"Horrible, terrifying!"

"One palm can be called annihilation."

"Although the Demon Lord is strong, he must die."

"In the future, what should we do in the future?"

"Devil City, Demon City can't stay here anymore."

"After the Demon City loses the backbone of the Demon Lord, it will definitely not be the opponent of Lingshan."

"I must leave the Demon City now. However, before leaving the Demon City, I must first take away some of the background in the Demon City. Otherwise, even after I go out, I will not have the foundation to stand on."

In the void, Gu Sen, who was walking in the air, remembered that Li Yixi killed three thousand demon gods, one hundred thousand demon generals, and one million demon soldiers who followed the demon king with one palm, and his body couldn't help shaking. , with shock and fear on his face.

From what he saw today, Li Yixi has formed an invincible image in Gu Sen's heart.

At the same time, he also became the demon in Gu Sen's heart.

Even in Gu Sen's eyes, the Demon Lord who has survived from ancient times to the present is not as terrifying as Li Yixi.

Gu Sen quickly made a decision and entered the Abyss Demon City as quickly as possible.

"See you sir!"

Seeing Gu Sen's return, the guards in the magic city hurriedly saluted, no one dared to be disrespectful.

After all, not long ago, several demon generals were directly swallowed by Gu Sen's blood just by stopping Gu Sen.

They don't want to be the nourishment for Goosen's recovery.

However, at this moment, Gu Sen didn't pay attention to these demon guards at all, and went deep into the demon city anxiously, and went straight to the main hall in the city.

The main hall in the city is the territory that belongs exclusively to the Demon Lord.

On weekdays, even if Gu Sen had [-] lives, he wouldn't dare to go on the rampage, but after seeing Li Yixi's horror today, Gu Sen would no longer care about these things.

Because Gu Sen knew very well that there was no hope of the Demon Lord returning today.

Now Gu Sen's body is very weak, and he has burned too much energy and blood. Now Gu Sen wants to be strong, that is to enter the Chaos Demon Pool in the city.

Absorb the contained Chaos demon blood, let yourself recover, and go to a higher level, otherwise, even if you go out with some background in the demon city, you will not be able to stand.

"Master Gusen, please stop!"

"I don't know what's the matter here?"

The moment Gu Sen approached the main hall, a figure appeared in front of Gu Sen, looking down at Gu Sen.

Seeing the demon god, Gu Sen hurriedly showed a smile on his face.

"Master Moyun, the younger one came here to meet the elder, so young that he got a treasure after going out this time, the younger one thinks he is not qualified to control it, so he used it to honor the elder."

After Gu Sen's voice fell, he hurriedly took out a box from his arms and handed it to Mo Yun in front of him.



"Let me see!"

The condescending Mo Yun looked down on Gu Sen from the bottom of his heart, and seeing Gu Sen's slanderous face at this moment, he was even more disdainful.

But Moyun has a characteristic, that is extreme greed.

At this moment, Mo Yun took the box in Gu Sen's hand without any doubts. However, at the moment Mo Yun was concentrating on opening it, he saw Gu Sen with a slanderous face.

The smile on his face disappeared and was replaced by a coldness. The previous Gu Sen was like a careful servant, but at this moment, Gu Sen looked like a peerless killer.

A magic sword appeared in Gu Sen's hand, and before Mo Yun could react, the sword directly pierced Mo Yun's heart.

At the same time, in order to be safe, Gu Sen threw out a treasure, directly swallowed Moyun's demon soul into it, and refined it directly.

The guards outside the main hall saw that Mo Yun was killed by Gu Sen in an instant, and they all showed shock on their faces.

Shock was replaced by anger.


"Gu Sen, you are so brave, you dare to kill Lord Moyun."

"This is Lord Mozun's palace."

A series of extremely fierce eyes all gathered on Gu Sen at this moment.


"Don't I know that this place belongs to Lord Mozun?"


However, what Gu Sen replied to them was the extremely cold sword energy. Under the waving of the magic sword in Gu Sen's hand, heads flew out one by one. He dared to kill them.

At this moment, Gu Sen, after finishing everything, did not stop at all, and went straight to the Chaos Demon Pool deep in the hall.

On weekdays, Gu Sen wouldn't dare to do this at all, but Gu Sen knew very well that the Demon Lord was finished and time was running out.

If he moves slower, then everything will come to naught.

Soon, Gu Sen came to the depths of the hall, and saw a huge pool, which was filled with mysterious and incomparable auras.

The power of the Dao contained in it is extremely chaotic, giving people a feeling of chaos.

And the water in the pool was as red as blood.

It seems to be mixed with endless blood.

This is the place where the Demon Lord practiced, the Chaos Demon Pool.

It contains a trace of the blood power of the ancient god of chaos.

At this moment, Gu Sen's eyes showed streaks of golden light, and at the next moment, he jumped directly into the pool of blood.

In the mountains, Li Yixi, Xiaoyao Immortal King and several others were full of wine and food.

Soaring into the air, ready to leave.

Li Yixi, who was on the golden cloud of merit, looked at the dead silence within a hundred miles.

He secretly smacked his tongue in his heart.

"I didn't expect that after my meritorious virtue Jinyun was attacked, such a terrifying backlash would come."

"It's a whole hundred miles around!"

"This power is too terrifying!"

"I didn't expect that it would hurt the creatures in a radius of a hundred miles. It's a sin."

"I hope that everything within a radius of a hundred miles can be reproduced."

After being shocked, Li Yixi sighed at this moment.

Breaking through the air with the existences such as Xiaoyao Immortal King.

Immortal King Xiaoyao followed Li Yixi, at this moment Immortal King Xiaoyao couldn't help but glanced at the void behind him, because at the moment Li Yixi whispered just now, Immortal King Xiaoyao felt an extremely mysterious power, It emanated from Li Yixi's body.

Immortal King Xiaoyao felt very frightened by that force.

There is a feeling of restarting the years.

It's good that the Immortal King Xiaoyao didn't look at it at this moment, but at the moment when the Immortal King Xiaoyao paid attention, the pupils of the Immortal King Xiaoyao suddenly shrank.

There was a look of horror on his face.

Because of this moment, the Immortal King Xiaoyao discovered that the ray of power that Li Yixi spilled out unexpectedly entered a collection of dead bones.

Judging from its appearance, it should be a dead tiger.

But when that force entered the dry bone, the dry bone suddenly turned golden.

At the same time as the cloud layer, streaks of blood appeared on the dry bones, followed by meridians.

In the blink of an eye, the corpse that had turned into dry bones turned into a gigantic tiger.

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