Murong Batian held his breath at this moment, with a look of excitement on his face, in Murong Batian's opinion, Li Yixi would die soon.

As for the power of backlash of merit, there is a dead puppet instead.

However, the moment the Jue Tian Sword approached Li Yixi's eyebrows, not only did it not penetrate, but the Jue Tian Sword at this moment directly burst open and turned into nothingness.

This made Murong Batian's eyes widen, until now, Murong Batian didn't know what happened.

"Why, why is this happening?"

"Why did Jue Tian Sword suddenly shatter?"

At this moment, Murong Batian's smile froze suddenly.

The joy on his face disappeared without a trace, and this person was like an ice sculpture.

"Could it be, is there something wrong with the Juetian formation?"

"It should be, otherwise the Juetian Sword is invisible, how could it possibly collapse suddenly."

Murong Batian took a deep breath and comforted himself.

After communicating with the Primordial Demon Ancestor, the Absolute Heaven Formation was strengthened.

The next moment, the Jue Tian Great Formation once again condensed the Jue Tian Sword.

In the corner, the god of death raised his chin with his small hand, and looked at Murong Batian with a mocking expression.

"It's very interesting. I didn't expect that a little demon and an ant would dare to plan to kill the young master with the help of the Absolute Heaven Formation."

"My son is practicing, the power of the Dao has leaked out to form a powerful field, and any attack will be strangled."

"Even if the young master has not cultivated, this Jue Tian sword will not be able to pierce the young master's skin!"

"I don't even look at it, what kind of physique the young master is, this is the supreme chaotic god and demon body."

"Also, the young master's Chaos God Demon Dao Body is so weird that even I can't understand it."

The God of Death did not stop him, anyway, he couldn't kill Li Yixi.

Just watch a play.

If Li Yixi is so easy to deal with, how could it be Murong Batian's turn.


"I don't believe that this time, you still have such a good life, and there will be no problems with the Juetian formation."

Under the control of Murong Batian, Jue Tianjian killed Li Yixi again.

At this moment, Murong Batian was staring at Juetianjian stubbornly, also wanting to see if it was just a hallucination.


This time, the Jue Tian Sword also shattered instantly, turning into nothingness.


At this moment, Murong Batian opened his mouth wide with horror on his face.

Murong Batian, who was extremely proud, felt chills all over his body at this moment, as if he had become an ice sculpture, unable to move an inch.

This time, Murong Batian saw very clearly that it wasn't that there was something wrong with Jue Tianjian, but that there was an extremely terrifying field around Li Yixi, and it was that field that instantly tore Jue Tianjian apart.

Under that field, Jue Tianjian was extremely weak.


"How could there be such a terrifying domain."

At this moment, Murong Batian felt cold all over, broke out in cold sweat, and his pupils dilated rapidly.

"Extremely large array, imprisoning everything."

"But, but it is useless to him, what kind of state is this?"

Murong Batian's body was shaking crazily at this moment, and suddenly felt the night wind was icy cold.

In my mind, another voice sounded.

"How, did it work?"

The moment he heard this voice, Murong Batian, who was terrified, was shocked. Thinking of the ancient demon ancestor, he regained his courage.

Stuttering sound transmission: "Master Yaozu, I didn't succeed. There is an extremely powerful field around this person. Jue Tianjian can't cross the field. It failed!"

"is it?"

"It seems that this person's strength is not weak. After all, no matter how you repair the Absolute Heaven Formation, it is impossible to have the divine power of the ancient times. It is very difficult, almost impossible to kill a powerful being."

"I remember the box I gave you?"

Murong Batian, who was originally nervous, suddenly healed a lot at this moment, and he was no longer nervous. Guessing that the Primordial Demon Ancestor still has a backup, he was instantly overjoyed.

"Bring it, how dare I throw away the fetish bestowed by the demon ancestor at will, and keep it with me all the time."

"That's good, there is a primordial god worm in that box."

"This insect is extremely terrifying. Once a dead female insect, a half-step detached existence just stepped on it, and the invincible existence died instantly."

"It doesn't matter if his domain is powerful, as long as he is contaminated with a trace of the poison of the god insect, he will definitely die."

Hearing the words of the Primordial Demon Ancestor, Murong Batian was overjoyed at this moment.

Then the box was taken out.

"Can dead bugs poison an invincible existence that is half a step away?"

"It seems that today, you are destined to die!"

Murong Batian was spying on Li Yixi in secret, and became excited again.

Soon, a bug appeared in front of Murong Batian.

The death god in the study building trembled the moment he saw the bug.

A look of disbelief.

"Heaven Killer Demon Cricket!"

"It turned out to be the Heaven Slayer Demon Cricket."

"How is it possible for this thing to appear? An adult Heaven Slaughter Demon Cricket will surely die if he is detached from contamination."

"Although this bug is still a larva, you should be fine, sir!"

The God of Death suddenly became a little nervous. At the same time, he was a little excited. He wanted to see if he could hurt Li Yixi.

"Ha ha!"


Murong Batian smiled coldly.

The next moment, under Murong Batian's control, the Heaven Killing Demon Cricket flew towards Li Yixi.

Seeing the Heaven Killing Demon Cricket getting closer and closer to Li Yixi, Murong Batian was excited.


The moment the Heaven Killing Demon Cricket approached Li Yixi, he was directly torn apart by the field.

"it is good!"

"You are dead."

At this moment, Murong Batian was overjoyed, because Murong Batian found that the death puppet in his arms shattered instantly.

However, the next moment, Murong Batian was dumbfounded. When he saw that the shattered Sky Slaughtering Demon Cricket hadn't been completely wiped out, a divine light suddenly appeared in one of Li Yixi's acupuncture points, swallowing the Heaven Slaughtering Demon Cricket. remains.

Not only is Li Yixi fine, but at this moment Li Yixi's acupoint has become a bit stronger.

In this scene, Murong Batian looked shocked, the poisonous insect that can poison half a step away, unexpectedly became Li Yixi's tonic.

At this moment, Murong Batian's eyeballs almost burst, his face was full of horror.


Murong Batian is stupid at this moment and knows that he has met an invincible existence today, so he runs away.

so horrible.

too scary.

So evil.

The current Murong Batian just wanted to escape for his life, as far as he could go, and Murong Batian even ignored the foundation of the Murong family.

The moment Murong Batian fled for his life, the Death God in the library also trembled.


"Trash, you actually implicated me, I lost my mind and didn't stop the Heaven Killing Demon Cricket. Isn't this the heart to kill the son?"

"I am a loyal servant."

"I swear, I will never attack the young master, otherwise my soul will be destroyed."

Seeing Murong Batian's failure, the death law god ran away and hurriedly followed.

The God of Death thought that killing Murong Batian was an opportunity to make meritorious service, at least he would not be killed without stopping the demon cricket.

The moment the death god just saw the Heaven Slaughter Demon Cricket, he was indeed moved.

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