Murong Batian was almost scared to pee, Juetian Sword couldn't kill, and the ancient gods and insects became tonics, those scenes occupied Murong Batian's mind.

Murong Batian fled back to the ancient underground city at the fastest speed in his life. From Murong Batian's point of view, this is the only safe place in this world at this moment.

This is an immemorial relic, with an incomparably powerful formation, it is impossible for outsiders to enter, and in the immemorial relic, there is also an ancient demon ancestor.

As for the Murong family, Murong Batian didn't care.

Originally, he didn't have any feelings for the Murong family, and now the Murong family is just a tool for him and the Primordial Demon Ancestor.

With his feet on the ground of the ruins, Murong Batian let go of his hanging heart.

Until now, Murong Ba didn't dare to breathe.


"Alright, alright!"

"Not chasing, not chasing!"

"Finally survived!"

"Now, with two talismans containing the power of luck, I will be able to go further in a short time."

"As for the Murong family, it will be destroyed if it is destroyed."

Murong Batian felt it for a while, felt that the formation in the ancient city did not fluctuate in any way, and he was relieved to see Li Yixi's figure chasing him.

However, the moment Murong Batian breathed a sigh of relief, he suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing, and Murong Batian, who was already nervous, was so frightened that his whole body trembled.

Murong Batian turned his head like lightning, because Murong Batian felt a gust of wind hit his neck just now.

However, the moment he turned around, even as powerful as Murong Batian, he screamed in fright.

Because at this moment behind Murong Batian, there is a figure covered in black robes, holding a bloody sickle in his hand, the only thing he can see is half a face like a skeleton.

The cold wind hitting his neck was exactly the breathing of this figure.

It's frighteningly cold.


Murong Batian screamed, and instantly distanced himself from the black-robed figure.

At this moment, Murong Batian's heart was beating violently, and he could faintly hear the sound of thumping.

Murong Batian didn't know when, behind him, a man in black robe holding a sickle appeared, like a soul ecstasy from the depths of hell.

The weirdest thing was that the black robe shrouded the other party's body, making it look extremely wide and unfit.

At the same time, only the skull-like chin can be seen, and the appearance is not clear at all.

The most important thing is that the breath that is carried all over the body is too cold.

Obviously, there is no wind in this ruined ancient city, but at this moment, there are strangely more wind.

Suddenly, Yinfeng howled.

It made Murong Batian extremely nervous, and Murong Batian even doubted whether he had entered the ancient city.

Everything around suddenly gave Murong Batian a sense of strangeness.

Moreover, not only did the other party appear silently, at this moment Murong Batian could not even feel a breath of life or death from his body.

The whole figure clearly exists, but it seems that it is not there.

This scene gave Murong Batian a great sense of crisis.

Moreover, Murong Batian also discovered that what's even more strange is that such a terrifying existence should be very oppressive. The bottom of the robe was actually floating, one inch above the ground.

That breath is not like a living person, nor like a dead person.

Gives a very cold feeling.

"You, you, who are you?"

At this moment, Murong Batian's legs were shaking with fright.

asked in a panic.

Under the black robe, there was no sound at all.

In the ancient city at this moment, there is a howling wind, which makes Murong Batian's pupils shrink suddenly, and his whole body feels cold.


"Escape, it's too weird, too scary, you must not provoke it!"

"Perhaps, perhaps the Primordial Demon Ancestor knows something!"

Murong Batian was trembling all over.

He didn't feel the fluctuation of the formation, but felt that the terrifying existence in the ancient ruins had awakened, so he turned around and fled, his body turned into a black light.

Murong Batian didn't want to be with this strange-looking black robe for a moment at all, after all, that invisible sense of oppression was too terrifying.

When Murong Batian fled in a hurry, Murong Batian found that the figure in black robe was still standing there, without moving or breathing out.

But Murong Batian was not only not excited, but felt chills all over his body.

Murong Batian, who had already fled away and wanted to use a formation to separate the two of them, suddenly found that his own figure flew back strangely, as if time was going against the current.

He abruptly appeared in front of the man in black, exactly the same position as before.

"You, who are you?"

"I am a disciple of the Primordial Demon Ancestor!"

"No bad intentions!"

How could Murong Batian dare to escape at this moment, his body was trembling, his voice was trembling, and his whole body was chilling, but thinking of the existence of the ancient demon ancestor in the ruins, he felt a little relieved, and asked through gritted teeth.

The God of Death under the black robe looked at Murong Batian quietly through the black robe, feeling very upset in his heart. He felt that Murong Batian's ancient god worm had harmed him, and he even let himself appear to use the ancient god worm to kill Li. Recalling the past thoughts.

I was thinking about how to kill this guy.


"Are you pretending to be a ghost? Since you don't say it, then you can't blame me. I am a disciple of the ancient demon ancestor." At this moment, Murong Batian was extremely angry.

With Murong Batian's ferocious expression on his face, he unleashed his full strength, and the fairy sword around his waist was unsheathed. It was so close that it couldn't even be caught by the naked eye.

In the void, the power of laws appeared.

It is obvious that Murong Batian at this moment is going all out when he makes a move, trying to kill or seriously injure the opponent.

Under the terrifying sword light, the void seemed to be distorting.


"Are there any living beings in the ruins?"

In the depths of the ancient city, a big tree appeared at this moment, and the next moment it turned into an old man, suddenly opened his eyes, and then turned into a stream of light towards Murong Batian and Death God.

Murong Batian's thunderous sword went towards the heart of the Great God of Death.

However, in the face of such a terrifying sword, the death god didn't seem to sense it, and stood there quietly thinking, with no intention of blocking it.


"At any rate, I, Murong Batian, also possesses the False God Realm. Facing my supernatural powers, I don't dodge or evade. Then die!"

Murong Batian saw that the immortal sword had almost stabbed the Death God, and an extremely cold voice came out of his mouth, but at this moment, Murong Batian still did not dare to underestimate the Death God, and the immortal sword in his hand became even more fierce a bit.

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