came, he could escape as fast as he came, and he didn't dare to stay for a moment longer.

Because the demon god is very clear about how terrifying Li Yixi's piano sound is, even if he just stays there for a moment, it may tear his soul apart.

Chu Liang, who was standing beside Li Yixi, felt his scalp go numb at this moment. Even with the blessing of Li Yixi's power, Chu Liang was extremely panicked at this moment. His soul power was too weak, and it was difficult to bear.


"He actually left, did he discover the power of merit in me?"

"Sure enough, there are still smart people in this world."

After thinking about it, Li Yixi's piano sound became more relaxed. Chu Liang, who was extremely uncomfortable, suddenly felt that his soul made him extremely comfortable, making his soul seem to be lying in a warm ocean.

Chu Liang couldn't describe that feeling of comfort.

In the mountains, a figure came rapidly, extremely fast, with an anxious look on his face.

"Damn it, I didn't expect that the demon god order suddenly appeared in this mountain range."

"I don't know what's going on with Chu Liang now. This guy is the hope of my Qingshan Gate, and his status is also very noble, so there can't be any accidents."

This person is an old ancestor of Qingshanmen, and now he has picked up the precious medicine, and the crisis in the mountains seems to be lifted, and he is anxiously looking for Chu Liang.

Because he knew that Chu Liang was not dead, and Chu Liang's soul jade slip still existed intact.

At this moment, a figure also came through the air and landed beside the old man, "We don't have any trace of Chu Liang over there."

The visitor looked extremely serious.

But at this moment, the ancestor of Qingshanmen didn't seem to hear the other party's voice, and ignored the other party.


The people who came saw that the Qingshanmen patriarch didn't pay attention, and continued.

"Shut up and listen carefully!"

At this moment, the face of the ancestor of Qingshanmen revealed an unbelievable expression, because he sensed that the sound of the piano echoed in the mountains, and the sound of the piano made his soul faintly grow, and at this moment, the elder of Qingshanmen Zu found that his understanding of Tao had also improved several times.

His eyes were fixed on the direction of the sound of the piano.

The ancestor of the Qingshan Gate trembled slightly, his face full of disbelief.

"It's unbelievable that this piano sound can make people enlightened."

The disciple who had been reprimanded froze, but after hearing this sentence, his pupils shrank suddenly, with an expression of disbelief.

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