When they passed by Yang Wan's home on their way home, Yang Wan was making gestures and rowing with Yan Hongqiu, head of the bricklayer team in Lingdong Village, a neighboring village.

Although there are some people in Huangling Village who go out to work as bricklayers during the slack season, they don't have their own team, and they all work with Yan Hongqiu in Lingdong.

Seeing Yan Hongqiu, Jiang Yu remembered that his family was going to build a house this summer, so he moved over.

In [-], he was able to pull up a team to build a house and earn pocket money. Yan Hongqiu was considered a half-capable person in Fengwobao Village, and he was also a small contractor.

He usually walks with his head held high and his chest held high, with an attitude of contempt for the world, but when facing Jiang Yu, his attitude is much more honest.

In his impression, this young man is not simple.

Just look at the pile of tractors in the open space in front of the Huangling Village team department, and you can't underestimate this young man.

"We build a house in the countryside. The manual fee is [-]. Up to the plastering of the walls inside the house, this building...we have never built it before. I wonder how old nephew Jiang will build this small building?"

Hearing that Jiang Yu was going to build a second-story building, Yang Wan couldn't roll his eyes.

no!Even if my daughter is young, she still has to be Jiang Yu's daughter-in-law, just because she is afraid that others will look down on her.

"Dig a 1.2-meter foundation, build a foundation with stones, put a ring beam on the ground, and then build a brick to the top, and pour concrete for the first floor of the house...Do you know how to make concrete?"

At that time, the ready-made cement prefabricated slabs were used to build the building. No one had used concrete to make the roof or the interval between floors. It would be a few years later to pour concrete.

Jiang Yu is not very interested in prefabricated panels. He has seen with his own eyes the collapse of prefabricated panels in this old-fashioned building. Once the upper floor falls, the prefabricated panels on the lower floor will also be broken down. He still has lingering fears when he thinks about it. .

He decided to use concrete to build the building himself. Although it was expensive and time-consuming, he felt at ease.

"We know how to make concrete, but plywood without brackets! How can we make concrete without plywood?"

The plywood in Yan Hongqiu's mouth is a membrane panel. Without formwork, it is impossible to fix the shape of the concrete, and it is impossible to pour it.

"This problem...Let's talk about it first. There must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Maybe one day it will be solved."

Both Yan Hongqiu and Yang Wan were amused by Jiang Yu's strange description. Can the difficulty be solved with a whimper?

"Uncle Yang! Uncle Yan! Tomorrow the road in front of our gate will be repaired, but there is still a shortage of about one or two hundred square meters of crushed stones to pad the bottom of the roadbed. Do you know where there are crushed stones? Large-scale ones. "

"There are temple quarries! Outside the temple quarries are piled up like mountains, as many as you want."

Miaoshan Stone Field is also in Jianshan Township, and it is one of the two stone fields in Jianshan Township.

Speaking of Miaoshan Stone Field, one cannot fail to mention one person's name: Tang Chengshan.

Years ago Tang Chengshan tried to contract the quarry in Huangling Village, and almost succeeded.

If it wasn't for the failure of the interest conditions and Pan Chunqiu's failure to sign the contract, Tang Chengshan would have signed the contract with Fengwopu Village, and it would be much more troublesome for Jiang Yu to contract the quarry later.

"Except for Miaoshan Stone Field? It's too far away, it's not worth it!"

Temple Mountain is in the northwest of Jianshan Township, and Fengwobao is just in the southeast of Jianshan Township. The distance between the two sides is thirty or forty miles, which is indeed a bit far.

This can only be regarded as an excuse, Jiang Yu doesn't want to have any more contact with the person who almost pried his corner.

"Then I didn't see any broken stones anywhere."

"What kind of crushed stone do you want?"

"It's just a palm-sized broken stone."

"Is that brown crisp stone okay?"

Brown crisp stone is far from bluestone in terms of firmness, and it is absolutely impossible to use it to build houses and walls.

However, for areas where there is no bluestone production, this kind of stone is also used to build walls and fill foundations.

If it can be used to fill the foundation, it is not a problem to fill the roadbed.

"It's also okay!"

"Crap! Even smart people can be stupid, isn't there?" Yang Wan stretched out his hand and pointed to Xiaoling opposite Huangling Village.

There is a land about 30 meters wide in front of Donggou, and on the other side of the land is a small ridge with a height of more than 20 meters. This small ridge is the boundary between Huangling Village and Lingdong Village.

There are stones in the hills, and there are rich stones in the small ridges, but unfortunately they are all brownish-yellow, which is probably how Huangling Village got its name back then.

"The small ridge is full of these brownish-yellow stones. One cannonball can blow down half the mountain. If you fire two cannonballs there, the problem will probably be solved."

Jiang Yu's eyes lit up, the three cobblers can really stand up to Zhuge Liang, wouldn't the problem of lacking gravel be solved?

Jiang Yu turned around and pedaled hard, and came to the quarry again to find Li Jinyu.

After talking about the matter, Li Jinyu didn't hesitate at all: "Then you pull the wind cannon over there in the afternoon, drill a few holes and blast a few times, the crisp rocks there collapsed without any big pieces, and they were all crushed stones, which were just used as cushions. roadbed."

After the problem was solved in theory, it entered the practical stage. In the afternoon, Jiang Yu drove the jackhammer to a natural stone pit on the west side of Xiaoling, and Li Jinyu's son Li Guoquan operated the jackhammer to drill the hole.

It doesn't take much trouble to blast the stones here, and the drill pipe goes up and a blast hole is pierced in a short time.

After two o'clock, all the blastholes were drilled, and after the blastholes were drilled, the powder was charged.

This time Jiang Yu personally installed the gunpowder.

From here to Donggou on the opposite side, the distance is more than 30 meters. If the artillery is not well loaded, it may be shot into a goddess, and the gravel may fly over. It is not a big problem to smash a few pieces of glass, but if you smash two The brain is a big problem.

So Jiang Yu did it himself.

As a scout, he has received absolutely formal training in blasting. He knows what kind of terrain, what kind of explosives, and what kind of blasting method can achieve the greatest efficiency.

While Li Jinyu was playing the blast, Jiang Yu called a few cronies, as well as Bai Chaofeng who liked to join in the fun.

When Jiang Yu loaded the gunpowder in his own way, he asked these cronies to go door to door and inform the people living in Donggou to hide behind the house at three o'clock, so as not to be smashed in the head by flying stones .

As for the event that something is broken, Jiang Yu promises to pay double the price.

At three o'clock, Jiang Yu personally lit the fuses one by one, and then hid in a safe place.

"Boom boom boom!" There were seven muffled sounds in a row.

When the smoke cleared and Jiang Yu and Li Guoquan appeared in front of the stone pit again, they couldn't find Bei for a while.

The natural stone pit where they fired the cannon was gone, and it was completely filled with brownish-yellow stones.

It is too much to say that half of the mountain was blown down, but the mountains in this area have indeed undergone obvious deformation.

"Brother Guoquan! Estimate how many cubic meters these gravels can have?"

"There is absolutely no problem in the hundred and eighty squares. It should be more cleared up."

This is enough.

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