Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1018: Tathagata's Palm

"It is indeed the son!"

"Before we forgot, this Lingshan is an artifact refined by the young master. Naturally, it contains some of the young master's will."

"And not long ago, the young master personally bestowed the word Lingshan."

"Now these strong men of the Demon Race actually want to destroy Lingshan, which will naturally make the young master's will envy."

"Now that these devils have awakened the will of the young master, the crisis in Lingshan should be resolved today. Even the demon king should not be able to compete with the incarnation of the will of the young master."

When Long Yi saw the incomparably huge Buddha in the void, a look of shock appeared on his face, and the panic in his heart disappeared instantly.

Even the strong sense of oppression brought by the Demon Lord disappeared at this moment.

After all, in their consciousness, Li Yixi has already become an invincible existence.

"Yes, this should be the son's will."

"Otherwise, why is Buddha the face of the son."

His face was shocked, and he also woke up from the panic at this moment. The fear on his face disappeared without a trace, and it was replaced by excitement.

They have seen too many miracles happen in Li Yixi's body.

At this moment, looking at the incomparably huge Buddha in the void, everyone looked excited.

However, at the moment when the Buddhas in Lingshan were excited, the Demon Lord in the void frowned suddenly, with a serious look on his face. The previous Demon Lord did not pay attention to Lingshan, but at this moment, Seeing this Buddha in the void, Mozun had no choice but to face it squarely.

After all, just the buddha light erupting from the opponent killed a demon god of the demon clan. How could this be a weak person.

The face of the huge Buddha in the void was not the slightest difference from Li Yixi's.

At this moment, in the sky, several figures came at an extremely terrifying speed.

It was several demon gods who brought Gu Sen to this place.

As soon as he arrived, Gu Sen met Mozun anxiously.

But Gu Sen had just taken a few steps when his face suddenly changed.

His legs trembled violently.

"It's him, it's him, it's him!"

"Is he not a mortal?"

"Why is there such a terrifying incarnation of will in this spiritual mountain?"

"Damn, it seems that we have all been deceived, that existence is beyond our guess."

"Even if this is not the real body and does not carry the power of merit, it is definitely not simple."

"Master Mozun must be persuaded, otherwise, it is very likely that my demon clan will be destroyed forever."

At this moment, Gu Sen, with an anxious expression on his face, hurried into the magic hall in the void.

"Gusen pays homage to Demon Lord!"

After entering the main hall, Gu Sen hurriedly bowed down.

"You are Goosen!"

"Why did it suddenly become like this?"

Mozun glanced at Gu Sen who was kneeling above the main hall, and found that Gu Sen had aged dozens of years, like a dying old man, with a look of surprise on his face.

Hearing this, Gu Sen said in a trembling voice: "Reporting to the Demon Lord, when I came out today, I met a terrifying existence. Even if my subordinates discovered the abnormal dodge at the first time, they were still severely injured. Absolutely, it is dead at this moment."

"Master Mozun must be careful when dealing with Lingshan."

"If it's not necessary, this subordinate suggests Lord Mozun give up dealing with Lingshan."

"That kind of terrifying existence is too terrifying, and it cannot be defeated by manpower."

"Today's Buddha is the embodiment of his will, especially to protect Lingshan, which may be hard to destroy."

When Gu Sen heard Li Yixi's face, his heart palpitated extremely.


"Gusen, I didn't expect that you are such a waste. How can a mere Lingshan get the Demon Lord. This time, the Lord Demon Lord personally took action. Don't you think that the Lord Demon Lord is not as good as you ants?"

"If it wasn't because you people are too useless, how could Lord Mozun appear here at this moment?"

"Master Mozun, you are the pillar of my demon clan. If Lord Mozun takes action himself, he will return without making any achievements. Doesn't it mean that Lord Mozun is as incompetent as you?"

"What's more, what is there to be afraid of for a newly established sect in Lingshan?"

Before Mozun could answer, the beautiful woman who was serving Mozun spoke with disdain.

When Gu Sen heard this, his face was irritable, but seeing that the Demon Lord did not stop him, he could only suppress the anger in his heart, and hurriedly explained, "Master Demon Lord, how could this subordinate dare to deceive you?"

"Although what that person left in Lingshan is only the embodiment of a will, it will definitely be extremely dangerous."

"Master Mozun, please think again!"

"All the demon gods that fell from my demon clan today, including Lord Demon Dragon, are related to this one."

"This person has too much meritorious power. Even if he doesn't attack, he can't defeat him. If Lingshan is destroyed, and the other party wants to deal with my demons, then it will be troublesome."

Mozun was already extremely arrogant, but at this moment, hearing Gu Sen say that Li Yixi was invincible, he was even more upset.

The demon king was furious.

"Trash, get out of here!"

"A mere Lingshan, this deity can be wiped out!"

"Come on, erase this will incarnation for me."

After scolding Gu Sen, the Mozun's eyes fell on a group of extremely powerful Demon Gods at this moment.

"Follow the devil and obey the orders of the adults."

An incomparably powerful demon god, at this moment, there was an incomparably cold murderous intent in his eyes.

Facing the huge Buddha in the void.

"Why be persistent?"

"If you retreat now, I can spare your life."

"If you still don't give up, then I will leave all of you here today."

The golden Buddha in the void had a refined smile on his face.Facing this incomparably powerful demon god, at this moment, there was no trace of fear on his face.

"Do you want to destroy my demon clan? You are simply wishful thinking. I will come to see you today. You have some strength in mere incarnation."

"The ancient devil has come."

The extremely powerful demon god roared, and the next moment, his body grew rapidly.

The man who cast the dharma is even more terrifying than the previous demon god.

Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, the heaven and earth law of this demon god took shape. It was a supreme demon god with three heads and six arms.

"An ancient magic body?"

Before Lingshan, Long Yi saw Kong and other existences, and seeing the incomparably huge heaven and earth dharma, each of them's expressions changed slightly. They never thought that there would be such a terrifying existence among the demons.

It is very difficult to cultivate the Dharmakaya with three heads and six arms.


The gigantic demon god with three heads and six arms roared angrily at this moment, unleashed a domineering attack, and suppressed the Buddha.

Facing this terrible attack, Buddha had a gentle smile on his face at this moment, as if he would never be angry.


"Since the demons don't know how to surrender, and they are even less willing to retreat, then today I will wait for you."

"Buddha's Palm!"

The next moment, I saw the gigantic figure of Buddha in the void, slowly slapped out with a palm.

At this moment, the dark sky suddenly shot out streams of Buddha's light.

The demon army hurriedly raised their heads one by one, and the next moment, they saw a huge Buddha's palm appearing in the void.

This Buddha palm is beyond imagination.

At the same time, at this moment, these powerful demons also felt the irresistible power from the huge Buddha's palm.

The first to bear the brunt was the demon god who attacked Li Yixi.

His three-headed and six-armed dharma body had just appeared, and the next moment, under the attack of the Buddha's palm, his body instantly turned into nothingness.

The powerful lamp is terrifying, but there is no ability to stop the Buddha's palm at all.

"this this"

In the void, those demon gods originally looked disdainful, but the moment they saw the palm of the supernatural Tathagata, their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

A turbulent wave was set off in the calm heart.

Because at this moment, they saw the palm of the Tathagata suppressing the void.

From the moment Mozun appeared until now, he had never paid attention to Lingshan at all, but his expression changed drastically at this moment.

Because at this moment, Mozun also felt the power of destroying heaven and earth from the palm of the Tathagata, and that power was beyond his imagination.


Mozun's voice resounded through the void for an instant.

Demon Venerable knew very well that he himself might still be able to resist, but those demon gods and generals couldn't resist at all.

However, Mozun has only now let the army of the Demon Race retreat, there is no chance at all.

The next moment, the huge Buddha's palm in the void has fallen.

I saw three thousand demon gods, one hundred thousand demon generals, and one million demon soldiers. At this moment, my body exploded continuously.

Together with the demonic energy in the void, it was instantly purified.

"The magic finger shakes the sky."

The demon god had a murderous look on his face. He never thought that the Buddha's attack this time would have such terrifying power, causing the demons to be severely injured in an instant.

This time, the strong men who came out following the Demon Lord were all the elites of the Demon Race. The Demon Lord never thought that the entire Demon Race army would be wiped out in just a moment.

At the same time as he was angry, the Mozun also had a look of horror at this moment.

Because even if the demon venerable resisted with all his strength, the demon venerable at this moment, facing the Tathagata's palm, could hardly resist. He retreated hundreds of meters before stabilizing his body.

However, at this moment, all the strong demons fell, and even the demonic energy in the void disappeared without a trace.

The Demon Palace where the Demon Lord was before turned into nothingness.

"It's scary. Is this the strongest technique of Buddhism, Tathagata Palm?"

"It seems that our practice of Tathagata God's Palm is too superficial, compared with the young master, it cannot be compared at all."

"It seems that the palm of the Tathagata is more powerful and terrifying than we imagined."

The three brothers of the Long family saw this moment, three thousand demon gods, one hundred thousand demon generals, and one million demon soldiers were instantly killed in the void, their eyes widened with shock on their faces.

They didn't expect that Tathagata God's Palm would have such terrifying power.

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