"Can you do it?"

"It will definitely work."

"This kind of existence may not care about my life or death."

The figure of Li Yixi appeared in Long Yang's mind, just the figure in his memory made Long Yang's body tremble uncontrollably at this moment.

The Divine Emperor of the Feng Clan slowly opened his eyes at this moment, with ecstasy in his eyes.

Today, just practicing the scriptures for the first time, the Emperor of the Phoenix Clan feels that he has achieved an unimaginable improvement. With the existence of this scripture, maybe he can really step into the realm of the god emperor in the future.

"Thank you senior!"

"The younger generation doesn't know how to repay the kindness of the senior."

The Emperor of the Phoenix Clan, at this moment, comes from the respect in his heart. He never thought that while Long Yang was preaching, he would actually teach the Supreme Sutra. Before, he thought that Long Yang was just a joke.

This scripture is really too mysterious.

"Ha ha!"

"You're welcome."

"You continue to practice, I was injured a little, it's time to leave, I have to find a place to heal the injury, otherwise, the injury will get worse." As soon as Long Yang finished speaking, the expression of the Phoenix Clan God Emperor changed, and he looked angry.

"Senior, where else to look, some of my Feng Clan are secret rooms, you go directly to my cave to heal your wounds."

The Emperor of the Phoenix Clan directly pulled Long Yang into his secret room.

After leaving the cave, the Emperor of the Feng Clan suddenly felt chills all over his body.


"Why, why am I so nice to this person all of a sudden!"

"What happened just now?"

"Strange, is it the reason why he taught the Supreme Sutra?"

But after much deliberation, the Emperor of the Phoenix Clan did not realize that Long Yang had the intention of harming the Feng Clan.

In the void at this moment, one after another silhouettes came through the sky, and the strong Feng clan who went to Jinling Xiancheng came back.


"This is?"

The Phoenix Lord who just came back had an overjoyed look on his face, but this time he was thanked by Li Yixi. The Phoenix Lord knew that the Feng Clan had been affirmed by Li Yixi, and the Feng Clan had an even higher status in Li Yixi's heart. Higher, but at this moment, his face changed, because the Phoenix Lord discovered that the channel of the ancient world of the Phoenix Clan had been recast.

The expressions of the rest of the strong Feng clan also changed slightly.

"Meet the Phoenix Lord!"

In the ancient world, one after another figure walked out, looking at the strong men of the Feng Clan with fanaticism.

There was no smile on Phoenix Lord's face, and he immediately asked: "What happened?"

"Isn't the channel of the Feng Clan's ancient world closed?"

"Why is it open now, but the channel has been recast?"

The Lord Phoenix's gaze fell on a god emperor of the Phoenix clan at this moment.

"Reporting to Lord Phoenix, after you left, the channel in the ancient realm of the Phoenix Clan was attacked by three god emperors. The channel was broken, and it was recast not long ago."

When the Phoenix Lord heard this, his expression changed drastically.


"Three god emperors?"

But soon, Feng Clan frowned and looked at Feng Clan God Emperor, his brows were frowned together, because Phoenix Lord clearly captured that not only was the Phoenix Clan God Emperor not injured, but his aura became strangely stronger. Strong now.

Moreover, the channel of the Phoenix Clan Ancient Realm has become even stronger.

Everything becomes simple and blurred.

"Tell me, what happened?"

At this moment, Lord Phoenix said with a cold face.

Soon, Phoenix Lord was shocked, with an unbelievable expression on his face, as if he was dreaming.

Originally suspected that there was something wrong with the Supreme Sutra, but after getting the Sutra from the Feng Clan God Emperor, he found that not only was there no problem with this Sutra, but it was also extremely powerful, even for him, it was of great use.

Knowing that Long Yang was still in Feng Clan retreat, Lord Feng asked coldly: "Do you know his name?"

At this moment, Fengzhu felt a little uneasy. This supreme scripture made him think of bad things, Shinto Palace.

"Which senior is called Longyang!"


After the voice of the Phoenix Clan God Emperor fell, the Phoenix Lord's legs softened, and his face was filled with disbelief.

"Supreme scripture, injured, Longyang?"

"He, is he Long Yang from the Shinto Palace?"


At this moment, Lord Feng cursed directly.

The Emperor of the Feng Clan's expression changed drastically.

Tremblingly, he said: "Phoenix Lord, it's all my fault. Is there something wrong with this scripture?"

"But, now, everyone in the Feng Clan has practiced the scriptures."

The Emperor of the Phoenix Clan was really frightened.

I think there is a problem with the scriptures.

"There's no problem with the scriptures."

"it is true!"

Lord Phoenix said with a cold face.

"Then why?"

The God Emperor of the Feng Clan looked at the Phoenix Lord blankly. There is no problem with the Supreme Sutra, so it is a great opportunity for the Feng Clan. Why are they so angry?

The Emperor of the Phoenix Clan really doesn't understand.

The Phoenix Master gritted his teeth and said: "Because his name is Long Yang, he comes from the Shinto Palace, and he is the Palace Master of the Shinto Palace."

"Not long ago, I went to Jinling Immortal City to assassinate the young master, but failed!"

The Phoenix Master's voice fell, and the expressions of those members of the Phoenix Clan behind them changed drastically, their legs softened, and some of them even knelt down.

Shinto Palace, Longyang, assassinate Li Yixi.

Each word, like thunder, resounded in their minds.

They didn't follow Fengzhu to visit Li Yixi, so naturally they didn't know about Longyang.

But they witnessed the destruction of Shinto Palace by Dahei with their own eyes.

The dogs around Li Yixi are all powerful beyond imagination.

Not to mention Li Yixi.

But now, the existence of assassinating Li Yixi is actually in the Feng Clan, and all the children of the Feng Clan have practiced the Supreme Sutra of the Shendao Palace.

Kill the whole family?

Everyone is dumbfounded.

Which god emperor of the Feng clan is also dumbfounded at the moment.

The three words Li Yixi made her body tremble with fright.

"Phoenix Lord, I'm guilty, now, what should I do now?"

"My Phoenix family, what should I do?"

"It's all my fault, hand me over to an expert!"

The Emperor of the Feng Clan, who had just felt the possibility of a breakthrough, now had a look of despair.

Really scared silly.

"To shut up!"

The Phoenix Lord was furious, and strode towards Longyang's retreat.

Long Yang, who was recovering from his wounds, felt the return of the Phoenix Lord.

After finishing the healing, he quietly waited for Lord Feng.

Seeing the phoenix master coming with a fierce face, Long Yang showed a smile on his face, "Longyang pays homage to the Phoenix master."

Lord Feng said coldly: "You are the master of the Shinto Palace, an incomparably powerful existence, I can't bear to salute me like a trash."

"I want an explanation."

"Longyang, why do you want to harm my Feng family?"

Thinking of Li Yixi, Phoenix Lord felt extremely agitated right now.

"Fengzhu, I don't understand what you are talking about?"

"I have no intention of harming the Feng Clan. Long came to the Feng Clan, but even the supreme scriptures of the Shinto Palace that are not passed on outside the world have been passed on to the Feng Clan."

Long Yang looks like I'm teaching you everything for your Feng Clan.

But this smile made Phoenix Lord even more angry.

"What the hell do you want to do?"

Phoenix Lord stared at Long Yang, his voice became colder.

But although the Phoenix Lord is strong, Long Yang is not afraid even if he is injured, and said with a faint smile: "To be honest, I want to survive, and you, the Phoenix Clan, are the key."

"So, I have to tie it with you."

Hearing this, Lord Phoenix wanted to scold, but at this moment, he found that there was no solution.

Kill all the children of the Feng clan?

Then the Feng Clan is afraid that it will wither from now on. After all, it is too difficult to inherit the blood of the Feng Clan. Every child is a treasure.

Moreover, in Li Yixi's eyes, he was afraid of death, and he became a ruthless person and a big devil.

But don't kill it.

How to explain it?

Conspired with Long Yang?

The Phoenix Master knew that the Phoenix Clan had no relationship with Long Yang.

This made Long Yang extremely irritable.

And that supreme scripture, even the Phoenix Lord is extremely moved.

Jinling Fairy City.

In the manor, Li Yixi looked at Wang Lin who was getting better and better, and his heart sank slowly.

Moreover, this time the Feng Clan, the Cottage and the Central Immortal Court all sent a lot of treasures. Even before, Li Yixi, who was extremely worried, wanted to find a way to find black and white impermanence.

Hope to get away with the relationship.

"Sure enough, this world of comprehension is also a worldly experience."

"In the future, when you meet people in the underworld, you must find a way to resolve a good relationship. Don't they want to hear stories about the underworld?"

"We must satisfy them. When the people around us are in danger, we can find a relationship."

"It's so frightening."


"that's it."

"This matter must be put on the agenda."

"In the manor, there are also many old people who walk with me as a mortal. If you can get benefits for them, do your best to get benefits!"

"In the book of life and death, it would be good to add a few decades to the life span."

"Hey, a little greedy, a few years is fine."

"People from the underworld, the first time I met him was outside Xiaoyao Immortal City. It seems that I have to inform Xiaoyao Immortal King to pay attention."

Li Yixi's thoughts fell, and he glanced at the coachman, Doudou and others.

All this time, Li Yixi had never seen the two of them practice, and Li Yixi felt that even if they knew a little about cultivation, they would not be much stronger in cultivation.

I got a lot of good things anyway, and now I have at least a few thousand years of life span. These people don't have a chance.


"Follow my son, I will fight for you anyway."

"It seems that we have to make a layout."

"These guys, don't they like fairy tales?"

"Then I will tell them about the myth. This world is very low-level. When the myth appears, I may get more power of merit."

"Besides, I have a lot of meritorious deeds now. By the way, is there a way to cultivate meritorious deeds in the underworld?"

"If there is, then I will really embark on the road of invincibility."

In Li Yixi's eyes, there were streaks of brilliance.

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