Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1042 The Confused Emperor of the Phoenix Clan

He was too angry before, but now thinking about the scene where Dahei stomped his feet and the Shendao Palace disappeared, it made Longyang tremble with fear.

The previous Long Yang was almost dazzled by hatred, but now he is finally sober.

But the moment he woke up, Long Yang found himself sweating profusely.

Sweat almost wet the training clothes.

"not good!"

"damn it!"


Long Yang seemed to have thought of something, and his expression became extremely ugly.

Hastily took out a jade talisman and left a few words, where are the three of you?

At this moment, Long Yang was extremely anxious and his hands were shaking.

Because at this moment, Long Yang remembered the three God Emperors of the Divine Dao Palace who appeared in the previous retrospective.

Those three, like him, captured a ray of breath and went for revenge.

Now, it's hard to survive.

If the three god emperors who had managed to survive in the Shendao Palace were dragged to death, it would be difficult for Long Yang to rest his eyes.


Channel has been closed.

But at this moment, in front of the Phoenix Realm, three god emperors with terrifying strength are madly attacking the Phoenix Realm.

The passage to the Phoenix Realm is about to be opened.

One of the god emperors suddenly frowned because he felt the tremor of the jade talisman in his arms.

When he took it out and looked at it, his face immediately changed into a respectful look.

"Where are the three of you, come back to me!"

The angry God Emperor showed excitement on his face.

"Ha ha!"

"The palace lord's strength is overwhelming, and he pushed an era, and he is still alive. The palace lord must have left the Shinto Palace, and the Shinto Palace was attacked by the Phoenix Clan. Otherwise, how could the mere Phoenix Clan destroy my Shinto Palace?"

"The palace lord has never paid attention to us, but now he is so worried about our safety. It seems that the palace lord cares about our safety very much!"

Another god emperor was extremely excited when he heard that Long Yang was concerned about their safety.



"Master Palace Master really cares about our safety?" He stopped attacking and turned around to take a look.

Seeing that line of words, the body trembled, as if it was an extremely honorable thing to get these words.

"Ha ha!"

"The Palace Master actually values ​​us so much that he took the initiative to send us a message. Today, no matter what, we have to break through the ancient realm of the Feng Clan and slaughter the Feng Clan."

"Otherwise, what qualifications do you have to worry the Palace Master?"

"However, how to return to Palace Master?"

The gaze of the god emperor fell on his companion.

"Let's be honest, the Palace Master is such an existence, it's wrong to say too much."

"Not bad!"

"Then tell the Palace Master about the matter."

The god emperor immediately left a line of words on the jade talisman, "Return to Palace Master, the Phoenix Clan destroys my Shinto Palace, we are attacking the Phoenix Realm, today, we will definitely not let the Palace Master down, we will definitely destroy the Phoenix Clan Yes, the Phoenix Realm is immortal, and I will not return."

"Please rest assured, Palace Master."

Putting away the jade talisman, the expressions of the three became extremely sharp, and their aura became even more terrifying.

"Right now, we may be the only ones left in the Shinto Palace. The three of us must not disappoint the Palace Master. Today, we will not destroy the Phoenix Realm, and we will never give up."

When the three god emperors looked excited.

The extremely nervous Long Yang finally saw the reply.

"Back to Palace Master, the Phoenix Clan is destroying my Shinto Palace. We are attacking the Phoenix Realm. Today, we will definitely not let Palace Master down. We will definitely destroy the Phoenix Clan."

These words instantly changed Long Yang's expression.

"Phoenix Slayer Realm?"

"Mie Nima!"

Long Yang was frightened for a moment, Long Yang sounded in Li Yixi's manor at this moment, when the Feng clan was greatly admired by Li Yixi, their legs trembled.

If the three god emperors really wiped out the Phoenix Realm, would it be okay?

I'm afraid it will be soon, even if I hide in the ends of the earth, there is no place to hide.

Moreover, the first generation of Suzaku is still alive.

The relationship between the Feng family and whoever is extremely special, the first generation of Suzaku made a move, he is strong, so there is no way out.

The first generation of Suzaku is too scary.

Long Yang sent the message tremblingly, and angrily said: "Stop it, stop it for me!"

"I will destroy your ancestors."

"There is a slight loss in the Phoenix Realm, and I will destroy you."

However, Long Yang discovered that these three people did not reply to him.


"Damn bastard!"

At this moment, Long Yang really panicked.

He was injured at first, but when he thought of the absence of the strong Feng clan, the three god emperors killed the Phoenix Realm, and it was really possible to destroy the Phoenix Realm, his face turned pale.

Enduring the injury, he directly tore through the void, and went to the Phoenix Realm regardless of the cost.

At this moment, Long Yang was extremely anxious.

Even the body was trembling slightly.

If the Phoenix Realm is really destroyed today, then it will be over.

Fengjie, the strong man left behind by the Feng clan, is extremely nervous at this moment.

"How to do?"

"How to do?"

"Damn it, three god emperors came outside."

"Could it be that Lord Fengzhu and the others provoked these people?"

"The channel won't last long, and it will be broken soon. How can we resist the three god emperors?"

"It's also impossible to notify Lord Phoenix and the others, the channel is closed, so we can't send messages!"

The leader of the Feng Clan God Emperor had a look of despair. He alone could not resist the three God Emperors outside.

When he was extremely tense, the channel was instantly torn apart by the terrifying supernatural power.

The three God Emperors of the Shinto Palace appeared in front of them.

The terrifying coercion instantly suppressed the audience.

One after another figures knelt on the ground, struggling to breathe.

The three god emperors looked at the suppressed Feng clan kneeling in front of them, and felt extremely relieved.



"Have you ever thought about this day? Today, I want you to live or die. I will torture you severely."

"That's right, let's kill you first. The strong men who are ambushing the Feng clan will definitely avenge the destruction of the palace. They must drink the blood of the Feng clan and eat the flesh of the Feng clan."

There were sneers on the faces of the three god emperors.

Looking down at the suppressed strong Feng clan.

Just as the three of them were about to make a move, the void split open at this moment, and a figure walked out of the crack with a gloomy expression. His extremely cold gaze swept over, and it was Long Yang who came.

"Meet the Palace Master!"

"We are trying to destroy the Phoenix Clan, revenge!"

"I didn't expect the palace lord to come."

The three were overjoyed, feeling that they had done the right thing, Long Yang couldn't wait to come, and absolutely hated the Feng Clan.


The next moment, Long Yang directly reprimanded him angrily.

"Presumptuous, who told you to attack Fengjie!"

"How dare you ignore my words."

Hearing these words, the expressions of the three god emperors changed drastically.

"Palace Master, you, you, you, don't you know?"

"My Shinto Palace was destroyed by the Phoenix Clan!"

The faces of the three of them changed drastically, and they looked at Long Yang in disbelief. In their perception, Long Yang would never get angry if they destroyed the Phoenix Realm.

"Do you think I'm incompetent?"

Seeing that the other party was still talking back, Long Yang became angrier, and stared at the three of them with gloomy eyes.

At this moment, Long Yang's injuries not only did not improve at all, but became more serious, and he was extremely angry.

And thinking of Li Yixi's terror, he felt even more uneasy.

Once the Feng Clan was destroyed, Li Yixi was furious and came after them.

Then it's all over.

Long Yang was very proud and dared to draw his sword to the sky, but Long Yang didn't dare to provoke Li Yixi.

In desperation, Long Yang raised his hand and slapped out, and the three god emperors were directly blown away, severely injured in an instant.

The strong men of the Feng clan were stunned one by one.

No one thought that when Long Yang arrived, he almost killed three god emperors.

The anger on Long Yang's face disappeared, and he immediately changed into a smile, and walked towards the existence of the Feng clan step by step, and hurriedly helped some god emperor up, with a flattering smile on his face.

"Sorry, sorry!"

"It's all a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding."

"Everyone get up!"

As soon as the words fell, he immediately used his supernatural powers to lift up the Feng clan man who was kneeling on the ground.

The moment he turned his head to look at the three god emperors, his smile disappeared and his face was cold.

"What are you doing here, why don't you roll over to appease them?"

"You see you are scared."

This scene immediately made the people of the Feng clan widen their eyes.

"Sir, what are you?"

The emperor of the Feng clan, feeling the terrifying aura of Longyang, was so frightened that he trembled.

The heart is even more uneasy.

Long Yang hurriedly turned around, forced a smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Didn't I say it just now, it's a misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding, they attack Fengjie, I will punish them, as long as you say a word, I can kill you!" The three of them apologized."

All the existences of the Feng Clan are full of disbelief at this moment.

Seeing the three god emperors trembling to repair the tunnel at this moment, it feels extremely unreal.

There was a junior from the Feng clan who said nervously in a low voice, "Master, what are these people doing?"

At this moment, they were just fish on the chopping board, but suddenly they were so polite.

Those three are god emperors.

The existence of aloofness is being scolded like an ant at this moment.

Even Long Yang took out countless precious spiritual fruits to make amends.

These spiritual fruits, even if they can't name them, are of inestimable value.

"Everyone, eat the spiritual fruit, rest, and repair the Phoenix Realm channel today."

As soon as the words fell, Long Yang took a deep breath, and after gritting his teeth, he took out something and handed it to the Phoenix Emperor.

"This is my little thought, please don't mind."

"This is the Heaven-Suffering Formation. In the future, if you let it merge with the channel, even if the ancestor gods descend, you will never break through the Phoenix Realm."

Hearing these words, the Feng Clan God Emperor's eyes widened. He did not expect such a precious array.

Long Yang's anomaly made the Phoenix Emperor extremely nervous.

Resisting the temptation, he said in a deep voice, "Senior, just say what you have to say."

If things are abnormal, there must be demons.

The Emperor of the Phoenix Clan knows that there will be no pie in the sky, only a trap.

How could such a terrifying existence flatter the Wind Clan.

"What is this nonsense?"

At this moment, Long Yang immediately pretended to be angry.

"My disciples broke the passage of the Feng clan, this is an apology, if I have any purpose, this is compensation, compensation."

The Emperor of God still stared at Longyang tensely.

At this moment, Long Yang knew that he couldn't keep going.

His face was extremely ugly.

"Sorry, I'll just tell the truth."

"During my retreat, my subordinates were used to being arrogant. Each one of them was full of crimes and deserved to be hacked into pieces. Today, they want to destroy the Phoenix Clan. They really deserve to die. But the three of them have the cultivation base of a god emperor. I don't know. I have the heart to kill him, it is not easy to practice to become a god emperor, so please forgive me from the Feng clan, forgive them."

At this moment Long Yang, with a righteous and Lingran appearance, made the Feng Clan God Emperor look puzzled.

"Hey, it seems that the three beasts really scared you today. If you don't forgive me, then I will kill you!"

Long Yang saw that the passageway was almost repaired, so he slapped it out, and the three god emperors died instantly.

Long Yang's methods made everyone in the Feng clan dumbfounded, and they suddenly felt that Long Yang was simply a gentleman.

Those are the three god emperors, if they said they would kill them, they would really kill them.

"This array, just accept it, otherwise I will feel uneasy!"

Long Yang handed over the formation plate in his hand again.

"Well, what's the point of this?"

The emperor of the Feng clan was completely dumbfounded.

Even if he just took a look at this disk, he knew it was extremely precious.

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