Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1043 How about being an enemy of the world?

"What's the matter?"

"Today, it's all my fault. It's my lax discipline. Otherwise, how could this have happened."

"It's my father's fault, my sect's fault, of course I need to make up for it, if you don't accept it, I'm really not at ease."

Long Yang looked at the Emperor of the Phoenix Clan with a sincere expression.

"In that case, then I will accept it."

The Emperor of the Phoenix Clan felt excited when he thought that with the blessing channel of this formation plate, the ancient world of the Phoenix Clan would be indestructible in the future.

And it seemed that Long Yang was really a good person, and that refusal would cause harm to Long Yang, and the Phoenix Clan God Emperor felt that perhaps in Long Yang's eyes, such treasures were not so precious.

After all, the three god emperors killed as soon as they said they would.

Such an existence as the God Emperor is also a pillar among the Feng Clan.

The Phoenix Lord has only just become a God Emperor.

"Come on, set up a banquet!"

The Emperor of the Feng Clan's expression brightened at this moment, and the tension in his heart disappeared, and at the same time he relaxed a lot.

"Thank you!"

Hearing these words, Long Yang's eyes couldn't help but brighten, and he sent out the formation plate, his heart was bleeding, but hearing the words of the Phoenix Clan God Emperor, Long Yang had more plans.

Long Yang has always been extremely arrogant. If it was before, let alone a mere emperor, even if the lord of the Phoenix clan was in front of Long Yang, Long Yang would not take a closer look.

But this time, Long Yang was really frightened by Li Yixi.

Li Yixi's strength is beyond Long Yang's perception.

Long Yang knew very well that even if he had all kinds of clever tricks, it would be nothing in front of Li Yixi's absolute strength.

Now Long Yang can only gamble, betting that Li Yixi will spare him.

He secretly said in his heart: "The relationship between the Feng Clan and that expert seems to be extremely good. If you want to survive now, you can only curry favor with the Feng Clan. Now that the leader of the Feng Clan is not here, it is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Before the Phoenix Lord comes back, let the Feng Clan come back. The Feng Clan has benefited from me, and at that time, the Feng Clan will not be able to separate themselves from me."

When the Feng Clan was preparing for the banquet, Long Yang said with a smile: "In my eyes, the array is just a small item. I found that the strength of the Feng Clan is too weak. I want to make up for it. Of course, it is not a treasure. Giving treasures is too vulgar, we are all practitioners, and strength is the foundation."

"If you are willing, I can give you a sermon for free. How much benefit you can get in the end depends entirely on you."

At this moment, Long Yang smiled elegantly.



As soon as Long Yang's words fell, the Phoenix Clan's fear of Long Yang was less at this moment. The disciples of the Phoenix Clan looked at Long Yang with fiery eyes. If you preach for them, the benefits can be imagined.

One by one, my heart was moved in an instant.

The Emperor of the Phoenix Clan is also overjoyed at this moment.

For the Feng Clan, this is simply a great opportunity.

"Well, senior, is it really okay to preach?"

At this moment, the Emperor of the Phoenix Clan even moved his heart.

Among the Feng Clan, his seniority is very high, but his strength is stuck in the realm of the god emperor and he cannot advance an inch. If he gets the opportunity to listen to Longyang's lecture, he feels that he has the hope of stepping into the realm of the god emperor.

Those who cultivate the Tao, who doesn't want to go one step further.

"Why not?"

"Preaching, it's a little thing."

Long Yang heard the words of the Phoenix God Emperor, and he looked like I am not what you can imagine.

"Thank you senior!"

The emperor of the Feng clan trembled with excitement, and wanted to call him dad.

Suddenly, Long Yang felt extremely kind.

The body immediately rose into the air, and said loudly: "Everyone be quiet, everything is a misunderstanding today, senior is going to give a sermon in order to compensate our Feng Clan."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Please be serious. If you miss this village, you won't have that store. How much you can gain depends on everyone's fate."

The voice of the emperor of the Feng clan fell, and all of the Feng clan looked at Longyang with fiery eyes.

At this moment, Long Yang looked at the Emperor of the Phoenix Clan with great gratitude.

In fact, at that moment just now, Long Yang used his supernatural powers to quietly control the Phoenix God Emperor, making the Phoenix God Emperor feel friendly towards him.

Once he preached today, Long Yang knew very well that these people from the Feng clan could be regarded as his disciples.

This is the grace of preaching.

Rather, Long Yang is ready to go all out today.

Prepare to spread the word, spread the Taoist scriptures of the Shendao Palace, when the Phoenix Lord returns, Longyang does not believe that the Phoenix Lord will slaughter all the children of the Phoenix clan.

At that time, it was really inseparable from the Feng Clan.

"Everyone be quiet. In order to make up for the mistakes of my disciples, today, the old man will give a sermon here and teach you a scripture. This scripture is very special. As for what is special, you will soon understand."

Long Yang's body rose into the air and sat cross-legged in the void.

The next moment, Long Yang began to preach under the eyes of the Feng family disciples.

Long Yang's unsurpassed supernatural powers were not only preaching to these strong Feng clan in front of him, but at this moment Long Yang's voice resounded through every corner of the ancient world of Feng clan.

His voice contained a magical power, extremely miraculous, every word and every word was engraved into the minds of the people of the Feng clan, and they couldn't forget it even if they wanted to.

This scripture, in the Shinto Palace, is also an extremely profound secret volume.

On weekdays, Long Yang's death would not be rumored, but thinking of Li Yixi, Long Yang had no choice but to make this decision. Long Yang decided to let the Feng family tie him on the same boat.

After Long Yang's last word fell, he saw the strong men of the Feng clan practicing with their eyes closed, their auras turbulent, and they were all on the verge of breaking through.

"It's now!"

Long Yang took out countless treasures, which were instantly shattered in the void.

In the sky, drop by drop of rain fell, and Long Yang was going to give these people a rain of spiritual energy.

The benefits to these people are obvious.


The spiritual energy rain descended and landed on the figures. The auras of these people, with the help of these treasures, soared at an extremely terrifying speed.

In just the blink of an eye, these people made breakthroughs one by one.

Although Long Yang felt distressed, a smile appeared on his face.

"Now, the Feng Clan and I will not be able to separate our relationship."

"Unless the Phoenix Lord slaughters all the members of the Phoenix Clan!"

"But, will it?"

"Will the Phoenix Clan ignore the Supreme Sutra?"

Long Yang smiled coldly, this is not a conspiracy, it is a conspiracy.

Seeing that these people are all cultivating, they will not wake up for the time being.

With a wave of Long Yang's big hand, the terrifying power of heaven and earth came together, and soon in front of Long Yang, three figures appeared, which were the three god emperors who had been killed by Long Yang before.

The moment Long Yang shot just now, he only destroyed the physical bodies of the three people, and quietly preserved the soul bodies of the three people.

Long Yang's strength is extremely terrifying, these people naturally cannot find out.

"Meet the Palace Master!"

The three god emperors looked at Long Yang with apprehensive expressions at the moment. They saw everything that Long Yang did just now. Although they were puzzled, they did not dare to ask.

In the eyes of the people in Shendao Palace, Long Yang is an extremely cold-blooded, ruthless, and powerful existence.

Looking at the three fearful subordinates, Long Yang said lightly, "Are you wondering why I did this?"

"Palace Master, I dare not wait!"

"Everything the palace lord does must have a reason for the palace lord."

The three god emperors said tremblingly.


"Do you think I want to do it?"

"That's because I have no choice. My Shinto Palace has provoked an existence that I can't afford to provoke this time. Now I am giving benefits to the Fengzu, but I want to tie the Fengzu to us. When the time comes, we will be with the Fengzu." The Feng Clan is a grasshopper on a rope, and the Feng Clan must save us."

The three god emperors couldn't believe it when they heard Long Yang's words.

In their eyes, Long Yang is an invincible existence, but they heard from Long Yang today that the Shendao Palace has provoked an existence that cannot be offended.

The three god emperors were extremely shocked, but they didn't dare to ask.

Because of the close approach to Longyang at this moment, the hearts of the three god emperors had already set off turbulent waves, because the three god emperors had already faintly felt that Long Yang was injured.

And the injury was extremely serious.

The three god emperors were terrified, a little unbelievable, never thought that in this broken world, there was an existence that could seriously injure Longyang.

They are very clear about how arrogant Long Yang is.

But in Longyang now, they felt really scared.

"Palace Master, what do we need to do?"

At this moment, the three god emperors said immediately.

Long Yang said lightly: "Walk the world, preach the world."

"Stop those forces that absorb the power of incense and luck."

As Long Yang's voice fell, the bodies of the three god emperors trembled, their faces full of disbelief.

The three god emperors were really frightened at this moment.

Doing so is undoubtedly against the hidden world forces.

It is possible, and it will soon fall.

The three god emperors knew very well that in this world, with the continuous improvement of the world, countless terrifying existences are waking up at this moment, and the reason why those people have not appeared now is because they belong to the ancient times and only have enough luck and incense Only with the power can they not be targeted by the new Heavenly Dao.

Therefore, the powerful existence in those ancient ruins will manipulate those small sect forces, create natural disasters, fool the people and other means to seek luck, incense and the power of faith.

"so what?"

"Am I afraid of them?"

"Also, find a way to join the Central Heavenly Court."

"Remember, from today onwards, there will be no Shinto Palace in this world."

"You guys are my registered disciples."

"As long as you do well, I will teach you the Supreme Sutra."

Long Yang's voice was beyond doubt.

The three God Emperors, who were extremely nervous at first, heard Long Yang's words at this moment, and they were instantly overjoyed that Long Yang could teach them the Supreme Sutra.

"I'll wait, I won't let Master down!"

"Being an enemy of the forces of the ancient world will not hesitate!"

After the three of them knelt down and bowed, they went straight through the air.

The three of them had just left, and a figure exactly like Long Yang walked out of the void at this moment.

This figure merged with Long Yang in an instant.

"Feng Clan, Central Immortal Court, Underworld, Confucianism?"

That figure is exactly Long Yang's avatar, Long Yang was really scared by Li Yixi, now Long Yang only wants to establish cause and effect with all the forces related to Li Yixi, so as to win a chance of survival.

"Can you live?"

"who are you?"

"Why is there no existence of you in my memory, or even a description of your level."

"Cough, cough, cough!"

After the voice fell, Long Yang coughed violently, with blood continuously overflowing from the corner of his mouth, the power that Li Yixi accidentally left in his body made Long Yang extremely uncomfortable.

Seeing that the people of the Feng clan were about to wake up, Long Yang immediately swallowed the elixir to suppress the injuries.

He forced a smile to cover his pale face.

At the same time, bitterness appeared in the depths of his eyes.

I feel that I am so lucky that I encountered such a terrifying existence as Li Yixi when I walked out of the ruins for the first time.

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