Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1041 First Generation Suzaku

Long Yang looked at Li Yixi in disbelief.

The broken knife is an indestructible original divine weapon, and the blood stains on it are even more terrifying. Staring at it for a long time, it seems that a strange creature has descended, but in front of Li Yixi, this kind of divine weapon, unexpectedly He couldn't stop Li Yixi's punch.

The punch just now contained extremely terrifying power.

Long Yang's arms trembled violently.

"Broken, broken!"

Long Yang's voice was even trembling at the moment.

"get out!"

"I don't want to kill you, if you continue to entangle, you will really die!"

"This breaks your strength, what kind of assassin!"


Looking at the dull Long Yang in front of him, Li Yixi showed disdain.


Although Long Yang was shocked, after hearing Li Yixi's words, his eyes were about to burst into flames, and he was so angry that he had never been humiliated like this before.

"What are you, am I wrong?"

"I kept my hand just now. It's just that the control force smashed the scrap iron in your hand. If you are making noise, then the next moment, you will be the one who smashed yourself."

"You reckless man, what are you pretending to do here?"

"Do you really think you are a peerless master?"

"I'm not as good as an immortal cultivator, but killing you is as easy as picking something out of a bag."

"Wufu, you really don't have IQ."

"Go away, you idiot."


After finishing speaking, Li Yixi opened the courtyard door and looked at Longyang coldly.

"No IQ, stupid?"

Hearing Li Yixi's words, Long Yang became angry again.

Instantly his eyes were red again.

Li Yixi looked cold when he saw Longyang like this.

"Aren't you a reckless man with no IQ, silly?"

"If you had normal intelligence, would you fucking kill me with a rusty, almost useless knife?"

"Doesn't that mean you're out of your mind?"

"A dilapidated knife that you dislike even chopping firewood is regarded as a treasure in your eyes. Are you not a fool and what are you?"

"Look again, I'll kill you!"

"Go away!"

"I am in a bad mood!"

Long Yang was already angry, but now hearing Li Yixi's words, Long Yang's face became extremely ugly.

In the eyes of Li Yixi, the original divine weapon turned out to be a broken knife.

I am a peerless genius from the ancient times, who pushed the existence of an era, but was called mentally retarded and stupid by Li Yixi.

Looking at Li Yixi's indifferent and disdainful expression, Long Yang was furious.


He punched directly at the medicine pot in Li Yixi's hand, intending to splash the medicine residue on Li Yixi's face.

However, the moment Long Yang's fist landed on the medicine pot in Li Yixi's hand, Long Yang's face changed suddenly, because the scene of the medicine pot bursting did not appear, but his own fist, carrying countless great powers But it seems that mortals want to shake the mountain of God.

Long Yang's fist instantly became red and swollen.

If the physical body was not strong enough, the hand at this moment would have been useless.

At this moment, Long Yang was stunned and suddenly woke up.

Long Yang knew that he had met an expert today, an existence so powerful that it was beyond imagination, because when Long Yang was looking at it, he had already found the medicine jar in Li Yixi's hand, which was an ordinary medicine jar, covered with an extremely terrifying Baoguang.

Those streaks of precious light were even more terrifying than the broken knife he was smashed by Li Yixi.

That is to say, the medicine pot that Li Yixi used to boil medicine is also an original artifact.


Thinking of this, Long Yang's heart sank, and his heart sank directly to the bottom of the valley.

Thinking that I came here today to kill Li Yixi, I instantly regretted it.

With such an existence, it would be good to hide not far away, but I actually sent it up to seek death.

At this moment, I don't know where I am, I have kicked the iron board.

At this moment, Long Yang has only one thought, that is to escape, as far as he can escape, then he can escape as far as possible.

However, before Long Yang could escape for his life, Li Yixi kicked him violently.


This kick instantly shattered Long Yang's chest and ribs, and the severe pain made him unable to speak.

However, Li Yixi did not intend to let him go.

Li Yixi was furious at the moment, originally wanted to spare Long Yang, but Long Yang actually wanted to smash his medicine pot, the medicine pot was broken, and for a while, where to get the boiled medicine.

And when he thought that the other party was here to kill him, Li Yixi became even angrier.

Li Yixi punched Long Yang again.

Long Yang was terrified in his heart, and forcibly stretched out his hand to block it.


The next moment, the bones of the arm were instantly shattered.

Long Yang's heart was instantly ashamed.

Li Yixi's attack, even if Long Yang stimulated his whole body, and his physical body was not bad, it still almost killed him.

At this moment, Longyang doesn't have any arrogance.

"Senior, I was wrong, I was wrong."

"Just forgive me!"

At this moment, Long Yang's voice became hoarse.

From Long Yang's voice, I can feel that Long Yang's heart is trembling at the moment.

Where is the previous anger, only fear and uneasiness.

He begged for mercy with a face full of remorse.

"Let you go?"

"Just now I told you to go and you didn't go, but now, I've changed my mind!"

At this moment, Li Yixi snorted coldly.

Step by step towards Longyang.

He kicked Long Yang again, directly knocking Long Yang to the ground, this kick directly seriously injured Long Yang.

Li Yixi had murderous intentions at this moment.

After all, Li Yixi had told Long Yang to leave just now, but Long Yang's face was full of anger, and now he wanted to leave only when he saw that he was completely defeated. Li Yixi felt that such a person was dangerous.

"Husband, Wang Lin is awake!"

When Li Yixi was about to kill him, he heard Hu Qingyun say that Wang Lin was awake.

Li Yixi hastily stopped his feet, took the medicine jar with the medicine dregs poured out, and ran to the house in a hurry.

In Li Yixi's eyes, Wang Lin was the key point.

If you want to find a reckless man like Long Yang, it shouldn't be difficult.

Seeing Li Yixi run away in a hurry.

At this moment, Long Yang was drenched with sweat, remembering the moment when Li Yixi had murderous intentions just now, Long Yang's body could not help but tremble.

At that moment, Long Yang felt that he had already stepped into the underworld with one foot.

Under that murderous intent, Long Yang found that he couldn't muster the slightest resistance.


"This, this person is terrible, who is it, who is it?"

"Even in ancient times, I have never met or heard of such a terrifying existence."

Long Yang narrowly escaped death, feeling that he really walked around the underworld this time.

His chest heaved violently.

Seeing Li Yixi entering the room anxiously, Long Yang's heart was stuck in his throat, how could he dare to think of killing Li Yixi at this moment, even before he could deal with the injuries on his body, he turned around and used his magical powers to run away.

But the injury was too serious, a wave of force seemed to tear his body apart.

As soon as he left Jinling Immortal City, Long Yang's throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. His body fell from the void uncontrollably, and he fled forcibly, his injuries became more serious.

But Long Yang glanced at the Jinling Immortal City not far away, and his body couldn't help shaking, with a look of fear and uneasiness on his face.

Taking a deep breath, he forcibly tore apart the void, and continued to flee for his life.

However, when Long Yang returned to the place where the former ruins of the Shinto Palace were, Long Yang was completely dumbfounded, with an angry expression on his face, there was no shadow of the Shinto Palace here, and the Shinto Palace had already become ashes.


Enraged, Long Yang spurted out a mouthful of blood.

His face became extremely pale.

The Shinto Palace itself is also an extremely powerful divine weapon, which is also the key to their survival from the ancient times, but the Shinto Palace has been blasted to pieces.

"The Shinto Palace is gone, the Shinto Palace is gone."

At this moment, Long Yang's face was extremely pale.

Hastily took out the pill and swallowed it, suppressing his injury.

Even though Li Yixi restrained his strength, the few punches just now almost killed Long Yang.

After stabilizing his injury, Long Yang at this moment watched everything here turn into nothingness, with a look of anger on his face.


"Who the hell is that brave enough to destroy my Shinto Palace? If I don't kill you, I, Longyang, will be struck to death by lightning."

Long Yang was furious, and after stabilizing his injuries, he immediately used secret techniques to trace back what happened here.

Soon, Long Yang saw clearly what happened here.

I saw Dahei destroying here.

However, when Long Yang was about to put away the secret technique, Long Yang was stunned for a moment, because Long Yang saw someone coming here.

They are several extremely powerful god emperors.


"They are still alive, and there are still living people in the Shinto Palace."

"The Feng Clan is so courageous that they dared to destroy my Shinto Palace. I will definitely make you pay a terrible price."

Long Yang roared angrily.

The next moment, he caught a trace of the remaining breath here, and followed it away.

Want to lock the location where Dahei and others exist, and take revenge.

Long Yang kept chasing according to which strand of breath, and soon, Long Yang arrived in front of Jinling Immortal City.


"This, isn't this Jinling Immortal City?"

Seeing the familiar fairy city in front of him, Long Yang's body trembled violently.

Not long ago, he fled here in a panic.

Long Yang struggled a lot, but then said coldly: "I don't believe that there is an existence as terrifying as that in Jinling Immortal City."

Long Yang is an extremely proud person.

After thinking about it, he took a deep breath to calm down his anxious heart.

Exercising his supernatural powers, he quietly entered Jinling Immortal City again.

However, Long Yang followed the breath all the way, and soon, Long Yang felt his scalp go numb.

Because at this moment, Long Yang discovered that he had come outside Li Yixi's manor.

Moreover, at this moment, Long Yang saw Dahei lying in the corner.

"This, isn't this the dog?"

Seeing the familiar Dahei, Longyang's soul trembled.

Because at this moment, Longyang also saw other existences in the manor. These people all appeared in the ruins of the Shendao Palace not long ago.

"Ha ha!"

"I didn't expect it, it's Dahei's credit!"

"It seems that this dog has a good nose."

"It should be rewarded!"

Li Yixi in the manor heard that Dahei had found the enemy, he was overjoyed instantly, and threw a big bone at Dahei directly.

At this moment, Dahei, as well-behaved as a pet, rubbed against Li Yixi's feet and hurried away.

"Here, is this dog raised by this person?"

"Is a dog so powerful?"


Looking at all this in front of him, Long Yang's throat rolled uncontrollably.

At the same time, Long Yang heard the crowing of a hen after laying eggs.

Involuntarily looking, it's okay if you don't look, but when you look at it, Long Yang's whole body trembles violently.

His face changed greatly.

As if seeing some prehistoric beast, Long Yang hastily tore through the void, turned around and fled.

After traveling thousands of miles away from Jinling Immortal City, he dared to gasp when he found no one was chasing him.


At this moment, Longyang's breathing is like a bellows.

His chest heaved violently.

"That's, that's the first generation of Suzaku."

"The first generation of Suzaku, unexpectedly, is still alive."

"Besides, someone actually raised it as a hen."

Long Yang, who had always been extremely proud, instantly collapsed to the ground, twitching in fright.

This scene had a great impact on Long Yang.

The first generation of Suzaku, what does that represent.

Just thinking about it, Long Yang is terrified.

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