Xuanhuan: It turns out that I am a peerless master

Chapter 1017 The Demon Venerable Arrives

"not good!"

"Quick, quickly contact Lord Mozun and let Lord Mozun come back."

"If that person returns to Lingshan, it will be dangerous for Lord Mozun to go."

When Gu Sen heard this, his expression changed drastically.

On the forehead, drops of sweat instantly appeared, with a look of horror on his face.

Gu Sen knew very well that the Demon Lord was the pillar of the Demon Race, if the Demon Lord was backlashed to death by the power of merit, then the Demon Race would be over.

A demon clan without a demon king is like a tiger whose teeth have been pulled out.


Without the Demon Lord, the Demon Race is a sick cat.

"Master Gusen, we have no way to contact Lord Mozun, but count according to the speed. At this moment, Lord Mozun is probably approaching Lingshan."

"Master Mozun's strength is extremely powerful, we can't speculate, maybe Lord Mozun can block which existence is not certain."

"Besides, that special mortal is not in Lingshan, Lord Mozun, you may not meet him.":

A demon god looked anxious at the moment, but he was slightly relieved when he thought of the mountain range where the demon dragon fell.


"Maybe, maybe it's too late!"

"Go, take me to see Lord Mozun."

"Quick, quick,"

"I hope Lord Mozun will not meet anyone."

"The backlash of the power of merit is terrible."

Gu Sen's face looked a little desperate.

After all, Li Yixi put too much pressure on him.


At this moment, the demon gods, who dared to stay, immediately took Gu Sen out of the abyss and headed for the Lingshan Mountain.

Thousands of miles away from Lingshan, in the void at this moment.

A huge palace was suspended, and behind the palace, there was darkness.

In the darkness, countless demon gods and generals followed.

At this moment, the clear sky was also covered by that terrifying demonic energy.

In the palace, the Demon Venerable drank leisurely.


A piercing sound sounded, and a figure was seen landing in the palace.

"Reporting to Demon Lord, we are only a thousand miles away from Lingshan, and we will arrive at Lingshan soon."

"Such a mere Lingshan, the subordinates feel that they are not qualified to let Lord Mozun take action. If we take action, we will definitely be able to slaughter Lingshan."

The demon god who was kneeling on the ground had a look of disdain.


"Don't underestimate the heroes of the world. Don't you know how many demon gods and generals have died in the demon clan today?"

"I asked you to investigate the news of Lingshan, but the investigation is clear."

Mozun slowly raised his head, snorted coldly, and asked lightly.

"Master Mozun?"

Our investigation found that Lingshan was transformed by an extremely powerful artifact.

The defense is extremely strong, but I believe that as long as we make a move, there is definitely a way to break it.

We can also deal with the strongest existence in Lingshan.

The Demon God hastily replied.

"Get off."

After Mozun heard what he said, he snorted coldly.

Slightly angry.


"Subordinate, get out now."

Seeing the anger of the demon god, the demon god turned pale instantly.

Hastily rolled and crawled out of the palace.

"Mozun, is there something wrong with his investigation?"

Beside Mozun, an extremely beautiful woman asked with a smile.

"Of course there are problems."

"Do you think there are only ants in Lingshan? Then the existence of magic dragons and others will fall?"

"The magic dragon is the realm of the emperor."

"The god emperor is dead. Do you think that a demon god in the realm of a god king can destroy Lingshan?"

"This Lingshan is not easy.!"

"Actually, the reason why the deity went there in person was that not long ago, he felt a force of luck that descended on the Far West."

"That direction is exactly where Lingshan is."

"It is very possible that Lingshan has been blessed by the power of luck."

"With the blessing of luck, it will not be so easy to destroy Lingshan."

"However, that is also for others. In the eyes of this deity, Lingshan is vulnerable."

"If you can swallow the luck of Lingshan, maybe you can make this deity go one step further."


"The deity can't wait."

A look of disdain appeared in Mozun's eyes.

The demon army was ordered to increase its speed instantly, and headed towards Lingshan at an extremely terrifying speed.

Soon, in the void.

Lingshan is shrouded in Buddha's light, and Lingshan seems to be an extremely terrible Buddhist world.

It gives people a holy and peaceful feeling.

However, Skyrim.

The darkness moved quickly.


"The big thing is not good, the demon army is here."

A monk entered the Buddhist hall with a pale face.

"Is the demon army coming?"

"The demons really deserve to die."

"Buddha, what should we do?"

These monks looked angry and worried at the same time.

The demon army is going, this is a big crisis.

All along, they have never really fought against the demon army.

"Demon Race, really damn it,"

"My Lingshan was just born, and it is so easy to destroy my Lingshan."

"Spirit Mountain is an extremely terrifying divine weapon, I want to see how they break it." Long Yi mocked.

Immediately, one after another figures appeared at the gate of Lingshan Mountain.

At this instant, Long Yi's eyes changed.

On the forehead, slightly sweating.

"Three thousand demon gods."

"A hundred thousand magic generals?"

"A million demon soldiers."

"This one must be the Lord of the Demon City, the strongest existence of the Demon Race, the Demon Lord!"

"Beyond the realm of the ancestor gods, the Demon Lord who is about to transcend!"

Long Yi, who was originally confident, changed his expression.

The Buddha, who was full of fighting spirit, saw the demon army covering the sky at this moment, his legs trembled slightly.

That oppressive feeling was really hard to resist.

"Who is the Lord of Lingshan?"

"Come out and die."

A demon god strode out, his extremely cold eyes fell on the people at the gate of Lingshan Mountain.

Long Yi took a deep breath and said coldly.

"A ants, if you have the ability, kill into my spirit mountain!"

Long Yi was extremely angry.

I really want to kill, kill.

But there are too many powerful demons, and even the demons have come.

"is it?"

"Do you really think that this broken artifact can stop the attack of my demons?"

"Today, I will break this artifact for Lord Mozun."

"Law in heaven and earth!"

The demon god roared, and in the next moment, he turned into a thousand feet, and slapped the Lingshan below him with a palm.

This palm is extremely terrifying.

The power contained in it seems to be able to destroy the world.

However, at the moment when his magic palm was about to hit Lingshan, a figure resounded from Lingshan.


This voice resounded through the void at this moment, constantly echoing.

The sound of Buddha swept across the world.

At the same time, Lingshan itself erupted with Buddha light.

Makes it hard to keep your eyes open.


At the same time, it was accompanied by a shrill scream.

I saw that powerful demon god, at this moment, under the Buddha's light, his body continuously turned into nothingness, and he couldn't resist for a moment even if he tried his best.

At the same time, in the Buddha's light, an unimaginably huge phantom of the Buddha appeared.

The moment they saw this phantom, their eyes widened.

A look of disbelief.

"This, this, isn't this young master?" Long Yi, Liao Kong and the others were stunned for an instant.

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