On the [-]th day of the first lunar month, the road construction project from Huangling Village to Hexi Village in Fengwobao Village officially kicked off.

The appeal of the leading group of Fengwobao Village this term is still remarkable. There are more than 200 laborers in the nine natural villages of Fengwobao Village, and [-]% of them have come out.

At 07:30 in the morning, it was spread out on this road of more than 500 meters, and each person was divided into lengths of about 1.5 meters.

A line was drawn with white ash in the middle of the road.

Naturally, road construction must be done in half and half, and the road cannot be blocked all at once.

In this way, the subgrade that each person has to dig is 1.5 meters long, [-] meters wide, and [-] centimeters deep.

After everyone took their positions, Li Jinyou gave an order, and saw picks flying and shovels flying, the scene was very spectacular.

As the proponent of road construction, Jiang Yu certainly couldn't be the shopkeeper, so he also split a section of the road.

This girl Baifeng may seem careless and careless at ordinary times, but she is very delicate when she works. She firmly stands next to Jiang Yu, and shamelessly says that if she can't finish the work, Jiang Yu has to help her. .

Jiang Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry as he acted as he should.

"You work at least you get a decent guy, what is that you get?"

Bai Feng came here with a round shovel, but the shovel has been worn out quite badly, the cutting part in front has been worn away, and the remaining surface of the shovel is bigger than the palm of a person.


"Are you sure this isn't your mother's coal shovel?"

"Oh! Why did I bring such a shovel here?" Bai Feng realized that he was holding a shovel at this time, which was a bit strange.

"Who knows how you got it? No one with any brains can get such a shovel."

"It's my mother's fault. If he hadn't nagged me in the morning, I would have brought a shovel like this."

This pot was dumped, her mother didn't know if she sneezed or not at home.

"I'll go home and get another one right away."

"Forget it! Anyway, I don't expect you to be able to do anything, just use this shovel to scratch and pull."

Jiang Yu brought a pickaxe and a shovel.

The surface of the road itself has a certain hardness, and it is still freezing, so it is definitely not easy to remove this hard cover without a pick.

If you need an excavator, it will save a lot of trouble.

When it comes to working, Jiang Yu is absolutely unambiguous, and his physical fitness is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

He turns the pickaxe and digs very rhythmically. He can dig a piece of hard soil nearly one foot square with one move. He is in charge of digging. .

The two of them cooperated very tacitly, and took off the hard cover of their part of the road within ten minutes.

After the hard cover was removed, the world of shovels came down. Jiang Yu thought that scrapping would get in the way and let her play while wielding the shovel to dig the soil one by one.

"Jiang Yu! Why did you dig so deep? Isn't [-] centimeters too deep? You can't dig a coffin pit that deep!"

This section is full of people from Huangling Village, so someone asked.

Listen, who are these people!There is also such a comparison.

"The section of our road under construction is full of soil. It turns muddy when it thaws in spring and freezes in winter. It's even more muddy during the rainy season in summer. In the past, it could be handled by horse-drawn carriages and a few tractors, but in the future this road Hundreds of tractors and heavy-duty vehicles pass by the road every day. If you don’t dig deep, it doesn’t matter if it’s not repaired.

Jiang Yu answered seriously.

"Look at Jiang Yu's young couple. Jiang Yu is digging the ground and Bai Feng cleans up. I'm really envious of this guy." After answering the first question, the second question took a big turn.

These people are so hateful, they were talking about road construction just a second ago, why did he and Bai Feng get involved in the moment they turned around?

"I said you are enough! Don't make jokes about it, I don't care about it as a guy, but Bai Feng is a big girl, how can you let her mess around in the world in the future?"

"Hahaha! All the gangsters have come out, what kind of scumbags are you? In the future, just hang out with your family. It happens that your family name is Jiang, and your family is a scumbag. Bai Chaofeng promises to have no objection."

With so many mouths, his house will turn into paste in the blink of an eye.

Bai Feng raised the shovel in his hand: "Zhang Shan Pao! Believe it or not, I will go down with the shovel, and in the next life you will be the An...Anan sea in the Yuanmingyuan?" Although he said fiercely in his mouth, his face It's true that you don't have a dazzling smile, and you are a hypocrite.

The movie "Burning the Old Summer Palace" in [-] appeared on TV last night, and Bai Feng even remembered the name of a person in it.

"An Minghai!" I don't know who said it without saying a word, Jiang Yu sounded very much like Li Qingxian's boring coquettish.

Boom!Everyone in Huangling Village couldn't stop laughing, even Jiang Yu couldn't help laughing.

I don't know if Lao An had a series of sneezes in the machinery factory?

When his father named him at the beginning, if he changed Ming into De by hand, he would become a eunuch.

Even so, it is not far from the eunuch.

Fortunately, An Minghai is from the older generation, no one would make fun of him with this.

If he is also eighteen 23 this year, the title of eunuch will definitely fall on his head without even thinking about it.

Talking and laughing is the most economical way of working, and people are not tired after the work is done.

What stunned the people of Huangling Village was that Jiang Yu basically never stopped working, and he didn't even take a cigarette break in the middle, he just kept working hard.

The people around him couldn't handle it anymore. They all agreed that Jiang Yu was a beast, or even worse than a beast.

Some gloaters were worried about Bai Feng, saying that if she got into the mess of Jiang's family in the future, she would definitely not be able to bear such a beast's body.

This is a vague hint.

Soon it was noon, and people suddenly discovered that Jiang Yu had finished digging the three-meter-long and two-and-a-half-meter-wide section of road between Jiang Yu and Baifeng!

That's right, the digging is indeed over, only the four corners of the bottom and some floating soil have not been cleaned out.

Others dug half of it at most.

According to Jiang Yu's working speed, if he said an extra hour in the afternoon, the road between him and Bai Feng would be completely over.

This stimulated the people in Huangling Village a lot.

In terms of making money, there are not as many people as others, and this work can't be done by others. Does this make people live?

Jiang Yu laughed: "It's okay to say that you are just kidding, but you are really bad at work! If you don't work hard this afternoon, I will tell you to be old in the future."

It is absolutely unacceptable for a man to be called an old man, and it is absolutely unbearable.

So when I was working in the afternoon, the people in Huangling Village suddenly became very good at it. It was like a competition, and the work was basically completed before three o'clock.

Looking at the other teams, none of them were finished.

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