"Young master, how do you eat?"

Immortal King Xiaoyao was very excited at the moment, his fiery eyes fell on Li Yixi.

"Take the right part, stew and braise, of course, outside, there is no soul without barbecue."

"Don't worry, I have all the tools with me."

Li Yixi smiled, and with a wave of his hand, countless tools were taken out of the system space.

Seeing the tools in front of him, Xiao Fenghuang froze for a moment. Xiao Fenghuang always felt that he was a foodie, but at this moment he suddenly felt that his master was the biggest foodie.

He even brought cooking tools and various condiments with him.

And looking at those knives and the presence there, everyone was shocked.


A terrifying precious light is entwined on each of the knives.

"Young master, let's come, let's come!"

After waking up from the shock of the dragon's fall, everyone was extremely excited.

Demon God Gusen fled all the way into the abyss before recovering from his panic.

At this moment, Gusen's demon body is extremely shriveled.

Burning energy and blood all the way to escape, at this moment, Gu Sen was extremely weak.

Hu Hu Hu.

Living in the abyss, panting violently.

That face, at this moment, has also become shriveled due to the consumption of energy and blood, extremely old.


When Gu Sen was panting violently, figures appeared not far away, and their extremely cold eyes locked on Gu Sen.

In the abyss, there was a sudden killing intent.

"Cough cough!"

Gu Sen wanted to speak, but his Qi and blood were uncontrollable, and he coughed violently, spurting out a mouthful of blood.

Gu Sen was struck by lightning before, and then he went to see the magic dragon and burned his blood to escape, which can be said to be worse.

At this moment, Gu Sen was extremely weak.

After narrowly escaping from death, he felt so aggrieved that he returned to the abyss, and was yelled at by these little demons, with extremely ferocious expressions on his face.


"Do you even know this king?"


At this moment, Gu Sen desperately needs to replenish his energy and blood, and almost has only his last breath left.

Immediately cast the secret technique, covering these demon guards in an instant. These murderous demon guards were shrouded in Gu Sen's domain, screaming one by one.


A series of miserable howls sounded in the abyss.

In the abyss, like ghosts crying and wolves howling.

From the bodies of the demon guards, streams of qi and blood burst out directly, heading towards Gu Sen's shriveled body.

Whoosh whoosh.

At this moment, one after another piercing sound resounded.

In the abyss demon city, demon gods came violently.

"Swallow the blood world?"


"It's Master Goosen."

Seeing the secret technique, a demon god almost frowned, and immediately stopped those who were about to attack.

"Master Goosen?"

"How is it possible, Mr. Gu Sen has powerful supernatural powers, how could it be possible for the Slaughter Demon Guard to recover in the abyss."

A demon god with an incredible expression on his face.

"To shut up!"

"Wait a minute, you'll know."

Which demon god snorted coldly.

Following Gu Sen's devouring, at this moment, Gu Sen's withered face gradually revealed its original appearance.

But at this moment, Gu Sen still seemed to have aged several decades.

At this moment, the demons naturally recognized Gu Sen.

Everyone's face changed slightly, and their bodies trembled slightly. No one thought that the incomparably powerful Gu Sen was forced to burn his energy and blood, and almost exhausted his energy and blood.

"Meet Lord Goosen."

Seeing that the devouring gradually stopped, all the demons hurriedly knelt down one by one.

Gu Sen slowly opened his eyes, even though he had swallowed a lot of blood, his face was still extremely pale.

However, he saved his life.

"Get up!"

Goosen took a deep breath and waved.

The demons got up and looked at Gu Sen with serious expressions, "Master Gu Sen, what happened?"

"Why are you forced to be like this, my lord!"

"As long as the lord gives an order, I will go with the lord and destroy it."

"I am a demon god, and I am not afraid of anything."

The demon gods were extremely angry at the moment.

"To shut up!"

"The opponent is invincible, even if Lord Mozun makes a move, he is also invincible."

"He is invincible."

At this moment, Gu Sen couldn't help but hear that sentence in his mind.

this world.

The invincible?

The invincible?

Gu Sen would not admit defeat to anyone, but when he thought of Li Yixi, he had a look of panic and despair.

"Master Gu Sen, who dares to say that he is invincible."

"How could it be impossible for Lord Mozun to defeat him?"

"Master Mozun, but an invincible existence."

"I do not believe."

A demon god looked at Gu Sen angrily at this moment.

I felt that Gu Sen was greedy for life and afraid of death, and was frightened stupid.

Facing disdainful faces, Gu Sen's mouth curled up with disdain.

He said coldly: "Do you think that man can be defeated by manpower?"

After the voice fell, Gu Sen waved his big hand.

next moment.

In the abyss, scenes appeared.

It was the scene where the demon dragon and others were struck to death by the divine thunder.

Looking at the Baili Mountains one by one, they were instantly destroyed by the divine thunder.

The powerhouses of the demon clan were instantly reduced to ashes, and the incomparably powerful demon dragon was also instantly annihilated.

Before the Abyss Demon City, it became extremely quiet at this moment.

A dead silence.

Even the sound of breathing disappeared.

The demon gods who shouted before had their eyes widened, full of horror.

"Do you think that if you join forces, you can win?"

Gu Sen had a sneer on his face at the moment.

Gu Sen's voice fell, and there was a dead silence before the Abyss Demon City.

Wu Mo dared to say anything.

After a long time, a demon god asked with a trembling voice: "Master Gusen, why, why does that person not move at all, but can control the thunder of the heavenly dao?"

Heavenly Dao Shenlei, for the demons, the restraint is too serious, why the attack is too terrible.


"Do you think that's manipulation?"

"That's a mortal, a mortal who has cultivated a physical body."

When Gu Sen thought of Li Yixi, he looked terrified.

"A mortal?"

"how is this possible?"

"A mere mortal, how could he manipulate the divine thunder to kill Lord Demon Dragon and ten thousand demon generals?"

A demon god shook his head hastily.

The other demon gods also looked puzzled.

"In his body, the power of merit is dissipated."

"That is the backlash of the power of merit."

"This person is invincible."


"Do you think you have a way to break the backlash of the power of merit?"

"Which one of you dares to kill him?"

Gu Sen's cold eyes scanned the audience.

The whole place was quiet.

Wu Mo dared to say anything.

The body of merit and virtue, they can't break it.

Even if Li Yixi is a mortal, there is no solution.

"Go away, I'm going to see Lord Mozun!"

Gu Sen looked irritated.

However, the moment Gu Sen's voice fell, the faces of the demon gods in front of the demon city changed drastically.

"not good!"

"Master Gusen, Lord Mozun saw that several demon gods and even Lord Demon Dragon had fallen from the demon clan. The Mozun was furious and went to Lingshan."

A demon god hurriedly explained.


"Did the demon go to Lingshan?" Gu Sen's voice was trembling at this moment.

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