
Murong Batian didn't expect that the moment the fairy sword pierced the death magic god, the powerful sword didn't hurt the opponent, and even the death magic god's black robe didn't shake a few times under the strong wind.


The crisp voice recalled that at this moment, the immortal sword in Murong Batian's hand actually broke.

This is a fairy sword, not an iron sword.

Seeing this scene, Murong Batian was scared out of his wits, his heart seemed to be pinched by someone, with a terrified expression on his face, he turned and fled.

The current Murong Batian was completely terrified.

However, just as Murong Batian's body moved this time, the meditating God of Death finally made a movement, and saw another big white jade-like hand shrouded in a black robe, slowly stretching out.

The body of Murong Batian who was running away instantly seemed to be still, and Murong Batian felt that he was trapped in the terrifying quicksand, suddenly unable to struggle.


At this moment, Murong Batian's expression changed drastically.

At the moment Murong Batian felt creepy, an irresistible force erupted in the hand of the Death God, instantly grabbing Murong Batian in his hand.

Murong Batian was so frightened that his face turned pale, Murong Batian knew that at this moment he was the fish on the chopping board.

"You, who the hell are you? I am really a disciple of the Primordial Demon Ancestor."

This method has completely frightened Murong Batian to death, how could Murong Batian dare to resist, even dare not struggle, and his speech became stuttering.

Turning his head with difficulty, he stared wide-eyed at the God of Death who was shrouded in a black robe in front of him.

Feeling dry mouth.

At this moment, the god of death is still silent.

Murong Batian, who was extremely powerful and had slaughtered countless monks, completely collapsed at this moment, and there was no trace of the image that an expert should have.

Originally, Murong Batian felt that he had taken refuge in the Primordial Demon Ancestor, and that the Primordial Demon Ancestor had raised his strength to the False God Realm, and he would be invincible in the world, but at this moment, Murong Batian felt the feeling of an ant again.

"Who are you? I have no malice towards you. I really have no malice. I was just passing by. I was just passing by. The junior has never had the intention of harming the senior, and the senior should know my master."

At this moment, Murong Batian really cried directly.

"Have no intention of harm?"

Hearing this moment, the angry God of Death finally spoke out. Under the black robe, there was a cold voice, without a trace of emotion.

As powerful as Xiaobai, he is incomparably afraid of the Death God, let alone Murong Batian.

"Senior, what do you mean, we are only meeting for the first time, how could I have the intention of harming senior?"

Hearing the unkindness in the voice, Murong Batian trembled all over at this moment.

"Where did you go and what did you do?"

The God of Death under the black robe said again at this moment.


Hearing these words, Death God's body turned cold instantly, his face changed wildly, he naturally remembered Li Yixi just now, and suddenly said: "Are you related to that Li Yixi?"

"no no no"

But the next moment, Murong Batian hurriedly shook his head.

"Impossible. I can control the formation of the underground ruins. I haven't sensed any fluctuations in the formation. If senior is related to Li Yixi and enters the ruins, there should be fluctuations in the ruins, unless Your cultivation is extremely strong, almost close to a detached existence."

As soon as the voice fell, Murong Batian felt chills all over his body, he thought of something unbelievable, stared at the God of Death and stammered, "Could it be that you have really achieved half-step detachment, or even detachment, and ruled the fate of all living beings? "

Hearing this, the God of Death under the black robe sounded a cold voice, and said without emotion: "No, no, I'm just an ant next to Gao Ren, little transparent, a tool man, I just want to make Gao Ren happy , A small transparency for the master to grind ink."

"Ants, tool people?"

Hearing this, Murong Batian's lips trembled violently, and he stared at the Death God with wide eyes. The Death God's answer had clearly told Murong Batian that he was indeed from Li Yixi's side, and it was Li Yixi Ants around.

Not vetoing the cultivation base of detachment shows that the opponent is extremely powerful and has indeed quietly entered the ancient ruins.

"You're not Li Yixi?"

Thinking of this moment, Murong Batian's legs are weak, and the God of Death is so terrifying, Murong Batian originally thought that it was Li Yixi pretending to be a ghost to teach him, but it was not.

"That's the son."

"How can you call him by his first name?"

The God of Death was extremely nervous when he heard Murong Batian calling Li Yixi's name directly.

In the eyes of the God of Death, for a terrifying existence like Li Yixi, calling him by his name is an extremely terrifying thing.

One is not good, the other party feels that someone is talking about it, and once they think it is an enemy, they will be killed with a single thought in the air.

Hearing this, Murong Batian's pupils dilated suddenly, and his face was full of horror. An ant beside Li Yixi was so powerful. Murong Batian thought that Li Yixi was only a god king or a god emperor when he was strong.

At this moment, Murong Batian, thinking of everything he plotted against Li Yixi, instantly felt that his brain was about to explode.

Such a powerful existence is actually the little transparency next to Li Yixi.

What about Li Yixi?

How powerful and terrifying that is.

The four words "horrible like this" are not qualified to be used on Li Yixi.

Murong Batian completely gave up at this moment, and felt that even if the Primordial Demon Ancestor came, he would not be able to save himself.

Can't help but ask: "Who is Li Yixi, what state is he, how can such a terrible existence be revived?"

After asking this sentence, Murong Batian felt as if all his strength had been drained.

"My son?"

At this moment, the god of death law slowly raised his head.

The face that looked like a skeleton and jade was revealed.

"The son is the son. Where can you go to investigate who, what state, you just need to be invincible."

"Even if you wander through chaos, you are still invincible."

Hearing this, Murong Batian didn't care at first, after all in Jiuchongtian, invincibility is not scary, but after hearing the word "Chaos", Murong Batian completely changed color.

Wanting to murder Li Yixi by himself, Murong Batian was almost scared out of his wits at this moment.

"He, is he invincible?"

At this moment, Murong Batian seemed to be pinched by the neck, unable to utter a word, his face was extremely pale, but at the next moment, he shook his head violently, full of disbelief.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible?"

"How can there be an invincible existence in the Nine Heavens? If you are invincible in the chaos, you must be detached. Now that you have detached, how can you appear here?"

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