Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1019 I want to have time and time, I want to have time and time

"The son is invincible!"


"Some people say, who dares to say invincible? But today I told him that the young master is the embodiment of invincibility."

There were powerful beings in Lingshan, all of them were shocked. They never thought that the Buddha would have such a destructive power with just one palm, instantly obliterating the invincible demon powerhouse.

That's three thousand demon gods, one hundred thousand demon generals, and one million demon soldiers!

That kind of power is enough to compete with the Central Immortal Court, maybe the Central Immortal Court cannot be defeated, but Li Yixi just slapped it, and the demon army that covered the sky and the sun was left with only the Demon Lord alone.


To be precise, there is another Gusen who has long since left the void.

At this moment, Gu Sen's eyes were wide open, and it felt like the eyeballs almost fell out.

"This, what is this existence?"

"How could the incarnation of will kill three thousand demon gods, one hundred thousand demon generals, and one million demon soldiers with just one palm?"

"And it actually forced Master Mozun to retreat a hundred meters."

"Before, I thought that the other party was just a mortal who got the power of merit!"

"Lord Mozun is a half-step detached existence, is that existence a person who has already detached?"

At the moment when the word detachment was mentioned, Gu Sen's body trembled unceasingly.

The scene just now was too terrifying, too terrifying.

The attack of the Buddha's Palm was so terrifying.

This is the first time Gu Sen has seen such a power that destroys the world.

"Go, I have to go, otherwise, once I am targeted by the other party, I will definitely die."

Gu Sen, who managed to save his life from the previous danger, at this moment, after seeing Li Yixi's incomparably terrifying will incarnation, how could he dare to stay in the slightest, not to mention that all the demon armies fell, even if It was the demon king who fell, and Gu Sen didn't dare to go to help.And Gu Sen had a premonition that the demon king was finished.

At this moment, Gu Sen ran for his life without the slightest hesitation.

In the void outside the Lingshan Mountain, at this moment, Mozun had an unbelievable expression on his face, his eyes fixed on the Buddha in the void.

A heart trembled violently.

Eyebrows almost knit together.

A look of disbelief.

"Detachment, the other party must be an existence of detachment level."

"Otherwise, how could it be possible to kill three thousand demon gods, one hundred thousand demon generals, and one million demon soldiers with just one palm?"

"I didn't expect there to be a detached existence in this world."

"But this is also an opportunity. It's just the incarnation of detached will. If I can devour this incarnation, maybe I can take that step in an instant."

"Moreover, this spiritual mountain also contains the power of luck beyond imagination. With the blessing of these powers of luck, maybe today is my chance to step into the realm of detachment. The luck of luck has greatly increased the chance."

After being frightened, at this moment, the eyes of the demon god revealed streaks of golden light, and even the demon god's body was trembling with excitement.

In Mozun's view, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

"Ha ha!"

"If you step through the iron shoes, there is nowhere to find it, and it takes no effort to get it."

"This deity has now practiced half a step to the realm of detachment, and it is difficult to take the last step completely. I did not expect to meet an incarnation of will that has transcended the realm today."

"Today, this deity will destroy you and completely devour and refine you. Coupled with the powerful power of luck contained in Lingshan, this deity will definitely be able to go a step further and truly step into transcendence."

"At that time, the deity will be the real master."

"No one can stop you today, and you can't stop me."

"It's just an incarnation of will, I think you can still use Tathagata palm a few times."

After the voice fell, the Demon Venerable's body exploded with energy, and at this moment, the Demon Venerable seemed to become an invincible existence.

That aura was even comparable to that of the Buddha in the void.


"The sky is reversible, but I am irreversible!"

"I think it's the right way for the benefactor to put down the butcher's knife. At least I can give you a chance of reincarnation. Otherwise, you will really die without even a chance of reincarnation."

In the void, the Buddha still had that elegant smile on his face facing the Demon Venerable whose aura soared at this moment.

Even if the Demon Lord's strength is extremely terrifying at this moment, there is no trace of fear on the Buddha's face.

Liao Kong and the others muttered to themselves one by one.

"The sky is reversible, but I am irreversible!"

At first, they saw the Demon Lord erupting half a step beyond the realm of strength. At this moment, everyone's face showed worry. However, when they heard Li Yixi's calm words, everyone was relieved for an instant.

Pairs of fiery eyes fell on Void Buddha at this moment.

There was a mocking look on Mozun's face, "The sky is reversible, but you are irreversible."

"Where did you get the qualifications from?"

"Even your true self doesn't have such abilities, let alone you are just an incarnation of an idea."

After the Mozun's voice fell, at this moment, a bloody long knife suddenly appeared in the hands of the Mozun.

On this blood-colored long knife, blood glistened to the sky, as if that long knife had swallowed the blood of hundreds of millions of living beings.

That ray of blood made people tremble uncontrollably, and at this moment, a boundless blood shadow appeared behind the Mozun.

This blood shadow was extremely terrifying, turning the sky into blood, as if walking out of the boundless sea of ​​blood.

"I have a knife that can cut the sky."

As the Demon Lord's voice fell, the blood-colored long knife in his hand instantly turned into a thousand-foot blood blade, and slowly fell directly towards the Buddha in the form of Li Yixi in the void.

This knife seems to be able to kill all living beings.

This knife seems to be able to cut down the sky.

This knife seems to be able to dominate the world.

At the moment when the saber was slashed, Long Yi and the others showed expressions of horror on their faces, because at this moment, all of them realized that they couldn't move at all.

At the moment when the knife was cut out, it seemed that even this piece of time and space had stopped.

This knife can not only destroy everything, but also imprison everything.

And it's coming to an end.

"Can the son handle it?"

"This, this knife is too terrifying, it is simply not something that humans can use."

"Even time and space are controlled by it. The strength of this Demon Lord is indeed extremely terrifying. No wonder he was able to survive in the ancient times."


At this moment, the first class of empty dragons existed, staring at the void one by one, wondering if Li Yixi's avatar could deal with it, after all, the Demon Lord at this moment gave them too much pressure.

In their minds, they couldn't help but think of the words of Mozun, this knife can cut the sky.

In this void, at this moment, time and space have stagnated. However, the phantom of the Buddha sitting cross-legged in the void still has a refined smile on his face, as if the smile on his face has never changed.


"The benefactor is really amazing. I didn't expect this knife to merge with the Dao of Time and Space."

"Even if it is an ordinary and detached existence, it is very likely that it will be severely injured or even fall under this knife of yours."

"Your talent really has to be praised."

"But sorry, as I said before, the sky is reversible, but I am irreversible."

"I want to have time and day, and I want to have time and day."

"You can increase time and space, but you can't control the time and space around me, where I am, where the Tao is."

"I am the Tao."

At this moment, the golden Buddha had an elegant face, and the Buddha light around him was extremely terrifying, as if turning this emptiness into a pure land of Buddhism.

Within the range covered by the Buddha's light, this piece of time and space seems to be isolated from this world.

In the void, the bloody long knife cut everything, but when the bloody long knife cut into the endless Buddha light.

In the void, the golden Buddha said calmly.

"Forbidden land of Buddhism, there should be no killing, no blood, no desire to win, no devilish energy."

As the sound of the golden Buddha sounded, at this moment, within the range of the Buddha's light, strange forces appeared one after another. The bloody long knife originally carried the power to destroy everything, but it was different from that strange force. When they met, strange cracks appeared on the bloody long knife at this moment.

The next moment, under the gaze of everyone, the huge blood-colored long knife instantly exploded in the endless Buddha light.

Under the shroud of Buddha's light, those fragments also slowly melted and disappeared.

The bloodthirsty, madness, greed, and ruthlessness contained in it were instantly purified.

The Buddha light in the void became more holy.

The Demon Lord, who had an arrogant face, suddenly changed his face at this moment. The Demon Lord never expected that his saber would be instantly shattered by Li Yixi.


Mozun's throat was sweet, and a mouthful of blood spewed out in the next moment.

The blood knife shattered, and the Mozun suffered a backlash at this moment.

At the same time, the power of the demon king to imprison the world also disappeared.


"who are you?"

"What power is that?"

The Mozun's eyes became extremely sharp, fixedly staring at the phantom Buddha in the void.

The golden Buddha has a faint smile on his face.

"Almsgiver, I said that I want to have a time and a day, and I want a time and a day."

"Where I am is where the Tao is."

"Although your strength is strong, you are vulnerable in front of me."

"I advise the benefactor to kill himself!"

"A demon like you is not eligible to enter reincarnation."

"Your practice method is too evil."

Hearing the Buddha's voice, the Mozun showed a killing intent on his face, and bloody flames shot out from his eyes.


"Not worthy of reincarnation?"

"You're right. Why would a detached existence like me enter reincarnation?"

"I'd like to see how much power you can consume with just one thought incarnation."

"I'm afraid you have reached your limit just now, right?"

"And I haven't done my best yet?"

The Demon Lord's face became extremely ferocious.

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