Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1045 Divine Realm 8 Rare Chickens

When Li Yixi was thinking about how to plan in the future, a figure came to Li Yixi's side.

"Husband, what are you thinking?"

"So engrossed!"

Hu Qingyun came over and looked at Li Yixi curiously, it was rare to see Li Yixi so concentrated.

In the past, Li Yixi had noticed before Hu Qingyun approached Li Yixi, but this time, she had already walked to Li Yixi's side, but Li Yixi was still in deep thought.

This made Hu Qingyun very curious.

Hearing Hu Qingyun's words, Li Yixi woke up from his contemplation in an instant, and immediately smiled: "It's nothing, just thinking about what to do in the future, what to do?"

"We can't let what happened to Wang Lin happen again!"

"Qing Yun, aren't you taking care of that kid Wang Lin?"

"Why are you here!"

"How is Wang Lin now?"

Li Yixi looked at Hu Qingyun and said with a smile.

"Husband, Wang Lin is much better now. Your medical skills are really good. I came here because several medicinal materials in your prescription are gone. Immortal world is very troublesome. As long as pills are sold, there is no place to sell medicinal materials."

Hu Qingyun explained.

"What, no more?"

"Then I'll go gather medicine!"

Li Yixi was a little anxious, Wang Lin's injury could not wait.

After Li Yixi looked for tools, he set off immediately.

"Husband, won't Xiaobai follow you?"

Seeing Li Yixi going out alone, Hu Qingyun was not used to it, so she couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, I have the power of merit and virtue to add to my body, so I will collect herbs, safe!"

"Little Bai and Little Phoenix are not weak, you should be safer at home!"

Li Yixi's voice fell, and a golden cloud transformed by the power of merit appeared under his feet, and immediately flew away.

Looking at the clouds under his feet, Li Yixi showed a satisfied smile on his face.

"Good thing, it has always been my dream to ride the wind with the sword, and eliminate demons between heaven and earth."

"I have been practicing all the time, in fact, it is also to be able to fly into the sky and escape like a practitioner."

"But I didn't expect that I have not yet stepped into the ranks of practitioners, but I have obtained the power of merit."

"Now with the protection of the power of merit and virtue, safety is guaranteed, but we still need to find merit-related exercises as soon as possible. Once we practice the holy body of success, no one dares to touch us."

At this moment, Li Yixi is rushing out of the city. These days, the Jinling Immortal City has been shrouded in formations, but those strong guards saw that Li Yixi was about to go out, and all of them showed fanaticism. , Immediately withdrew the array.

After leaving Jinling Immortal City, Li Yixi went directly to the mountains not far away.

Li Yixi is no stranger to collecting herbs. Today, Li Yixi suddenly misses the time when he just traveled here. At that time, under the requirements of the system, he continued to complete the tasks of the system in order to become a medical fairy. Pharmacology of Drugs and Identifying Drug Properties.

Collecting herbs is actually not difficult. As long as you know the preferences and habits of medicinal materials, you can find medicinal materials in corresponding places.

In the past, it was very dangerous for Li Yixi to collect some medicinal materials on the cliff, but now with the power of merit, it has become easier.

Soon, Li Yixi, who was stepping on the golden cloud of merit, directly entered the mountains.

A medicine list appeared in Li Yixi's hands, which contained the medicines that were in short supply right now.

"Gentian flower!"

The first medicinal material on the medicine list is gentian flower. The medicinal properties of gentian flower belong to the fire attribute. Li Yixi immediately glanced at the surrounding mountain peaks. Gentian flower belongs to the fire attribute and grows in places with abundant sunlight.

And the trees are not yet lush, if the trees are too lush, it is impossible for gentian flowers to appear.

Soon, Li Yixi locked onto a bare mountain peak, on the top of that mountain, there was only some grass, not even bushes.

Li Yixi knew that there must be gentian flowers there.

Li Yixi, who had stepped on the golden cloud of merit, walked towards the peak of that mountain at this moment.

On that mountain peak, there is a gentian flower swaying in the wind.

Li Yixi landed on the top of the mountain, and soon found a gentian flower.

This gentian flower is very tall, with a faint glow.

At the moment when Li Yixi approached, among the chaotic rocks, a black snake suddenly opened its eyes.

Beside the black snake, there is also a golden strange bird, and under the feet of this big golden bird, there is a faint flame twine.

The voice of the black snake sounded in the big golden bird's mind, "Not good, second brother, there are humans approaching, this guy has his eyes on the gentian flower."

"A mere mortal dares to spy on the gentian flower. He simply doesn't know how to live or die. For this gentian flower, we have been guarding here for more than 200 years. The gentian flower is about to mature. This is the soul that adults want. Medicine, how can he, a mortal, be able to touch it."

"Go and swallow it directly!"


"Ordinary people dare to spy on the elixir, they simply don't know how to live or die."

At this moment, Black Snake just casually glanced at Li Yixi, with a look of indifference.

After the big golden bird heard the sound transmission of the black snake, a faint fire burst out from those eyes.

"Brother, don't worry, you are just a mere mortal, and you dare to have the heart to spy on the elixir, you are looking for death."

"It just happened to be delivered to your door. We have been guarding here, and we haven't enjoyed blood food for a long time."

The big golden bird looked at Li Yixi at this moment, full of greed, intending to devour Li Yixi.


"Sure enough, with the Golden Cloud of Merit and Virtue, it becomes easier to collect herbs. As long as you know the effect of the medicine and the environment in which it grows, the search becomes much easier. If you used to just climb this mountain, you would be exhausted."

"And this gentian flower is much bigger and stronger than I imagined. It really is a fairyland, which is very different from the mortal world. This gentian flower is very likely to have entered the level of elixir."

Li Yixi muttered to himself, with a smile on his face, he took out the hoe and was about to collect herbs.

However, before Li Yixi's hoe landed, he heard a sound of breaking through the air, as if something was rushing towards him.

Li Yixi was very vigilant, after all, this place is in the mountains, and there must be monsters in the fairy world, so at this moment, Li Yixi realized it immediately, waved the hoe in his hand, and slapped at the sound of piercing the air.


The next moment, a crisp voice sounded, and the big golden bird with a greedy expression on its face was instantly captured.

The power of the avenue collapsed, and the vitality was instantly wiped out.

Li Yixi, who was nervous, looked back and saw that it was a big golden bird the size of a chicken, with a look of surprise on his face.

"This bird is so weird. It should be an existence that is about to transform into a demon. It's so godlike."

"And it's the size of a native chicken, so you can take it back and stew it. This is a rare game."

Li Yixi had a calm expression on his face. After picking the gentian flowers, he put the big golden bird into the system space at the same time.

Among the chaotic rocks, the big black snake lurking heard Li Yixi's calm words, its body trembled violently with horror on its face.

The black snake and the big golden bird have been guarding this gentian flower with a medicinal age of more than 8 years. The two big demons are naturally very clear about each other's cultivation.

Black Snake clearly remembered that a year ago, the big golden bird had just broken through to the realm of Xu Xian.

But he didn't expect that the big bird in the imaginary realm would be slapped to death by Li Yixi with a wave of his hand. The black snake could feel that Li Yixi was very relaxed when he shot.

With just a wave of his hand, he can kill a big bird in the Immortal Realm, how dare the Black Snake make a move at this moment, he was even scared to death.

Especially when Li Yixi said that he brought the big golden bird back to stew, the black snake became even more afraid, he didn't want to be a snake soup.

The next moment, the big golden bird turned into a black shadow and floated out.


"There is a sound over there, is there any danger?"

Hearing the sound of the black snake leaving through the air, Li Yixi showed a nervous look on his face. The next moment, the power of merit enveloped him, and Li Yixi slowly approached.

After approaching, Li Yixi was stunned, because at this moment Li Yixi saw a section of snake's tail among the rocks.

There is still some blood on the tail of the snake.

"The tail of the black snake?"

Seeing the severed black snake's tail, Li Yixi was a little puzzled. Just now, Li Yixi was sure that he was the only one on the top of the mountain, but now he saw a snake's tail, and Li Yixi was puzzled.

Li Yixi immediately shook his head and stopped thinking.

The black snake's tail is also a good medicinal material, Li Yixi also took out a box, put it into the system space.

After finishing everything, a medicine list appeared in Li Yixi's hand again.

"Rootless flower."

After taking a glance, Li Yixi put away the medicine list, and drove the golden cloud of merit to an incomparably huge mountain. From a distance, Li Yixi felt that the vegetation on this mountain was very lush, and there were no roots. Yin-loving, it grows in this kind of place.

When Li Yi was flying towards the incomparably huge mountain, a black shadow entered the mountain first.

The black snake turned into a figure in a black robe, and at this moment, his face was pale.

There is a huge tree here, which blocks the sky and the sun.

Under the trunk of this big tree, there is a tree hole. The black snake approached the tree hole with a look of awe on its face.

"My lord, my lord, it's not good!"

As soon as he approached, the man transformed by the black snake shouted anxiously.

The next moment, a pheasant emerged from the tree hole.

When the man transformed by the black snake saw the pheasant in front of him, fear appeared on his face.

"Black Snake, why are you here? Didn't I ask you to guard the gentian flower?"

As soon as this pheasant appeared, it spoke out directly, with an incomparably cold voice.

"My lord, it's not good, it's not good, an extremely terrifying existence appeared near the gentian flower, it killed the gorse with a wave of its hand, and cut off my tail, and the gentian flower was picked by him. "

"That person is too strong, and his subordinates can't compete at all."

The man transformed by the black snake knelt down in front of the pheasant with a plop, his body trembling.

At this moment, Bazhen Chicken looked at the man in black robe, and found that there was blood flowing from the black robe, and the murderous intent in his eyes disappeared.

The voice became extremely cold, "Since you dare to peep at this deity's things, this deity must make his life worse than death."

The Bazhen Chicken's voice fell, and the next moment it flew away.

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