
Facing the attacks of Little Phoenix and Xiaoyao Immortal King at this moment, Murong Batian snorted coldly, waved his hand casually, and slapped them away.

"You still want to resist, don't you think that the Great Formation of Absolute Heaven is a joke?"

"Is it for decoration?"

Murong Batian's voice was full of sarcasm.

With a wave of his hand, the two attacks landed on the chests of Little Phoenix and Immortal King Xiaoyao, sending them flying again.


The bodies of the two hit the ground fiercely, their throats were sweet, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

If it weren't for the extremely strong strength of the two of them, and the incomparable physical strength, they would have died at this moment.

However, the physical body is getting stronger, and it has also been severely injured at this moment.

"It's not dead!"


"The attack that this old man unleashes is very strong. I didn't expect that your physical body is so powerful. Fortunately, there is a great formation to suppress it. Otherwise, it is really possible to capsize in the gutter."

"I've always been a person who can't tolerate threats. Anyway, since you have the confidence, then I will destroy your confidence."

Murong Batian's voice fell, and at this moment, Murong Batian's expression was extremely cold, with a wave of his hands, mana condensed a sharp blade and went towards the little phoenix, falling into the sea of ​​air of the little phoenix.


The sharp blade instantly pierced the little phoenix's air sea.

The Xiaoyao Immortal King beside him was furious, Little Phoenix had an unbelievable expression on his face, he didn't expect that Murong Batian, an ant, would actually abolish his sea of ​​energy.

"Little Phoenix!"

On the side, the voice of Immortal King Xiaoyao trembled violently.

"Originally, you could linger on for a little longer, and maybe wait for the demon ancestor to come and devour you, but you talk too much, and your physical body is stronger than the one next to you, so there can't be any accidents."

Facing the anger of Xiaofenghuang and Xiaoyao Immortal King, Murong Batian didn't care, and said coldly.

"But now that you have lost your cultivation, I feel relieved."


"Of course, and you!"

Murong Batian immediately laughed wildly, and suddenly moved again, and disappeared in an instant, turning into a white light and heading towards Xiaoyao Immortal King.

In the library.

Li Yixi chose an Accord.

As soon as I sat down, I suddenly remembered something.

Get it from system space.

"Meet the master!"

At this moment, in front of Li Yixi, there was a palm-sized jade man, and this jade man was exactly what Hu Qingyun found for Li Yixi.

It is said that it is immortal jade transforming spirit.

Can keep Li Yixi safe.

But in fact, it is fake that the immortal jade transforms into a spirit, but the body made by the top grade immortal jade is real. As for the spirit, it is the god of death in the staff of death in Li Yixi's study.

But at this moment, the god of death, in front of Li Yixi, is extremely cute.

Like an elf.

"Grind the ink for me. I will find a suitable exercise and copy it. This is an isolated copy and cannot be taken away."

Li Yixi patted the head of the God of Death like a pet, and walked out of the private room.

Xiaobai, who was frolicking in the study building just now, found that the exercises in the study building were all basic exercises, lost interest in an instant, and wanted to go back to the private room.

But as soon as he arrived in the private room, Xiao Bai trembled all over his body at this moment, with a look of horror on his face.

The body trembled slightly, as if there was something extremely terrifying in the private room.

Want to leave, but dare not, it seems that turning around will lead to disaster.

Li Yixi quickly chose a body exercise book and came back, but saw Xiaobai in front of the private room, trembling everywhere, with a puzzled look on his face.

"Xiao Bai, what's wrong?"

After Li Yixi's voice fell, Xiaobai didn't hear it at all, the fear in those eyes became more and more intense, and he looked nervously at the bead curtain in the private room.

Xiaobai feels that there is something extremely terrifying in the private room at this moment, which is about to appear.

That thing carries the power to destroy everything.

Although Xiaobai's strength is strong, he is extremely uneasy at the moment.


The next moment, a small hand was deep inside, pushed open the bead curtain, and walked out.

Xiao Bai trembled almost subconsciously, stood on his head with feathers all over his body, and stared at the death god.

At this moment, the god of death cast a glance at the trembling Xiaobai, but ignored him.

Although Xiaobai's strength is strong, he can't get into the eyes of the Death God.

However, as the God of Death approached, Xiao Bai's heart almost reached his throat at this moment.

The cute-looking God of Death gave Xiaobai a strong sense of crisis, and the power of destruction made Xiaobai feel terrified.


At this moment, Li Yixi directly kicked Death Dharma God.

The kick made the god of death stagger.

"Xiaobai, don't be afraid, he is just an elf."

Then he asked, "Did you grind the ink?"

The disdain that Death God looked at Xiao Bai disappeared, replaced by respect.

"It's ready to go back to the master."

Li Yixi comforted Xiaobai and walked into the private room.

Outside the private room, how could Xiaobai dare to underestimate the god of death, and tremblingly said: "The little demon has seen the adults."

The God of Death said via voice transmission: "The little guy is not bad, following the young master's side, his blood has returned to his ancestors."

"Don't worry, I just joined Master Dao's Dao of Heaven and Earth just now. I chose the Dao of Destruction. At this moment, the aura of destruction on my body is a bit hard to hide, and there is no malice."

The God of Death made a sound transmission, but did not return to Yajian. After all, following Li Yixi, the pressure was too great. As for absorbing the power of Haoran, the God of Death was not very interested. Yixi's study room has absorbed Haoran's divine power, it has absorbed too much.

Li Yixi entered the private room and quickly completed the copying of the exercises, so he was free to do nothing, with the power of merit added to his body, Li Yixi was not afraid of someone murdering him, so he directly practiced in the private room.

When Li Yixi was cultivating, he saw a black shadow appearing in the void outside the study building, it was none other than Murong Batian.


"The formation has been arranged."

"Even if you have great abilities, you have to die today."

After the voice fell, Murong Batian raised his head and glanced at Haoyue, a cold light shone in those eyes.

Murong Batian, who mobilized the formation, looked at Li Yixi coldly.

The next moment, traces of strange aura appeared in the Murong family's manor. Those auras were filled with the power of death, and that strand of power quietly transformed into a black long sword.

And under the protection of the Juetian Great Formation, the appearance of the black long sword at this moment was silent.

That black Juetian sword is designed to kill souls.

Once stabbed, the soul will be exhausted.

Li Yixi, who was practicing, didn't even feel that Jue Tian Sword appeared not far from him, aiming at his eyebrows.


When Murong Batian saw that Li Yixi didn't notice, he was overjoyed, and the next moment, Jue Tianjian killed Li Yixi.

"Extreme Heaven Formation, plus the power of the ancient demon ancestor, I don't believe you will not die."

Jue Tian Jian approached Li Yixi's eyebrows at an unimaginable speed.

However, Li Yixi, who was practicing, didn't react at all, completely unaware of the danger coming.

The God of Death wandering around in the library looked at Murong Batian with a strange expression on his face.

There was a mocking look on his face.

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