In the manor, Li Yixi wiped his hands, and finally let go of his hanging heart. Although Wang Lin hadn't woken up yet, he didn't have any worries about his life.

However, Li Yixi could still feel the anger in his eyes.

"The deputy general of the city lord's mansion pays his respects to the young master!"

At this moment, a respectful voice came from outside the door, and Lao Bai hurried forward to open the door.

After the middle-aged man entered, he immediately said: "Young master, the city lord sent a message and asked me to come and report. Now the Feng family has found out that the person who attacked Lord Wang Lin was from Luoshen Manor. Now Luoshen Manor has been destroyed. But the real target of these people is you, son, because there are false gods behind them."

"Now the strong men from the Feng Clan and the thatched cottage have gone out of the city, and will kill those thieves soon to avenge Lord Wang Lin."

Hearing this, Li Yixi froze for a moment, the anger in his eyes disappeared instantly, replaced by a debt.

Li Yixi never thought that the target of those people was himself, and Wang Lin was just mistaken for himself by others.

"Can those false gods behind it be dealt with?"

Li Yixi felt a little angry in his heart at the moment, he didn't expect that people are sitting in the house, but the disaster comes from the sky.

"Young Master Hui, if the people from the thatched cottage and the strong men from the Feng clan take action, the false gods behind them will definitely die."

"The Lord City Lord asked his subordinates to come here to reassure the young master."

"I'm waiting to retire."

After the voice fell, the middle-aged man immediately bowed and exited the yard, leading the people away.


"Why are these false gods suddenly eyeing me?"


There is no worry on Li Yixi's face, now that he has the power of merit, he is not afraid of someone attacking him.

Moreover, Li Yixi knew that the Phoenix clan was extremely powerful, and with the addition of the people from the cottage, no matter how strong they were, they should not be able to turn around any troubles. After all, in Li Yixi's eyes, false gods were very weak.

At this moment, Dahei and other existences have left the Jinling Immortal City for thousands of miles and appeared on the bank of a big river.

King Luo said with a look of panic at the moment: "My lords, the Shinto Palace is hidden behind that waterfall, and under the waterfall is the entrance to the ancient ruins of the Shinto Palace."

When King Luo arrived here, he was extremely anxious. He knew that this place was his last hope. If the Shendao Palace could not destroy the Phoenix Clan, then what awaited him would be death.

"Is it the Shinto Palace?"

"I want to see how much strength I still have now."

The Phoenix Master's face was very cold, and with a wave of his big hand, the powerful figures of the Phoenix Clan rushed out and blasted towards the waterfall with their supernatural powers.

However, before the incomparably powerful attack came, the flowing river turned into flying swords in an instant, coming directly at these strong men of the Feng Clan.

That flying sword was extremely terrifying. People from the Feng Clan were extremely powerful, even if they tried their best to dodge, they were still directly and severely injured, losing their strength in the first battle.

The next moment, figures came out one after another, suspended in the void, and their incomparably cold gazes fell on Phoenix Lord and other beings.

"Feng Clan?"

"Your Phoenix Clan has managed to survive from the ancient times to the present. Do you want to perish just like that?"

"Provoke my Shinto Palace, where do you get your confidence?"

The leader's voice was extremely cold and disdainful.

A tall look.

The faces of the people of the Feng Clan sank at this moment, because they felt a strong crisis coming.

Meng Ge, who was standing next to Dahei, changed his face slightly at this moment. He never thought that there was such a powerful and terrifying existence hidden in this Shinto Palace.

And this person is definitely not the owner of the Shinto Palace.

"Please die!"

However, the Phoenix Lord was full of anger at the moment. The moment the voice fell, those ancestors of the Feng Clan and the Phoenix Lord attacked at the same time. This person's strength is extremely strong, and if he is alone, he cannot be defeated at all.

So at this moment, several ancestors of the Phoenix Clan and the Phoenix Clan chose to fight against the enemy together.

The Phoenix Lord is very clear that with the strength of the Phoenix family, he can only deal with this person, and the terrifying and strong man in the Shendao Palace can only be handed over to the Black Emperor.

This is their time to prove their final worth.

The ancestors and phoenix lords of the Feng clan, how could they miss it, directly burning the blood essence. Although this one is powerful, he was finally beheaded by the burning essence blood of the Feng clan.

However, before the Phoenix Lord and the ancestors of the Feng Clan had time to retreat, they suddenly felt a terrifying coercion.

Before they could retreat in the future, an incomparably terrifying aura erupted, directly flying the bodies of the ancestor and phoenix master of the Phoenix clan.

If it wasn't for the Hei Emperor stepping out at this moment and suppressing that terrifying aura, several strong men of the Feng Clan would have been severely injured at this moment.


Meng Ge took a deep breath, never thought that the powerhouses from the Shendao Palace would be so terrifying, everyone from the Feng Clan was so strong, and everyone could see how strong they were, but they could be blown away by a single breath from the opponent.

At this moment, a figure came from the hidden passage of the waterfall.

Lord Feng stared at the figure who came from Takong, and said coldly: "What's your name?"

"Long Ao."

"Deputy Lord of the Shinto Palace."

Long Ao made an indifferent voice.

"Long Ao?"

The Phoenix Lord was shocked suddenly. At this moment, he remembered the legend of the ancient times. In the space age, Long Ao was the younger brother of Long Yang, the peerless arrogance of the Shinto Palace, but he did not expect that Long Ao has survived to this day.

"You're not dead yet?"

Although Phoenix Lord was shocked, his face was very cold at this moment.

"No way, I can't die."

"You guys are going to die!"

"I didn't expect that I would be so bold as to dare to attack my Shinto Palace."

"You can live against the sky, but you can't live against the Divine Dao Palace."

Long Ao said indifferently, as if the lives of these people were nothing in his eyes.

The strong men of the Feng clan felt Long Ao's killing intent at this moment, and their eyes showed coldness.

The moment Meng Ge wanted to open his mouth to ridicule, he suddenly found that Long Ao, who was a hundred meters away, suddenly appeared in front of him and grabbed King Luo in his hand.

If it wasn't for Dahei's breath, Mungo would have been wiped out at this moment.

At this moment, when Long Ao's eyes fell on Dahei, he felt a little apprehensive. He never thought that this earth dog was so terrifying.

But in fact, he didn't take it to heart, and told the figure who came out of the cave: "This is the spokesperson of my Shinto Palace, take it down first, and heal his wounds."

"As for these people, there is me."


Those strong men in Shendao Palace led Luo Wang back directly. In their eyes, Long Ao was an invincible existence.

These people look confident.

"Snatch people in front of me, have you asked me?"

However, a disdainful voice sounded from the big black belly in the void.

The strong men of the Shinto Palace who had almost entered the cave suddenly felt that the world was upside down.

Their figures appeared strangely in front of Dahei.

At this moment, the strong men of the Shinto Palace stared wide-eyed with horror on their faces.

At the moment when they wanted to retreat, they found that they could not control their bodies at all. In the breeze, their bodies turned into ashes and disappeared continuously.

Dahei shook his head, and stepped out step by step in the void, staring at Long Ao at this moment with extremely cold eyes.


"I didn't expect that a local dog could cultivate to such a terrifying level, which surprised me."

"But it just so happens that I happen to lack a pet by my side, and you are the only one."

Long Ao's face sank, he stepped out suddenly, and then pushed out with a palm.

An incomparably thick palm print, at this moment, was magnified under the gaze of a pair of eyes, and came towards Dahei like the might of the sky. Under this coercion, Meng Ge and other existences could not stand at all. A body, constantly retreating backwards.

"So strong, is this a strong man in the realm of ancestor gods?"

The strong men of the Feng clan all showed solemn expressions, and they dared not be careless in the face of such strong men.

Little Phoenix involuntarily tightened the book of the Great Dao in his hand.

However, facing this terrifying palm print, Dahei didn't pay any attention to it, instead he showed disdain like a dog.

I saw Dahei slowly raised his foot and stepped forward. This piece of void seemed to be torn apart in an instant, and the huge and incomparable palm prints were also destroyed in an instant. Even the proud Long Ao, standing there Under an incomparably terrifying force, his chest hurt, a mouthful of blood spewed out, his face was as pale as paper, and he withdrew a hundred meters away.


"I didn't expect you to be able to hurt me."

Long Yang narrowed his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

"Isn't it a big deal to hurt you?"

"You think you are invincible, but in my eyes, you are no different from ants."

"Even if you want to collect the power of incense, the power of luck, and recreate the emperor, it has nothing to do with me, but I didn't expect that you people would be so bold that you would dare to deal with the book boy next to my master."

"This one is destined to be buried with you."

Dahei had a murderous look on his face at the moment, his expression was extremely cold.

"Do you think it is possible to destroy the Shinto Palace?"

"If Big Brother was here, all of you would have died here."

At this moment, Long Ao hurriedly stabilized his injury, staring at Dahei with incomparably sharp eyes.

"Do you think I'm incapable of killing you?"

"I can let you know how weak you are?"

"How stupid is it to deal with my master?"

Dahei's extremely cold eyes stared at Long Ao at this moment.

A look of disdain.

However, after hearing this, Long Ao said with disdain on his face: "So what, elder brother has already gone to Jinling, no matter how strong your master is, he will die."

"Your master dares to prevent my Shinto Palace from collecting the power of incense and luck, and he deserves to be punished."

"I'm afraid you have to rush back now, and it's too late."

Long Ao's voice was full of sarcasm.


"Has Long Yang already attacked the expert?"


Everyone was shocked.

"Then die!"

Dahei was so angry that he never expected that Long Yang, the lord of the Shinto Palace, had already gone to Jinling Immortal City.

The next moment, he took a step forward, his body exploded, and with a slap of his big black leg, the void in front of him instantly shattered.

Long Ao was also instantly shattered into fragments together with the void, and at the same time, the mountain in front of him was also instantly destroyed, and the buildings of the Shinto Palace hidden under the mountain were constantly falling under the power of destroying the world. crumble.

This scene made all the powerful people present widen their eyes, and they felt the end of the world at this moment.

Long Ao's remnant soul looked horrified, he never thought that this earth dog's strength was so terrifying.

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