"no no no"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"How can there be a detached existence in this world?"

However, these few words became his last words.

The rumbling sound continued to ring.

But at this moment, Mungo held his breath with an expression of disbelief.

The remains of the Shinto Palace are an unimaginably powerful divine weapon, otherwise, the Shinto Palace would not be able to be preserved to this day.

At that moment just now, they also saw clearly that the ancient ruins were transformed by an extremely terrifying war hammer.

However, under Dahei's attack, the divine weapon exuding supreme power was instantly shattered into pieces, and then turned into nothingness.

Dahei's attack contained endless anger and seemed extremely random, but it instantly caused a huge mountain to disappear and rivers to divert.

"Go, go back."

Dahei was extremely angry, he came here to completely erase the other party, but he didn't expect that Long Yang had already left here to deal with Li Yixi.

Although Dahei was angry, he didn't panic. Dahei knew that no matter how strong Longyang was, he would never be Li Yixi's opponent.

Li Yixi is invincible.

Jinling Immortal City was still enveloped by the power of the formation, but at this moment, a figure appeared outside the Immortal City. This figure looked at the formation that enveloped the Immortal City with an indifferent expression on his face.

He didn't stop, but took a step forward, and his body passed through the formation strangely, without causing any abnormal movement.

No one noticed that someone had passed through the formation.

The opponent's methods are so terrifying.

Long Yang withdrew his terrifying aura and wore training clothes, like a martial artist in the mortal world.

"No wonder the three of them will fall, yes, I was wrong, how can an existence that dares to stop my Shinto Palace from collecting the power of incense and luck to be weak?"

"If you don't have the strength, how dare you do this?"

"But I hope you don't let me down. After all, I don't know how many years have passed. No one can let me make a move."

"This world has always been extremely fragile, and it can't bear me walking at all. Now it's my first time traveling. I hope the first person I kill has some ability."

As the voice fell, Long Yang, who looked like a mortal, moved his fingers and took a step, and suddenly he appeared outside Li Yixi's courtyard.

This supernatural power is shocking.

And it didn't cause any exceptions yet.

In the manor, a statue suddenly woke up at this moment, extremely angry, never thought that some ants would dare to kill them!

But Li Yixi, who sensed that he was walking outside, hastily restrained his terrifying aura one by one.

"I came from the mortal world and came here to seek longevity."

Long Yang looked at the couplets outside the courtyard with a look of disdain on his face.

Pointing to the ground, he directly crossed the wall and entered the courtyard.

It happened to appear in front of Li Yixi.

Today's Longyang has reached the pinnacle of the ancestral god realm, and his cultivation has returned to his original nature, so the moment he just crossed the wall, there was a lot of rumors.

But in Li Yixi's eyes, such a posture is like a reckless man.

Because of Wang Lin's serious injury, Li Yixi felt a little angry, seeing someone break into the yard like this, how can he have a good temper.

"Who are you? You don't leave when you have a door, and you want to climb over the wall. Do you want to be a thief in broad daylight?"

"Or do you want to kill me?"

When Long Yang heard Li Yixi's words, his eyes suddenly sized Li Yixi up and down.

But at this moment, Long Yang didn't find any aura on Li Yixi's body, the whole person's aura was completely restrained, only Li Yixi's body still had the power of merit.

But Long Yang didn't care too much about the power of merit. After all, Long Yang had lived for too long, and the Shendao Palace was the overlord in the ancient times, and it also had some power of merit.

He felt that Li Yixi, like him, had reached the realm of returning to basics.

Long Yang has always been proud, seeing Li Yixi's coldness, he also said coldly: "Of course I came to kill you, who made you block my way?"

"kill me!"

Li Yixi, who was upset at first, frowned immediately after hearing Long Yang's words, and his voice became colder.

"Kill me, do you think you have the ability?"

"Don't you know if you try it?"

Long Yang raised the corner of his mouth and said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, let's see the truth!"

Long Yang stopped with one step, like a horse step, and at the same time stretched out a hand, making a crackling sound.

Originally, Li Yixi thought that Long Yang should have some ability, but he didn't expect that Long Yang stretched out his hand, but he didn't show his immortal skills.

"Do you want to fight with me?"

"You are not my opponent, get out!"

"Let the people behind you come, no, they're dead."

Seeing that the other party was wearing a practice uniform, and now he was actually taking a horse stance, Li Yixi felt that this was an ordinary martial artist, with a displeased expression on his face, in Li Yixi's opinion, the current self has learned a lot.

And Li Yixi saw at a glance that the opponent was full of flaws.


"What a big breath!"

"I want to see how your fists are doing?"

Long Yi's extreme pride was so underestimated that his body revealed evil spirits.

"Fuck off!"

"Don't stop me from pouring out the medicine dregs!"

Li Yixi, who was holding the pot of medicine, looked unhappy. After all, in Li Yixi's opinion, Wang Lin was just a child, and it was normal for him to be almost beaten to death by the other party.

After all, following Li Yixi's side, Li Yixi just handed in Jeet Kune Do.

Moreover, seeing that Wang Lin was young, Li Yixi did not ask Wang Lin to practice too harshly.

Seeing that Li Yixi ignored him, Long Yang gritted his teeth angrily.

At the realm of Longyang, he has already returned to his original nature, and a random shot also contains the power to destroy the world. At this moment, Longyang punched Li Yixi fiercely.

This boxing method looks ordinary, but it has the power to destroy the world.

This punch only took Li Yixi's face.

At this moment, Long Yang was extremely angry, but he didn't have any intention of underestimating him, he just wanted to punch Li Yixi severely or kill Li Yixi.

Long Yang's punch seemed slow, but it was actually as fast as lightning.

"Where did the reckless man come from, with his fists and legs, unexpectedly, he dared to be presumptuous here!"

After Li Yixi came to this world, although he did not practice immortal arts, Li Yixi was proficient in various boxing techniques, which boxing techniques were easy to master in Li Yixi's hands, but Longyang's boxing techniques were full of flaws in Li Yixi's eyes .

Long Yang became even more angry at this moment.

However, when Long Yang's destructive punch was about to hit Li Yixi, Li Yixi stepped out casually, easily avoiding Long Yang's terrifying punch.

In Li Yixi's eyes, Long Yang's punch was nothing special.

At this moment, Long Yang's face changed slightly, because Long Yang felt a shadow in his eyes.

The next moment, there was a crisp sound, and Li Yixi slapped Long Yang's face with his big hand, understating it, but directly slapped Long Yang away.

Just now, Li Yixi withdrew his virtuous power in order to fear that Long Yang would come back and die.

After all, Li Yixi had no intention of killing.

In Li Yixi's eyes, Long Yang is a mortal, weaker than himself.


Long Yang, who was originally angry, was directly stunned by Li Yixi's slap at this moment. Long Yang's body had already reached the point where all magic was invulnerable, and gods and demons were indestructible, but Li Yixi's slap lightly, but A slap mark was left on Long Yang's face.

Moreover, the corner of Long Yang's mouth overflowed with blood.

At this moment, Long Yang's face was full of disbelief, he never thought that Li Yixi would easily dodge his punch with all his strength.That punch contains the supreme law, which can confine and suppress everything.

Feeling the burning pain on his face and the bloodshot from the corner of his mouth, Long Yang at this moment felt endless humiliation.

How could Long Yang, who had always been extremely proud, endure this slap.


"How dare you hurt me!"

Long Yang's eyes instantly turned scarlet, and at the same time, there seemed to be dragons roaring in Long Yang's body.

At this moment, Long Yang activated the body of the Indestructible Ancestral Dragon, and thousands of dragons roared in his body, aiming at Li Yixi with terrifying power.

Li Yixi saw that the reckless man in front of him wanted to compare himself with himself, and his face showed impatience. Just now, he felt that he had practiced the body training technique, so he could not bully such a reckless man casually, and he had restrained himself a lot. With less strength, he didn't expect that the other party not only didn't know what was good or bad, but also wanted to fight him, and his heart became even more irritable.


At this moment Li Yixi roared angrily and used a lion's roar.

An extremely terrifying coercion enveloped Long Yang at this moment, and Long Yang's extremely violent blow broke in an instant.

Long Yang's face changed wildly, and his body even retreated uncontrollably.

At this moment, Longyang's dead souls all spewed out, and a mouthful of blood spurted out uncontrollably.


"You are a reckless man who has practiced three-legged cat kung fu by yourself, and you want to be a killer, get out!"

"If I didn't see you looking like a fool, I would kill you with one punch."

"you wanna die!"

Originally, Long Yang was scared out of his wits, but Li Yixi's words made Long Yang lose his mind in an instant. From the moment he was born, Long Yang was the arrogance of heaven, pushing an era across the board.

When was he humiliated like this?

Li Yixi's words caused the proud Long Yang to be humiliated and trembling with anger. At this moment, a broken knife suddenly appeared in Long Yang's hand.

In Long Yang's eyes, there was a strong murderous intent, he directly took out the original magic weapon, and killed Li Yixi.

The broken knife looks rusty, and there is even a trace of blood on it, like a dilapidated thing, but Long Yang is very clear about how terrifying this broken knife is, the blood on it is not ordinary blood, but an unimaginable creature blood.

Those rusts and bloodstains cannot be erased or removed even with Long Yang's terrifying strength.

This broken knife was obtained by Long Yang when he wandered through the chaos and spent time in the chaotic world. It has always been regarded as a treasure by Long Yang and his strongest trump card.

Anyone who has seen this broken knife has long since fallen.

This broken knife can make Long Yang burst out with strength close to detached existence.

At this moment, Long Yang felt that the countless power in his body was swallowed by this broken knife, Long Yang didn't believe that he still couldn't kill Li Yixi.

Li Yixi, who didn't want to pay attention to Longyang at first, wanted to leave, but suddenly seeing Longyang take out the broken knife, Li Yixi felt the danger, and his face turned cold instantly.

At this moment, Li Yixi directly used Tiger Circle Fist, and punched out.


Long Yang, who was full of murderous intent and madness, changed his face wildly, and his body couldn't stop moving backwards.

Staring at the hilt of the knife in his hand, this original divine weapon, even if it is a remnant soldier, is just a terrifying fetish, but it can't stop Li Yixi's punch.

He has been refining for countless years, but he was unable to refine something, but was smashed into pieces by Li Yixi's punch.

Long Yang, who was dazzled by anger, suddenly came to his senses at this moment.

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