Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1056 The Shocking Sword Emperor

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Lu Yuan, the ninth patriarch of Qingshanmen, was a little nervous.

Hastily said: "It is true that Lu Yuan has some achievements in Qin, but compared with his predecessors, the difference is too great, so he dare not talk about his understanding of Qin."

Lu Yuan knew very well that in fact, he was very knowledgeable in the art of piano, because Lu Yuan was known as the master of both piano and sword.

He is a qin fairy and a sword fairy.

This is also the disadvantage of why Lu Yuan couldn't step into Da Luo Jinxian, because Lu Yuan couldn't combine the zither and the sword, and he couldn't cut off any part.

If it wasn't for Li Yixi's qin sound that enlightened him today and integrated the two, he wouldn't be able to step into the realm of Da Luo Jinxian at all.

Li Yixi's gaze then fell on Yang Xiao, a disciple of Qingshanmen.

Yang Xiao hurriedly replied: "Back to seniors, Yang Xiao doesn't understand the piano, but Yang Xiao likes to listen to the piano. The sound of the piano can make people calm and make all troubled emotions disappear."

"It is Yang Xiao's honor to be able to hear senior's zither today. Yang Xiao will never forget it in his life, and he will never forget it."

Thinking that Li Yixi's terrifying piano sound could make him break through, Yang Xiao was extremely shocked. Yang Xiao knew that it was absolutely impossible for him to hear such accomplished piano sound again in his life.

Li Yixi, who originally wanted to play another song, suddenly became interested, and Li Yixi found that Chu Liang was still asleep not far away, and then smiled and said: "Since you all like piano, today I will Play one more song."

"However, don't call me senior anymore. I am a mortal, a proper mortal."

"If you don't mind, just call me son!"

"My name is Li Yixi, you can call me by my name."

Hearing Li Yixi's words, the faces of Lu Yuan and Yang Xiao of Qingshanmen suddenly changed at this moment, how dare they call Li Yixi's name directly.

Hearing Li Yixi's words, the two had an idea. They knew very well that Li Yixi was absolutely powerful beyond imagination. Just the sound of the zither made them both break the shackles in an instant. How could such an existence be a mere mortal? .

But since Li Yixi claims to be a mortal, the two of them dare not call him Senior Li Yixi indiscriminately. After all, they both know very well that some extremely terrifying monks have reached the level of destroying the world, but they are tired of it. The intrigues in the comprehension world hide their identities and enter the mortal world.

The two felt that Li Yixi was such a terrifying existence.

Immediately thank you with a frenzied face: "Thank you, young master."

After the two voices fell, they immediately sat cross-legged on the spot.

Both Lu Yun and Yang Xiao were extremely excited at this moment. The two of them only listened to half of the song just now.

And that half of the qin music made the two of them break the shackles, and now they can hear a complete qin melody, how can they not be excited, and even at this moment, the two of them directly held their breath, fearing that their breathing would disturb them. piano sound.

Under the expectant eyes of the two, at this moment Li Yixi put his hands on the strings.

Li Yixi was completely immersed in it at this moment, it had been a long time since he played the piano, Li Yixi was very serious.

The whole person has also become extremely peaceful, as if completely integrated with this piece of heaven and earth, he is the sky, he is the earth.

In just an instant, Li Yixi became one with the heaven and the earth.

At the same time, the fingers plucked the strings, and the notes came out one by one in an instant.

At this moment, Li Yixi's piano sound was not high-pitched, but very peaceful and peaceful.

Li Yixi integrated what he had seen into the sound of the piano.

The sound of Li Yixi's piano caught my ears, each note made Yang Xiao, Lu Yuan and Chu Liang's bodies tremble suddenly at this moment.

At this moment, the scene in the three people's minds changed.

Because this time I was listening to Li Yixi's piano sound, it was completely different from the last time.

This time, the moment Li Yixi heard the sound of the piano, the three of them turned into swordsmen.

At this moment, the three of them seemed to have turned into a strange young man. At this moment, the young man was facing the cold eyes and ridicule of his family.

Even suppression, deprivation of all resources and identities.

At this moment, the three of them felt extremely angry, aggrieved and desperate under such circumstances.

It seems to have become one with the swordsman in Li Yixi's piano sound.

However, soon when the notes fell into their ears one by one, the three of them suddenly found that they had obtained the treasure and embarked on a road to heaven.

Breaking all cold eyes, the whole world was shocked.

At the same time, Alone also embarked on the road to strength.

While chasing one's relatives, one seeks the boundless avenue.

Along the way, overcoming thorns and thorns.

From being weak and letting others roll their eyes, to the peak of swordsmanship, with one sword strike, immortals, demons, gods and Buddhas fall.

At this moment, the three of them turned into that swordsman, and realized all the swordsman's perceptions of the sword.

When the three of them fell into the illusion created by the sound of the piano, terrifying sword qi erupted around the three of them in an instant. The aura of the three of them and their terrifying speed climbed. His perception has also become extremely terrifying.

When Li Yixi's last note fell, the three of them at this moment seemed to be transformed into swordsmen, living through thousands of years.

After experiencing thousands of hardships, even at the moment when they opened their eyes, vicissitudes flashed in their eyes.

"How about this song?"

"I read a book, so I brought my emotions into that book, hoping to become the protagonist in this book, to be able to overcome obstacles and become the Sword Emperor of Myriad Ways."

When Lu Yuan and Yang Xiao heard Li Yixi's words, they were shocked for an instant. They looked at each other involuntarily, and the way they looked at Li Yixi changed completely. They were not on Li Yixi's body. , felt any trace of sword energy, but in the sound of the piano just now, they turned into swordsmen and experienced the glorious life of a sword emperor of ten thousand ways.

They seem to blend into each other's body and witness everything, and everything seems to be experienced by themselves, every detail is extremely clear, how can this be the perception of others.

Both Lu Yun and Yang Xiao felt that it was the road that Li Yixi had walked.

Looking at Li Yi in the past, it was like looking at the eight peerless sword emperors, the sword emperors who blended all Tao.

"This song is astonishing, and I feel the brilliant life of a shocking swordsman."

"Among the young master's piano sound just now, we seemed to have turned into that shocking swordsman. The young master's piano sound is too realistic. I have never seen such an accomplishment."

"In front of the young master, Lu Yuan doesn't even have the guts to play the piano."

"Because playing the piano in front of the young master is simply playing tricks."

"Lu Yun has been taught, thank you son."

"In order to thank you son, if you need anything in the future, if you need to do anything, I, Lu Yuan, will not hesitate to do it, no matter whether it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire."

At this moment, Lu Yuan knew how much he had benefited from this song, and he was really grateful to Li Yixi. He knew very well that if he stepped into the long river of time again, he would definitely let him His cultivation instantly stepped into a higher realm.

Even though the current Lu Yun is still at the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian's cultivation, Lu Yuan has a feeling that his comprehension in this song is enough to make him fascinated in one fell swoop.

As long as you enter the long river of time, you must step into the realm of gods.

When Yang Xiao's eyes fell on Li Yixi, his whole face was shocked.

This song not only greatly improved the soul, but also gave me a shocking sense of swordsmanship and life experience.

The two felt that Su Xiuyi was a supreme sword emperor who practiced both piano and sword.

"Ha ha!"

"I just listened to one song, how can it be as serious as you said?"

"Please get up quickly, both of you."

Seeing Lu Yuan and Yang Xiao kneeling down again, Li Yixi hurriedly laughed.

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