Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1033 Burning Sky's Wrath

In the study building, Li Yixi is currently practicing.

I don't know how long it has passed, and I have gained a lot. I slowly opened my eyes, and there was a smile in my eyes.

"Congratulations, son."

Li Yixi opened his eyes and waited aside, the palm-sized Death God hurriedly spoke out.

Put on a cute face.

"Little guy, you didn't make trouble, did you?"

"If you go out like this, it's quite scary. There are many mortals in this Murong family, so don't scare them."

"go back."

With a wave of Li Yixi's big hand, the God of Death was directly brought into the system space.

"Congratulations, son, for going further."

The Immortal King Xiaoyao and Xiao Fenghuang who were standing aside saw that the God of Death was unceremoniously taken into the space by Li Yixi, and they dared not speak at this moment.

The two of them did not expect that an existence as powerful as the God of Death would be as humble as an ant in front of Li Yixi.

"How long has it been?"

"I didn't expect that this time of practice, I would forget the passage of time."

Li Yixi was a little embarrassed, because Li Yixi remembered that it was evening when he practiced, but now the sun was shining, obviously at least one night had passed.

"My lord, it's already been one night, and the Murong family's selection of son-in-law is over, should we leave?"

The Immortal King Xiaoyao hurriedly said.

"In that case, it's time to leave. Originally, I came here just to join in the fun. Now that the fun is over, I should leave naturally."

"It's been a long time since I left home, and I don't know what's going on at home?"

"Let's go!"

The golden cloud of merits and virtues under Li Yixi's feet appeared and flew away through the sky.

In Jinling Immortal City, in the depths of a manor, there are three figures sitting.

The aura of the three of them is extremely terrifying.

The door opened, and a figure walked in with an excited face.

"Meet the Patriarch, several experts, the matter has been investigated."

"The thatched cottage is often associated with an existence named Li Yixi, and the couplet outside the thatched cottage was officially written by Li Yixi."

"The concept of Daxing Education also came from Li Yixi."

The three existences with terrifying breaths looked at each other, their eyes flickering with an incomparably cold light.

"What kind of existence is that person?"

"How dare you block the master's plan, so that we cannot collect the power of incense and luck?"

One of the strong men spoke in an incomparably cold voice at this moment, word by word.

"Responding to my lord, Li Yixi is just a mortal who is only knowledgeable. His disciple is a sacrificial drinker in the thatched cottage, that's why he got to know some practitioners."

"If we can capture it, maybe we can use it to threaten the thatched cottage."

Hearing these words, the eyes of several existences with terrifying auras could not help but brighten up.

"This idea is good, but there is no need to threaten, just kill it!"

"Immediately arrange for someone to remove it, just say that the city lord has invited you, isn't the city lord's mansion holding a celebration banquet right now?"

"I believe he will not refuse this excuse."

"That's right. The rumors about the relationship between this ant and the City Lord's Mansion are also good. As long as it is said that the City Lord's Mansion invited him, I don't believe that he won't go to the City Lord's Mansion. Then we can take the opportunity to eradicate him."

"Because of his existence, we cannot collect the power of faith and incense, and we cannot obtain power. This person deserves to die."


Soon, someone in the manor immediately went to the City Lord's Mansion.

The moment this person arrived at the City Lord's Mansion, those eyes turned green strangely.

The next moment, a chief guard of the city lord's mansion was controlled, and he went to Li Yixi's manor with a dull face.

"Boom boom boom!"

Wang Lin, who was punching, heard the knock on the door, frowned, walked over and opened the door.

Seeing the armor on the opponent's body, Wang Lin knew it was someone from the City Lord's Mansion, and hurriedly asked, "Brother, what is the purpose of your coming here?"

"It turned out to be Brother Wang. Our City Lord's Mansion wiped out a force controlled by a false god this time. Today, the City Lord's Mansion held a celebration banquet. The City Lord asked me to come and invite you to the banquet."

"The car is ready!"

After the words fell, he pointed to the carriage outside the door.

Hearing this, Wang Lin had no doubts.


Wang Lin was stunned for a moment, Li Yixi was not in the manor after all.

But after thinking about it, he said with a smile: "Young master is not here, since the city lord invited me, I will go and explain to Brother Meng."

After the words fell, Wang Lin entered the carriage.

The carriage left the manor quickly.

Outside the Immortal City, in the void, Li Yixi came riding a golden cloud.

Just after entering Jinling Immortal City, a great battle broke out in the Immortal City the next moment, and terrifying supernatural powers raged in the city.


"Why did a fight happen in the fairy city?"

"This is something that has never happened before. Come on, let's go and see what's going on?"

After Li Yixi froze for a moment, he drove the golden cloud of merit and flew there. Li Yixi used to be cautious, but now that he has the power of merit, Li Yixi is no longer timid.

"Yes, son!"

Xiaoyao Immortal King and Little Phoenix naturally would not refuse, and the three figures hurriedly flew there.

However, when the three of them arrived, Li Yixi, who was originally curious, suddenly became extremely angry.

He stared at the half-kneeling figure on the street.

The next moment roared.

"Wang Lin!"

The voice was full of anxiety and anger.

Because the figure kneeling on the street at this moment is not someone else, but Wang Lin who has just left the manor.

Wang Lin, who looked hopeless, heard Li Yixi's voice at this moment, and felt that he was hallucinating.

"My son?"

Wang Lin spat out three words, couldn't hold on any longer, and fell down directly.

Li Yixi immediately supported Wang Lin. At this moment, Li Yixi saw the wound on Wang Lin's chest and became extremely angry.


"Who is it, I must let you die!"

"Little Phoenix, check it out for me. You must find out who killed Wang Lin. I want his head."

Little Phoenix heard Li Yixi's hysterical roar and trembled all over. This was the first time that Little Phoenix found Li Yixi so angry.

The sky was originally clear, but at this moment, black clouds suddenly overwhelmed the city, and the wind howled.

"Yes, Master!"

"I'll go back to my Phoenix Clan immediately, thoroughly investigate this matter, and definitely not let the murderer live."

Seeing Li Yixi stop Wang Lin's bleeding, Little Phoenix turned into a beam of light and flew away.

Xiaoyao Immortal King also had a look of anger, he never imagined that someone would dare to scheme against the book boy beside Li Yixi.

Immortal King Xiaoyao sensed Li Yixi's anger, his face changed slightly, and after escorting Li Yixi and Wang Lin back to the manor, he also left immediately.

"Wang Lin, I won't let you die."

"I will avenge you, I will avenge you."

At this moment, Li Yixi had stabilized Wang Lin's last breath.

With an angry expression on his face, he gave Wang Lin all the precious elixirs in the manor.

Even though Wang Lin's life was saved, Li Yixi was extremely angry.

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