Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1022 One Thought Birth and Extinction

When the demon king saw that his Dao technique was dispelled by the Buddha in a single thought, a look of horror appeared on his face.

"I don't believe in fate."

"I have planned for 10 years. I don't believe that I will be defeated by you today. I don't believe that your strength is still enough to defeat me."

"I am a demon, and I am the supreme demon among demons."

"I won't lose."

At this moment, the angry voice of the Demon Lord resounded in the darkness.

A gigantic face appeared in the darkness.

This gigantic face kept moving towards the Buddha at an extremely terrifying speed.

In the darkness, the incomparably huge figure of the Demon Lord constantly appeared.

At this moment, the Demon Lord finally revealed his real body, turning into a gigantic figure of an ancient demon.

The terrifying devilish energy swept towards the Buddha like a tsunami.

The endless Buddha light surrounding the Buddha was also constantly being swallowed by the boundless devilish energy at this moment,

At this moment, the devil swallowed the world.

Heaven and earth faded.

This void is plunged into absolute darkness. If there is still light, then it is just the wisps of Buddha's light emanating from the Buddha, but compared with the boundless darkness, the wisps of Buddha's light are like candles in the wind.

Long Yi and the others who had woken up were all trembling uncontrollably at this moment. They never thought that the power of the Demon Lord would be so terrifying.

If it was the former Demon Lord who attacked them, they knew very well that they would definitely die.

"The devil swallows the world."

"I didn't expect that you haven't reached your limit yet."

"But unfortunately, you are still not my opponent."

"The Buddha's light shines!"

There was still a refined smile on the Buddha's face, and he slapped his palm slowly at this moment. The Buddha's light, which was like a candle in the wind, suddenly rose sharply at this moment.

The boundless darkness collapsed in an instant.

This piece of heaven and earth seems to have turned into a pure land of Buddhist bliss.

In the endless Buddha light, there appeared a phantom of the Buddha in the sky, and the Buddha in the sky seemed to be singing.

The figure of Demon Lord was also forced to appear from the darkness.

At this moment, the Demon Lord showed horror on his face. He never thought that the Buddha had such terrifying power.

With just one palm, the world can be changed directly.

"This, this is not Tathagata palm!"

"This is definitely not Tathagata palm!"

"The palm of the Tathagata, it is impossible to break my magic swallowing world."

"This is, this is one of the 3000 avenues, the Great Sumeru Technique."

At this moment, the Demon Lord's body trembled violently.

A look of despair.

Mozun never thought that an incarnation of will would be so powerful.

"You are just the incarnation of an idea. Is the gap between the devil and the Buddha so big?"

"Could it be that the devil cannot defeat the Buddha?"

At this moment, the Demon Venerable muttered to himself.

When Long Yi was waiting for the existence to be shocked, at this moment, the Buddha in the void, with a smile on his mouth, shook his head and said lightly: "Why is the devil not as good as the Buddha?"

"The devil is also the Tao, and the Buddha is also the Tao!"

"The reason why you lost is because of your lack of understanding of Tao."

"You are not strong enough on your own."

I saw the voice of the Buddha fell. At this moment, in the void, black lines appeared strangely on the body of the golden Buddha. In just a moment, the golden Buddha in the void turned into a demon god.

"If I were a demon."

"All heavenly immortals, demons and Buddhas should be destroyed."

I saw the palm of the demon god slapped out at this moment.

In an instant, the sky and the earth paled, the void continued to collapse, and the sky and the earth continued to crack.

An incomparably terrifying vision of heaven and earth appeared. In the eyes of the Demon Lord, at this moment, all the immortals, demons and Buddhas of the heavens were constantly falling.

At the same time, at this moment, the demon's body was completely wiped away by that destructive force.

"this this"

Liao Kong waited for the existence to look at the scene in front of him, each and every body trembled violently, and their souls were frightened, because at this moment, Liao Kong and others could see very clearly that the scene in front of them was not illusory, but True, the sky continued to crumble under their gaze.

The earth continued to crack.

Thousands of miles of mountains and rivers continue to turn into chaos.

All of them tightened their nerves, because at this moment, they saw that except for the Lingshan Mountain under their feet, this land in the far west was completely turned into chaos and completely destroyed.

That incomparably powerful force is still spreading, as if it wants to really destroy this world.

At the moment when they looked desperate, they saw the demon god in the void slowly disappearing, and the phantom of Li Yixi slowly appearing.

At this moment, he was no longer the golden Buddha, but turned into that mortal scholar walking in the streets and alleys.

I saw Li Yixi's phantom lightly speaking.

"Time flows backwards."

The next moment, a strange force spread continuously in an instant.

The collapsing sky, the chaotic earth is constantly recovering, and the dead mountains and rivers are constantly recovering.

The sky is here.

The earth is reborn.

Mountains and rivers remodeled.

The vegetation reappeared.

There was a breeze between heaven and earth.

Seeing the scene in front of them, Li Yixi's power was so powerful that Li Yixi's strength was so terrifying.

At the same time, at the moment when everything was completely restored, Li Yixi's phantom in the void also slowly dissipated.

Liaokong waited until this moment, still holding his breath.

It felt like the scene that just appeared was an illusion, but they knew very well that it was not an illusion, but a real existence.

Liao Kong and the others looked at each other, their bodies landed on the Lingshan Mountain, and their eyes widened.

The next moment, each one's chest rose and fell violently, and their breathing was extremely heavy.

Liaokong looked at the void and muttered to himself.

"Is this invincible power?"

"One thought will destroy the sky."

"Thinking of the sea is born."

"What is the state of the young master? Where is the limit?"

"Does the young master really control the 3000 Avenue?"

Every body trembled uncontrollably at this moment, with palpitations on their faces.

Hearing Kong's words, Long Yi said in an incomparably dignified way: "My lord may really control countless avenues. You opened the sky, you are the master of the sky. In your world, there are endless avenues. Although I don't know Whether the young master controls the 3000th Avenue, but I think it’s almost the same even if he doesn’t control the 3000th Avenue.”

"I used to think that I could become the Master of Buddhism in the Master's world, and I was already an invincible existence, but today I understand that my Buddhism is just a drop in the ocean of Master's Buddhism."

"I want to become a Buddha, but I'm still far away."

"Originally, I came to the West and wanted to establish the West Paradise. Before, I thought that with my own strength, it would be a matter of course. However, I didn't expect such a terrifying existence to exist in the West Paradise. If the young master did not come, then I would die undoubtedly."

"The Mozun has lived from the ancient times to the present, it is really extraordinary."

"However, compared with the young master, it is still too weak after all."

At this moment, Long Yi's mind involuntarily revealed the appearance of Li Yixi. At this moment, a phantom appeared in Long Yi's heart, exactly the same as Li Yixi.

"My son is a Buddha!"

"It's my Buddha!"

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