
What is detachment.

Of course, it is to go to the unknown, that is what exists, that is the master.

How could such a terrifying existence appear, bowing down in a small world like Jiuchongtian?

"Why is it impossible?"

"Although I don't understand why, but the existence of the young master is reasonable."

"I have recovered to the peak now. That is an incurable injury, but the recovery is just lying in the young master's study and absorbing the scattered Dao Law."

"Now that I have lost my physical body, I have temporarily built a body, and I have the power to transcend half a step, but I am like an ant in front of you, don't you think you are invincible?"

However, Murong Batian at this moment is almost insane.

Hearing the words of Death Law God, he sneered and said: "You fart, you are still detached, can detachment be a servant?"

The God of Death was stunned for a moment, it never occurred to Murong Batian that such an ant would dare to scold him.

Death God sneered and said, "Just now, do you know why I haven't responded to you?"

"Because, I was thinking about how to kill you, but you actually took out the Primordial God Worm, which caused me to make a mistake. I should have thought that I should not have thought, and you want to use the God Worm to test whether you can deal with the young master. You are simply committing a heinous crime."

"I was innocent, but you made me think that way."

next moment.

In the body of the death law god, an extremely terrifying force of destruction appeared.

Murong Batian let out a scream.

The body was continuously reduced to ashes.

However, Murong Batian, who was already dead, unexpectedly reunited with his physical body the next moment.

But when Murong Batian was still in a daze, a flame appeared, which instantly turned his body into ashes and burned his soul, but a strange force caused his soul to frighten Immortal under the fire.

However, the moment the flame just disappeared, Murong Batian felt his body reappear, but the next moment, the power of ice appeared, turning his scorched self into an ice sculpture in an instant.

That chill is deep in the bone marrow.


All kinds of pain made Murong Batian let out an earth-shattering howl at this moment.

"You, you can create something out of nothing, evolve countless laws with the power of destruction, and you have touched transcendence."

At that moment just now, Murong Batian felt that he had experienced reincarnation again and again, and was resurrected again and again, and finally realized his stupidity and the horror of the Death God.

At this moment the torture stopped, Murong Batian completely collapsed, Murong Batian wanted to survive, but he couldn't produce a trace of resistance, and the desire to resist was filled with regret.

Murong Batian never expected that he would not open his eyes to plan everything about Li Yixi.

But at the same time, Murong Batian at this moment is also extremely unwilling in his heart, feeling that fate is unfair to him, how unlucky he is to meet such an existence as Li Yixi.

"It's almost there!"


Death God also lost interest at this moment, a destructive force erupted, and the next moment Murong Batian was instantly wiped away by that destructive force.

The death god's eyes looked at a dark corner with great interest at this moment.

"No, you found me!"

"Escape, must escape, leave this ruin!"

The Primordial Demon Ancestor hiding in the corner, naturally saw Murong Batian's end, and naturally knew that the God of Death is not an existence that he can provoke.

Originally, the Primordial Demon Ancestor was frightened just now, and tried his best to restrain his breath, hoping that he would not find himself while dealing with Murong Batian's Death God.

But the Primordial Demon Ancestor knew at this moment that he was thinking too much.

However, the powerful Primordial Demon Ancestor.

Just as he was about to flee for his life, his expression changed wildly.

He who is in the realm of the ancestor god, seems to be trapped in a quagmire like a mortal at this moment, unable to move.

Having seen the horror of the Death God, the Immemorial Demon Ancestor was so frightened that he almost lost his wits.

Especially feeling his own body, uncontrollably flying towards the God of Death.

Wailing: "Senior, senior, I was wrong, I really didn't think about dealing with senior."

"It's because Murong Batian, that beast, has a greedy heart."

"you are wrong?"

"Are you harmless?"

The God of Death looked at the Primordial Demon Ancestor at this moment, and made a cold voice.

Just this sound scared the Primordial Demon Ancestor almost out of his wits at this moment. His strength reached the level of the Primordial Demon Ancestor, and he was not far away from transcendence. Now that he is so close to the Death God, he naturally discovered the horror of the Death God.

"Senior, I was really wrong."

"I did no harm, I swear."

The soul of the Primordial Demon Ancestor was trembling at this moment, stammering and hastily defending.

"is it?"

The God of Death looked at the Primordial Demon Ancestor coldly. Hearing these words, the Primordial Demon Ancestor was shocked and had a bad feeling in his heart.

The next moment, the Primordial Demon Ancestor felt the world spinning.

The God of Death and the Primordial Demon Ancestor appeared in the dilapidated huge cage.

In the cage at this moment, countless people looked desperate, and there were still corpses piled up like a mountain.

"Tell me, are you innocent?"

"In the eyes of the young master, a monster like you is heinous."

At this moment, the Primordial Demon Ancestor's face was pale.

The Primordial Demon Ancestor still wanted to make an excuse, but at this moment, the God of Death Dharma slapped it out with a palm.

The Primordial Demon Ancestor fell apart directly.

However, the Primordial Demon Ancestor, as the ancestor god, naturally has some means.

The next moment, a gigantic phantom of the sacred tree appeared in the void, and it wanted to tear the void to escape. It was the spirit of the ancient demon ancestor, trying to hide in the avenue, waiting for one day to recover.


However, at this moment, the god of death has a look of disdain.

A cold voice sounded.

The next moment, the ancient demon ancestor died instantly.

The Primordial Demon Ancestor was a tree demon. When he died at this moment, an extremely strong force of life scattered, and a breath of immortality was born.

This place was originally dead silent, without a trace of aura, but in the blink of an eye, it turned into a blessed land. Those imprisoned by Murong Batian could feel the changes in themselves just by taking a breath.

At the same time, everyone's eyes widened with disbelief.

They also realized that the one who was killed should be the Primordial Demon Ancestor.

At this moment, the body of the death law god is frantically absorbing the life force and immortal power left by the ancient demon ancestor to increase itself.

In the blink of an eye, [-]% of the power of life and the power of immortality were swallowed up by the god of death.

Death God lost his interest, and his body fell in front of the pale-faced Little Phoenix and Xiaoyao Immortal King.

"Thank you senior!"

Xiao Fenghuang and Xiaoyao Immortal King's faces were pale and defeated at this moment, because the two people's popularity at this moment had been destroyed by Murong Batian.

"Thank you, if I don't come, you'll be fine."

"Who dares to touch the people around you."

"That's not Que'er playing the Lord of the Hades, courting death!"

"This is your thing!"

Death God's voice fell, and he waved his hand.

The talisman taken away by Murong Batian returned to the hands of the two of them.

Seeing the talisman, the two couldn't be happy either.

Because of them at this moment, the sea of ​​​​qi is abolished, which is considered abolished.

However, when the two looked desperate, suddenly a mysterious force erupted from the talisman in their hands, and that force instantly enveloped their bodies in the blink of an eye.

The sea of ​​qi that was abolished unexpectedly recovered again.

It seems like nothing happened.

The God of Death is also staring at that power at this moment.

A look of shock.

"This is, this is the breath of the Great Resurrection Technique."

"Young master, how many ways are you proficient in?"

Death God thought that he wanted to poison Li Yixi with the help of Murong Batian's worm, and he felt chills all over his body. He was proficient in the Great Resurrection Technique, how could Li Yixi die.

"Master, when you stay in this small town, it is impossible not to know everything here. Could it be that you are beating me?"

"Let me get rid of the thoughts I shouldn't have?"

Thinking of this, the God of Death at this moment suddenly felt chills all over.

"Everything is settled, I will go back first!"

Leaving a sentence behind, Death Law deified into a palm-sized beauty and disappeared.

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