It is not surprising that even Immortal King Xiaoyao can do it himself to revive a dead creature.

But resurrection is not the focus of Xiaoyao Immortal King.

At this moment, what shocked Immortal King Xiaoyao was that he felt the power of time on the corpse.

Time is the most difficult way to control, but he did not expect that at this moment, what Li Yixi mobilized turned out to be the power of time.

The tiger's rebirth was not a resurrection with supreme mana, but a reverse flow of time.

After the tiger was revived, what followed was the scorched earth beneath him.

On the scorched earth, the blackness slowly faded away.

Small cyan grass appeared.

The area is constantly expanding.

All I saw were the branches that were scorched black by the thunder and had already been broken.

At this moment, under the power of time, those broken branches reunited in an extremely strange scene.

The withered tree trunks reappeared with life, and those leaves that had long been reduced to ashes unexpectedly reunited and revived strangely under the power of time.

In just the blink of an eye, under the perception of the Immortal King Xiaoyao, all the ruins within a hundred miles were reproduced in this instant.

The beasts in the mountains continued to play one by one, as if nothing had happened just now.

This terrifying method made the Immortal King Xiaoyao involuntarily hold his breath at this moment.


"This is the power of time!"

"Could it be that the young master controls the time avenue?"

At this moment, the Immortal King Xiaoyao was shocked, the power of time was too terrifying.

The Immortal King Xiaoyao knows very well that once he controls the power of time, he can often win by surprise in battles.

And if it is controlled to the depths, it can also reverse time to the future or detect the past.

Those who control the avenue of time can often walk in the long river of time, go back to the past, and step into the future.

Immortal King Xiaoyao, who was following Li Yixi, looked at Li Yixi's figure at this moment, and his heart trembled violently.

It is not terrible to be invincible alone. What is terrible is that manipulating time can swim in the long river of time.

Xiaoyao Immortal King took a deep breath and suppressed the shock in his heart.

Soon, everyone came to a city.

The city is very lively.

There are quite a few practitioners who have landed, and it doesn't look special for Li Yixi and the others to walk in the sky.

"Let's go and have a look!"

"With so many practitioners gathering here, something big should happen."

Seeing many practitioners gathered here, Li Yixi's face showed excitement.

After finally catching up with the gathering of practitioners, Li Yixi naturally would not miss it.

"Yes, son."

Xiaobai nodded hastily.

Xiaoyao Immortal King and Little Phoenix didn't say anything, they followed behind Li Yixi quietly.

Li Yixi entered the city and observed the monks entering the city. Soon, Li Yixi discovered a common point.

That is these monks, all of them are extremely young and handsome.

At this moment, Li Yixi was also curious, wondering what happened and why so many young heroes gathered.

Li Yixi immediately stopped a monk who looked like a scholar, and asked: "This fellow Taoist, I don't know that so many young heroes are gathered here, what is the matter?"

The scholar-like cultivator saw Li Yixi, his face changed slightly.

"Hmph, ask the question knowingly!"

"I will never lose to you!"

However, the scholar-like monk's answer made Li Yixi bewildered, and Li Yixi felt a faint hostility from the other party.

This made Li Yi even more puzzled by Xizhang and the second monk.

But at this moment, Li Yixi saw many mortals around, staring at these monks curiously, his eyes lit up.

After inquiring about an old man beside him, Li Yixi finally knew the ins and outs and why the scholar-like cultivator just now was hostile to him.

It turned out that there was a family in this city.

It is an extremely powerful family of cultivation.

But this powerful family of cultivation, in this generation, has no sons, and in order to continue the incense, a battle of martial arts was held in the city.

Choose a son-in-law.

Knowing that he was choosing a son-in-law today, Li Yixi also showed curiosity on his face.


"Let's go and see the excitement!"

"Let's see who can embrace a beauty."

Li Yixi took Xiaoyao Immortal King and others to the city center immediately.

As it continued to deepen, Li Yixi couldn't help being shocked at this moment.

Because this city is very large and prosperous, one point can also be explained from here, that is, the background of this family is absolutely beyond imagination. If it is an ordinary family, how can it have the ability to gather so many people and build such a huge city? town.

With the continuous deepening, more and more people, Li Yixi, who was walking among the crowd, gradually heard more details.

This family is called Murong, and the Murong family is very powerful. It is rumored that there are immortals, so they were able to build the ancient city here.

The woman the Murong family chose as a son-in-law today is called Murong Qingcheng.

Rumor has it that she is unparalleled in beauty, known as the number one beauty within a radius of [-] li, and extremely talented, and now she has cultivated to the realm of Xu Xian.

With a peerless appearance and powerful cultivation base, such a Taoist companion is what all monks pursue.

But soon, Li Yixi also heard some news, that is, this is not the first time that Murong Qingcheng has chosen a son-in-law, it seems that he has already chosen quite a few sons-in-law, but those people died young after marrying into Murong's family.

There are rumors in the city that this Murong is alluring, Kefu.


Li Yixi shook his head involuntarily.

But seeing many young heroes in the city, they kept going to the Murong family.

No longer think about it.

But as he got closer to Murong's family, Li Yixi's brows could not help but froze.

"Isn't this Murong family said to be a thousand-year-old family with immortals? But why can't I feel any prosperous aura, but instead has a disgusting cold aura."

"Besides, before these young heroes entered Murong's house, all of them were radiant, but after arriving here, why do these people have black clouds between their brows?"

"Is there anything weird about this Murong family?"

After entering the Murong family, Li Yixi's face changed slightly.


"I feel the evil spirit here!"

At the moment when Li Yixi was puzzled, Little Phoenix's voice sounded in Li Yixi's mind.

"Is there any evil spirit?"

Hearing this, Li Yixi trembled all over, thinking of the black clouds appearing on the foreheads of those young heroes, he also became nervous.

Xiao Fenghuang hastily comforted him: "Master, with us here, don't worry about it, the evil spirit is very weak, we can deal with it."

Li Yixi was completely relieved after hearing that he could cope.

Li Yixi thought to himself: "Could it be that Murong Qingcheng is a demon?"

"Otherwise, how would you overcome it?"

As soon as the thought fell, a group of people from the Murong family came out, and Li Yixi also hurriedly looked up.

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